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Var nobrīnīties cik dīvaini ir cilvēki ;D

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You?re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


Stranger: SUP DAWG!?




Stranger: WIN


You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: scared?

You: now yes ;o

Stranger: You should be.

You: why?

Stranger: the world will end yesterday

You: yesterday?

You: or tommorow?

Stranger: Aye, yesterday.

You: how u know that?!

Stranger: we are now in purgatory

You: saying 'we' u mean who?

Stranger: All of us.

Stranger: those who were chosen

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

divi dīvainākie, kas ir bijis

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Lol, foršs čats :)

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: we will die

Stranger: everyone?

Stranger: or just us 2?

You: every single one

Stranger: Well that's a relief

You: the horror, THE HORROR

Stranger: As long as we're taking everyone with us I'm ok with it

You: thats nice

Stranger: So what's going to happen?

You: well, I realy dont know

Stranger: Zombie apocolype?

You: that would be interesting

Stranger: I've been practicing for one

Stranger: I play a ton of Left 4 Dead

You: thats nice

Stranger: I'm totally prepared

Stranger: What would you choice of weapon be?

You: well...

You: I think a baseball bat

Stranger: Nice choice

You: thats if the zombies would be slow

You: like "shaun of the dead"

You: but if they would be like "28 weeks later"

You: then we all would be DOOOMED


You: aaaaaa


You: yeah

You: but I would stick with my baseball bat

Stranger: Wish i had a baseball bat :(

You: yeah, me either

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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lol šitais spārda! vienīgi neviens ar mani negrib runāt, vislaik disconnect :(

nē nu ok

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You: hello

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

lol amerikāņi

Stranger: well

Stranger: death to russia and all that

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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2 reiz pamēģināju,abās totāls bullshits.

Kautkāds ķīnietis vai arābs laikam.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: 你好

You: ?

Stranger: 怎了

You: ?

Stranger: 中国字都不认识了

You: ?

Stranger: 忘本啊

You: screw u,china sucks.

Stranger: 晕

Stranger: 螺丝都出来了

You: (finger)

Stranger: 什么东东

You have disconnected.

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: yo



Stranger: YOU LIE



Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

Stranger: m/22

You: whats up with those bananas?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Edited by amniijs
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Pameginaju ari....

sanaca bulshits kaut kads patiesiba :D

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hellloo!

Stranger: hi

Stranger: asl?

You: how are you ?

Stranger: yey fine~

You: u know that soon we all will die ?!

Stranger: Oh?

You: rly

You: zombies will eat us !

Stranger: ...Why?

You: i said... zombies will eat us !

Stranger: ....

You: no rly

You: better start to practice with people eating

Stranger: why does zombies will eat us ?

You: i`ve allready eat my sister

You: cause they like to do bullshit

Stranger: Oh,,

You: u don`t believe me

You: ?

You: WYB !

Stranger: ...

Stranger: yes i don`t believe u..

You: watch ur back... i`ll be soon behind u and i`ll practice with u

You: asl ?

You: it will be easier to find u

Stranger: 14.F.HK

You: HK ?

You: Hong Khong ?

Stranger: hong kong

Stranger: in china

You: ok... w8...

You: i`ll be there...

You: after 3minutes

You: w8 4 me

You: ok ?

Stranger: and you?

Stranger: asl?

You: 37 m HK

Stranger: oh..

You: i`m ur father

You: WYB !

Stranger: haha .

You: no rly...

You: he`s allready zombie

You: take a knife un try to fight back

Stranger: no . :)

You: why no ?

Stranger: um

You: ok... now I`m ur mother

You: beware !

Stranger: I dont believe u .lol

You: u`ll die... zombies will eat u !

Stranger: oh . no LOL

You have disconnected.

haha... ierecu labi :D

onnecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hey

You: would u be my friend ?

Stranger: from?

Stranger: from?

You: from Dirstlandija

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Var bik parзkt. :D

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hi

You: Hmm

You: the world will end tommorow

Stranger: haha

You: What so fuuny?

You: funny

Stranger: yeah

You: You have zombie?

You: :D

Stranger: no

You: :(

You: Where you live?

You: In china?

You: :D

Stranger: china, and u?

You: Lithuania

Stranger: haha

You: what?

Stranger: why u know me a chinese?

You: i dont know :D

Stranger: oh

You: XD

You: еї

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi :)

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Stranger: shet the shit

You: right, niggah

You: do you like Cats?

Stranger: do you like mudips?

You: mudips, hmm let me think...You: not

You: do you like fishs?Stranger: do you like fishsticks?

You: love them

Stranger: what are you a gay fish?

