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Ir cilvēki kas viņas lasa un ir cilvēki kam tas viss ir pie kājas ... šoreiz uzrunāju tos kuriem tās nav vienaldzīgas.

Situācija tāda, ka nupat piebeidzu lasīt Dan Brown - Angels and demons... grāmata patika dēļ sapinķerētā sižeta un uzturētās spriedzes visas grāmatas garumā ... Lasu grāmatas digitālā formātā līdz ar to būtu jauki, ja tāds viņai būtu iespējams... arī ja nezinat vai ir tad pameklēšu pats...

Īsāk sakot vēlos uzzināt kādu grāmatu Jūs man ieteiktu izlasīt kas tiešām ir lasīšanas vērta ...


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Mani saista Clive Cussler grāmatas. Tādi action/piedzīvojumu/izmeklēšanas stāsti, pietam katrs no tiem ir oriģināls un interesants. Ļoti daudz gan grāmatas nelasu, taču šis autors piesaistīja.

Visinteresantākās šķita:


Fire Ice,


bet citas arī ir foršas ;]

btw, par digitālo formātu nezinu, RCB manis nosauktās un vēl dažas ir (Angļu valodā). Pāris citas es pat neatceros, kur dabūju.

Edited by icecube
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Ieteiktu izlasīt Ishmael Beah grāmatu A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. Pats nesen izlasīju. Diezgan labi parāda visu dzīvesveidu un vērtības, kādas ir Āfrikā. Vispār gari jāstāsta, bet noteikti iesaku izlasīt.

btw, ja nav noslēpums, kur/kā lasi grāmatas digitāli?

Edited by mephisto
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paldies par ieteikumiem, priecātos par vēl kādiem variantiem... Visas no līdz šim ieteiktajām ir digitalā formāta kas ir patīkami ...

Mephisto: Lasu visur :) iekš nokia n97... Gribētos jau kādu e-book readeri, bet tas prasa papildu izdevumus ...

Edited by mader
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Es neesmu liels grāmatu lasītājs, bet ļoti gribētu izlasīt "Into The Wild". Diezgan aizrāva filma, tāpēc gribētos paskatities arī kas grāmatā interesants. Ideāli, ja kādam būtu šī grāmata un varētu uz kādu laiku aizdot.

Bet ja nav, tad vismaz palīdzat man to grāmatu onlainā atrast. Cik esmu meklējis, neko neesmu atradis.

Info par grāmatu en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Into_the_Wild

Ļoti ceru uz atsaucību.

Edited by aar4ijs
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Dan Brown is a man with horrible prose who has decided to craft a thriller out of nutso conspiracy theories and pseudo-science. He is a terrible author, and it really really confuses me as to why Da Vinci has been on the best seller list for so damn long.

I will start off by being positive - Brown is capable of some interesting plotting twists.

There. That's about it.

Here's some major complaints I've got about his work:

1) HUNDREDS of chapters per novel, with each "chapter" being something like 2 or 3 pages. These are not chapters - they are more like short parts that make-up a chapter, as evidenced in better form by how Stephen King will break up a chapter into numerous parts.

2) Ending each chapter with some idiotic phrase to keep you reading. Examples: "And then he saw the answer." "And then, his life was put into jeopardy." "And then, the knife descended." His books are basically like bad movies that CONSTANTLY cut off at the climax of a scene. It's one thing on page 3 when this is done. By page 300, I urge people to simply skip ahead and avoid this horrible writing tactic.

3) Absolutely one-dimensional lead characters. Robert Langdon, the star of all this, is absolutely forgettable. Mikey Mouse watch? Jeans? Willing to stay after class to discuss symbology and Adobe Photoshop (or something) with his students? Robert Langdon has no personality, and simply moves from one plot point to the next.

4) Random interesting facts inserted like a history lecture given by a professor who peppers his discussions with "didja know" items to keep his students awake. This will happen completely out of nowhere, you'll be reading and suddenly a (unquestioned) random fact will pop out of a character's mouth. "Did you know that Coke used to be green?" "Did you know that New York's underground is actually hundreds of feet deep and houses a vast population of people?" etc. etc. After a while, the onslought of "wow, that's neat!" factoids gets very, very tiresome.

5. Intelligent and attractive female leads. OH MY GOD. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE GIVE US SOMETHING MORE!! JESUS CHRIST THIS IS BAD WRITING! Typical line: "His eyes fell [on] Susan Fletcher's legs. Hard to imagine they support a 170 IQ." I believe at the end of Angels and Demons, there's some idiotic, cringe-inducing line like - "You've never made it with a Yoga specialist, have you." or something similarly terrible.

