CD 4.18.2
CS 1.6 v12 patch
Nupat iznāca steam updeits un es nemeklējot jau gatavus pačus nolēmu pats noRIPot vajadzīgos failus... tas protams prasīja laiku, bet galvenais ka viss strādā...
Diemžēl nav iespējama pača uzlikšana pirms servera updeita, jo ir atjaunotas dažas kartes, tāpēc jaunā versija neies kopā ar vecajām servera versijām... protams, kartes jau var, tā sacīt, vru4nuju mainīt, ja ir vēlme spēlēt serverī, kuram nav pēdejais pačs... ieteikšu backupot
de_cbble un
de_vertigo... pārējām kartēm vajadzētu bez problēmām strādat visos serveros ar jebkuru versiju...
Jaunais pačs ies kopā pagaidām ar pēdējo Cheating Death versiju kas ir 4.18.2... šo versiju izlikšu kopā ar paču...
Tikko atradu pilnu apdeitu saraxtu:
» AWP & Scout now have a small delay on your ability to fire, zoom, or reload after switching to them from a different weapon or item.
» Movement speed with AWP appears to be slightly faster.
» The crosshairs have been scaled to look the same on all resolutions. They are slightly larger depending on your resolution.
» New headshot icon. You can now see which weapon was used to make the headshot.
» de_nuke is now brighter, the floating box exploit in the ramp room was fixed, and the outside box near window is no longer destructible.
» de_cbble is also brighter, you can no longer climb the vines, and the bomb plant exploit at bombsite B was removed. Various other changes and additions.
» Higher accuracy on the Desert Eagle, MAC-10, and TMP.
» Sniper zoom-crosshairs have changed slightly.
» New rounded VGUI menus on scoreboard, MOTD, team selection etc.
» Solid radar can be toggled on or off with the command cl_radartype (1 or 0).
Novilkt paču un CD var šeit:
CS 1.6 v12 patch
Cheating Death 4.18.2
Var izmantot arī
CS Updater Tool, have a fun :)