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Shito man pateica viens mans ally.

Shito sanema visi FFH wingi.

FFH spy 01/23/08

Another message from Despondency 06:47:55

Hi mates,

This is a message from Despondency

Everyone needs to search for -AC- main alliance targets, if there they are not in range, please search for the closest AoW targets.

We will start the war very shortly, and want everyone in to hit hard!

Alliances are plannign against us, because AoW is getting hit hard by MAFIA, with little loss from the side of MAFIA.

I want you all to pick a -AC- or AoW target and start catapulting them, cropfields and granary, after they are croplocked, academy, mainbuilding.

When you are going to hit someone, make sure you also send out a fake cata to his other village, and 5 fake to the members surrounding him.

If you need to scout a player, or check if he is online, please contact me!

You only need to send 1 scout, I will give you the report.

Things to work on form now:

1. Defence units

2. rally point lvl 20 !

Everyoen needs to Hit -AC- or AoW non-stop from today on!!

Happy hunting!


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ziņa no Kronic

It seems that FFH wants to go to war with us. Everyone please read this message now. I would like all members to pick FFH players in main and other wings and send out at least 6 fake attacks 3x a day for the next few days until stated otherwise. I will contact each player one by one for our large offensive targets that we will hit. Everyone must take part in this. Please send the fake attacks out as stated above and those of you with large armies contact me in game and I will form a few different targets from FFH for us to catapult to nothing.

We will not be alone in this as many other Alliances will be taking part. Everyone should be working on defensive units from here out unless you have large offensive armies. Contact the players in your area to setup reinforcement request for eachother. We will be attacking FFH non stop from here out. They plan to attack us and now is the time for us to act.

I will share more information with you as it is being worked out. Be alert and be ready for what ever comes your way. Here is a copy of the message sent to all FFH players:

Members of all wing please contact me if you have large offensive armies I will form and contact players for plans on attack. Everyone should change in game time to GMT -8 so that we are all on the same time.


Fang 01/23/08

Another message from Despondency 06:47:55

Hi mates,

This is a message from Despondency

Everyone needs to search for -AC- main alliance targets, if there they are not in range, please search for the closest AoW targets.

We will start the war very shortly, and want everyone in to hit hard!

Alliances are plannign against us, because AoW is getting hit hard by MAFIA, with little loss from the side of MAFIA.

I want you all to pick a -AC- or AoW target and start catapulting them, cropfields and granary, after they are croplocked, academy, mainbuilding.

When you are going to hit someone, make sure you also send out a fake cata to his other village, and 5 fake to the members surrounding him.

If you need to scout a player, or check if he is online, please contact me!

You only need to send 1 scout, I will give you the report.

Things to work on form now:

1. Defence units

2. rally point lvl 20 !

Everyoen needs to Hit -AC- or AoW non-stop from today on!!

Happy hunting!


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shada situacija gludeklja defense plans liekas ljoti nevajadzigs, jo tapat ta karma bus aiznjemta uzbrukot ac un mums labak butu japalidz ac. manam sitterim aar uzbruk, es jau apsoliju, ka vinsh ar manu armiju var ri

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You only need to send 1 scout, I will give you the report.

Viņš ir čīteris vai kā? Kā viņš ar vienu skautu var izvlikt reportu?

Lasi pareizi - ir nepieciesams nosūtīt tikai vienu skautu - mūsu spiegs AC alliancē atsūtīs reportu.

Iespejams dzeks domā arī AoW.

Vispār - pārāk droši ir šādi apgalvot - jo to pašu spiegu var izmest no alliances. Ir metodes kā tādus noķert. Bet, citēju internetu, JEBOTNJA - man tam pietrūkst laika un spējas analizēt tekstus.

Manis izstrādātā metode bija uzrakstīt pēc skata vienādu mailu visiem - bet mainot tekstā pieturzīmju veidu. Katram spēlētājam unikāli. Pēc tam, ja redz kaut kur repostotu, tad .. vienkārši identificē un sit - bet sāpīgi :)

bet ir daudz citādu izdomu apveltītu variantu ...

Tādā ziņa uz nacionalitātes bāzētas alliances ir labākas - parasti savējie savējos nečakarē.

Edited by vinituu
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vispār es domāju, ka mums vajazētu sākt darīt to, ko FFH gaida vismazāk - uzbrukt pirmajiem. par cik viņi gatavojas uzbrukt mums, viņiem būs daudz offensive troopi, bet maz defensive troopi. vajadzētu izmantot šo iespēju un lēnām pa bariņiem sākt viņus ārdīt nost! vispirms vajadzētu uzbrukt vājajiem ciemiem un cerēt, ka uz tiem tiks sūtīti reinforcementi, un tikmēr uzbrukt lielajām pilsētām!

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Galvenais, lai mūsu plāns par jaunajām pilsētām izdotos... Tur, manuprāt, jātaisa def uniti! Lai atrāk un efektīvāk varētu uzņemt uzbrukumu, jo ja viņu taktika būs uzbrukt vienam ciemam, pēc tam otram utt. Tad tas gadījums kā gludeklim būtu vislabākais ;)

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:( Vins tev regulaari uzbruuk ?

da es sāku kačāt resursu laukus, tāpēc liels bija res daudzums. Uz to brīdi es nebiju kādas 2h iekšā. Un tagad man 2 crop lauki no lvl 10 uz 7 nonesti bonusā. NEzinu, ko lai dara. patiešām.

ediit: vopšem manējais uzbrucējs ir ļoti sakarīgs, iespējams ar viņu varēšu kko sarunāt, so uz šo brīdi par mani nevajag uztraukties un, lūdzu, neviens nesūa reinforcement, svdāk i jums i man būs hana :)

Edited by traktorists^
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Teikshu taa ir noticis, tas ko gaidijaam, kad plisiss shis tiikls un saaksies mass destruction. Kaa apshi redzejaat FFH is every where, tapeec tieshi tagad ir svariigi palikt aktiiviem, ja juus taadi nebusiet, atvadaties :) Ir jasaprot, kad mees pagaidaam nevaram taisiit reinforcment kadam , jo loti iespejams uzbruks visiem. Mans plaans ir suutam (ieprieksh sarunajot) dalju armija vincistera croperim ... Mees esam nonakushi loti sarezgitaa situacija, un tieshi tagad visvairaak kaa jebkad jums un sabiedrotajiem 7x7 laucinja ir jabuut kaa vienai komandai alianse nevar palidzeet visiem, bet juusu kaiminji ir tagad jusu labakie draugi. Es ceru jums ir labas attieciabs ar viniem vai arii....

Un atceraties mes neesam vieni mums ir visi ac wingi, AOW un BA, kas ir stiprakaas alianses, ja mees darboimies kopaa ka komanda FFH kritiis....

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Vispaar kaut kaa jociigi, bet arii man beidzot saakushi uzbrukt. Bet nu chaljiem liela apnjeemiiba naakt 21 stundu, un hz cik ilgi vinji jau naak, jo iegaaju speelee tikai tagad. Buus labais. :)

man arii naak kaut kaadas 20 h, tas nozimee,tikai to, kad ne visi iesaistaas, jo man blakus ir 100x vairaaqk ffh, kapeec vinji neuzbruuk? Tapeec kad FFH wingi ir daudz un nekas saskanots starp viniem nenotiek, vinji vnk uzbruks vnk uzbruks, tapeec mums galvenais notureeties :)

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