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to karti, ja nav slinkums, varētu apdeitot kāds garā ziemas vakarā :D tur ļoti daudz latviešu trūkst, piemēram, man pilnīgi blakus ir corsed un vēl viens no alliances, kartē nav, tajā, kas pirmajā postā :)

kaut kaadi slimnieki un urodi te visi ja nokjertu tad ar beisbola bitu dirsu nozilinaatu

kas ir beisbola bits ? kaut kāda jauna datorspēle?

Edited by EriX
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Cau. Man te viens saka darījumu,. bet es angļu valodā esmu ČAUUU...

Tas ir CasCa viņš ir mūsu ally palīgs.

viņš saka

    OK lets tolk !

I will give you chance is ok ?

I need to you begin to upgrade resource and make same def like 12 or 220 def units !!!

If I or Murger need def you will send to us

Because we will attack our enemy and need def

Than I need to see that your pop go up fast or I again will begin to raid you

Sorry for my thinking but if you not now begin to do samething you not need to play this game


Hope that you will begin to grow fast

Lūdzu iztulkojiet.

P.S. Viņš man atsūtīja 1 hero veci.

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Tev jataisa defens un kad vini prasiis tev vajadzees viniem suutit savus troopus un ja tava populacija neaugs vini tevi farmos. (uz aatro iztulkoju)

P.s. Kapec tu nej ieksa alliance , ielugums jau aizuutiiits 7 decembrii...

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Please offer DOOM and DOOM-A a NAP for now till further notice.

We have stopped our offensive on DOOM and DOOM-A and entered into a NAP with them. They asked for an Alliances but must prove themselves to us by taking care of conflict they have with FFH first that they have and also stop all attacks on -AC- and wing members. Please message me with any reports of any DOOM or DOOM-A members that continue attacks on us.

For now we will focus on LegionNE and other Legion wings that have us on war still. Please continue to grow and take this time to expand and get stronger as we focus on the threats in Legion that still pose against us. This is only a NAP with DOOM and we will not be aiding them in the war they have with FFH but we will be looking at that war closely as we continue to clear and farm those Legion members in Legion wings that still have us on war.

Great job, We have caused a split in LegionNE and DOOM as they are all at odds over going to war with us. Many of the LegionNE player left to FFH so we will look at the FFH war closely to monitor what they're plans are.

For now please focus on Legion and do not attack any DOOM members still in DOOM. If you have someone on farm that was former DOOM member that no longer in DOOM then please continue to farm them but memebrs in DOOM or DOOM-A please do not attack for now.

This is very promising news for -AC- and it proves both Legion and DOOM were at odds with going to war with us as we exacted heavy tolls on them for attack and war with us. Keep up the growth and stay on the attack on Legion till further notice.

I just want to say everyone doing a great job as we have proven time and time again we will not allow ourselves to be farms and we will fight back many of these Alliances are scared of -AC- and other Alliances see this too. Continue to work with your fellow -AC- members and lets finish LegionNE and other threats that are posed against us.

Kronic -AC-

P.S. Please message Kronic with any attacks from DOOM or DOOM-A after those that may be in progress now. Please pass the message on. Please offer NAP to DOOM and DOOM-A until further notice.

Sannemu tadu zinju no -AC- aliances lidera ...

Edited by Techa
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Aizsuuti gan vinjam, kurs un kad uzbrucis, tas ir looti svariigi ! Ja vins arii neatbild, vins veestuli izlasa, par to neuztraucies, vnk uz shaadu vestuli pat atbilde nav vajadziiga, galvenais ir fakts, kuru tu esi nodevis. Gadas, kad sitters uzbruuk utt...

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nice :)

A kā ir, ja piemēram man nones barakas, tad es nevaru lietot arī stalli, jo tam ir nepieciešamas barakas?

SuperRembo gadījumā tad vispār būtu tāda ķēdes reakcija, jo rally point ir apts sākums visām military ēkām.

EDIT: pareizi tak... SuperRembo labāk nones manu kaimiņu... Viņš tev ir diezgan tuvu :)http://s6.travian.com/karte.php?d=300817&c=36

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