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Aij Aij Aij Tik Smiekligi! :d


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Ensle: I see you guys are playing Monopoly.

Monopoly is a stupid game.

[produces fart]

Those who play it are stupid.

- "Do you know the game?"

Ensle: Yes.

- "What is stupid about it?"

Ensle: It is wrong.

- "What is wrong?"

Ensle: The rules.

- "Do you know the rules?"

Ensle: Yes, I'll tell you about the rules: they are stupid.

- "No, wait, they are not stupid if you really understand them."

Ensle: Sure they are.

- "Wait, I will try to carefully explain the rules.

Let's start with rule 1: throw 2 dice..."

Ensle: Rule 1 is wrong.

[produces fart and looks other way]

- "What can be wrong about throwing 2 dice?"

Ensle: Suppose you throw them away, then you can't play.

So it's a stupid game. And you are stupid too.

- "But you shouldn't throw the dice away.

You should throw them on the table and look at the numbers."

Ensle: That is ridiculous.

- "What is ridiculous about it?"

Ensle: The dice can fall on the floor and the dog can eat them.

- "Then imagine you don't have a dog."

Ensle: I cannot imagine that, since I do have a dog.

- "Then imagine that your wife has taken the dog out."

Ensle: I cannot imagine that, since my wife has left me.

- "Then imagine the dog to be sleeping."

Ensle: That is stupid. He'll wake up when the dice hit him.

Then he will eat them. I told you it's a stupid game.

- "Imagine the dog is sleeping in another room."

Ensle: The dice can roll all the way to the other room.

- "Imagine the room is upstairs."

Ensle: Hmmm, ah yes, okay, I can imagine that. But keep it short.

- "So, where were we... rule 1 was: throw the dice..."

Ensle: That is ridiculous.

- "Why is that ridiculous?"

Ensle: Suppose you throw the dice and they jump up and hit your eyes,

then you can go blind and you have to stop playing.

You see, I told you Monopoly is a stupid game.

[produces fart and looks other way]

Those who play it, are stupid.

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