6. Use of really, really poor science and history. The difference between Michael Crichton and Dan Brown is that Crichton does his homework first, and his bookwriting second. Brown, it appears, is the other way around. Crichton, for example, wrote "Prey," his (fairly bad) book on nanotechnology based on what could more or less possibly happen. The science is first and foremost the requirement, and is bent in an allowably literary manner. Same with, say, Jurassic Park. Brown, on the other hand, uses a lot of crap history and science I could get out of the books sitting on my shelf right now, such as "The Illuminati Papers," "Unexplained," and half a dozen other such titles that are fun to read but really carry no relevance. Also, whereas Crichton is always teeming with knowledge, Dan Brown's characters seem to have nothing more than what they say. There is no sense they have a vast wealth of knowledge to draw upon.

That gives us problems in character, structure, research, plot, and prose. WHAT IS LEFT THAT MAKES THIS WORTH READING?!

Again, he's got some plot twists, and some semblance of talent under all this crap that pours out. What I fear is that he'll start thinking that what he's written is actually good based on sales, which would only lead to more crap. Dan Brown went to my high school, Phillips Exeter Academy, and I consider it an embaressment whenever anyone mentions it. I pray he is not an exemplary member of the writing styles that come from an otherwise great institution.

And don't get me wrong - I'm not a pompous literary critic. Hell, I already mentioned Stephen King and Michael Crichton, right? I just simply want something worth reading.

In conclusion: Dan Brown sucks.

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Uh, grāmatas! Cik foršs topiks :)

Tātad, pirmkārt, par Denu Braunu man sakāms viens - grāmatas bez pievienotās vērtības, izlasi-aizmirsti, jeb džeks atrada veidu, kā labi nopelnīt.

Otrkārt, par grāmatam elektroniskā formātā - man kaut kā galīgi pie sirds neiet, arī pasvītrot citātus būs grūti. Bet katram savs.

Diemžēl sen neko neesmu lasījuse, bet no seniem laikiem mani favorītrakstnieki iz 20. gadsimta (cik noprotu, klasiskā literatūra mūsdienās nav īpaši modē...)

Džeks Keruaks (Jack Kerouac) - nenormāli kruts rakstnieks, pieder tā sauktajau bītniku paaudzei. Latviski var lasīt "Ceļā" un "Dharmas blandoņas". Abas grāmatas izlasīsies ļoti īsā laikā, (pirmo pats autors sarakstījis 2 ned laikā ar rakstāmmašīnu uz tipogrāfijas ruļļa).

Kurts Vonnegūts (Kurt Vonnegut)- cinisks, sarkastisks, bet gaužām dabisks un viegli lasāms. Mani favorīti ir "Kaķa šūpulis" un "Brokastis čempioniem", bet no viņa sarakstīta latviski izdoto grāmatu netrūkst.

Ērvils Velšs (Irwin Walsh)- ja esat skatījuši tādu filmu kā Trainspotting, tad zināt, ka tās pamatā ir grāmata (latviski: Vilcienvakte). Viens nenormāli traks gabals, daudz labāks par filmu.

Čaks Palanjuks (Chuck Palahniuk)- latviski laikam (bet tikai laikam) pieejams tikai viņa "Cīņas klubs", a bet kopumā viņš ir diezgan lielisks. (atdzīstos, vienu grāmatu savulaik neizlasīju, noslinkoju, bet bija interesanti)

Duglass Koplends (Douglas Coupland)- latviski kaut kur ļoti sen iznāca "X paaudze", visnotaļ lieliska grāmata. Bet angliski vēl varu ieteikt viņa "Jpod" - pilnīgi kreizī gabals par datorspēļu dizaineriem, kuram katram ir novirzes un grāmatā ir daudz IT joku, visādu ciparu un pirmskaitļu rindas. Traks vecis.

Nīls Geimens (Neil Gaiman) - latviski varēja lasīt viņa grāmatu "Nekadiene". Ļoti atkarību-izraisošs rakstīšanas stils, gulēt neļaujošs, un tamlīdzīgi. Jau ilgi laiku cenšos medīt viņa gabalus angliski.

Jans Martels (Yan Martel) - latviski lasāma "Pī dzīve". Grāmatas sižets ir ļoti jocīgs, bet makten reālistiski aprakstīts.

PS. par Into The Wild - šī grāmata ir pirms vairākiem gadiem iznākusi latviski! Mistiskā kārtā nosaukums ir "Pirmatnība". Lai nu kā, man liekas, ka šajā gadījumā filma bija spēcīgāka par pašu grāmatu.

Veiksmi lasīšanā :) !



Angliski noteikti, ka jābūt.

Latviski vēl no viņa ir izdota grāmata "Frenija un Zūijs", citiem patīk, man ne visai. Bet "Uz kraujas" ir must-read.

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