You: nope


You: ur a real COMEDIAN!

Stranger: kthnkxbye

You: mum, when u and dad fucked the first time?

You: how was it?

Stranger: When you were 5You: :o

Stranger: Know what that means?



Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: yo

Stranger: hey

Stranger: Dont yo me

Stranger: you dont know me well enough to yo me


Stranger: Yo me when you my deepest secrets

Stranger: You best be watching who you yo

Stranger: wars get started that way

You: :D

You: ok ay dude

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Edited by Izliecies
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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: moi

You: hey

Stranger: mitд kuuluu?

You: maha duuluu?

Stranger: ok

You: now?

Stranger: miten menee

You: kuchen fenee

Stranger: yes

You: dosdel diben ruben kaben?

Stranger: what language?

You: tikalizu

Stranger: ok

Stranger: minд olen ismo laitela

You: kuul

You: sak mai balllz?

Stranger: kuka sд oot?

Stranger: haalloo?

Stranger: miss oooooooooot

You: kas draats otraa galaa?

Stranger: just niin

You: pats tu njiid

Stranger: samaa mieltд olen

You: pa kaadiem samiem tu runaa?

You: nedzer vairaak, a to neskaidri raksti

Stranger: mitдs tдssд

Stranger: kiva juttu

You: nee gignaa mums ir jukka, nevis juttu

You: ko piepisies vispaar?

Stranger: kakka

You: tev biksees tagad?

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi!

Stranger: male/female?

You: good day

You: male

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

turpmāk jūs mani čatā novērosiet kā sievieti...

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Im what say what

Stranger: noo limit say what

You: wait a bit

You: i am eating

Stranger: im a ho

Stranger: you know im a ho

Stranger: how do you know?

Stranger: because i told you so

You: oh

You: ok, done

You: so, what did u tell me?

Stranger: listen to this song


You: no youtube in my country :(

Stranger: ahhh!

You: what is this ho about then?

Stranger: that is awful!

Stranger: ho is someone

You: someone... someone i know?

Stranger: who has sex with many people

You: oh

You: that is just like Britney Spears?

Stranger: yes!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Edited by kaamis
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: YO nigga

Stranger: Hey! ;)

You: what's up homie?

Stranger: Chill, thanks.. You?

Stranger: :D

You: yey, nice, im down im cool

Stranger: Ok, wehe you from? :)

You: Yeah, from Niggaland

You: no no just makin' jokes

Stranger: :D

You: im from Greenland

You: you homo?

You: homie*

Stranger: Where is it? :)

You: at china, i think

Stranger: :D

You: phui, at USA

Stranger: Tell the true.. :D

You: Ok, im from Deutschland

Stranger: Germany? :D

Stranger: OSrry, i'm out :D

You: ja ja

You: no no

Stranger: Tell the true!

Stranger: :D

You: ich will nicht dass du gehst

Stranger: Okay, in germany..

You: Ich mag dich

Stranger: Du bist blцd!

Stranger: :D

You: danke

You: du auch

Stranger: Hahahahah! Lol

Stranger: Ich liebe dich :)

You: ich liebe dich noch mehr!

You: ohne dich kann ich nicht leben

Stranger: Sorry now i don't understand--

Stranger: I'm from finland :D

You: da ti 6to?

Stranger: ??

You: speak finnish

Stranger: Okei. Mitд kuuluu? Olen Lotta :)

You: Olen Lotta dotta bota

Stranger: :(

You: haaren ripinjas?

Stranger: ?

You: hamuhaaren zirgagjiimis?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Hey, do u know the Legend of Chuck The Norris?

Stranger: nope

Stranger: why?

Stranger: but

Stranger: every

You: It just rocks

Stranger: info you will know with ths site

Stranger: www.ifosalsh.net

You: ok

Stranger: www.infoslash.net

Stranger: try ot

Stranger: try it

You: oh cool

You: nice design

Stranger: tschStranger: liar

You: no

Stranger: it has no design!

You: om not a liar

You: im just nearly blind

Stranger: T_T

Stranger: just try it

Stranger: already

You: can u try write all in big?

Stranger: <font color="red"> maybe

You: i hate red

Stranger: <font color="blue">

You: i dont like agressive colors

Stranger: ahhhStranger: <font color="green">

You: write it in whiteStranger: then

Stranger: we can't see it

You: o rly? O_O

You: you work with computers?

Stranger: nope

You: because you know very much about computers

Stranger: I just know how, we have computer class

Stranger: in school

You: wow, nice

You: i got my computer the first week

Stranger: oh ok

You: and im astonished by the quality

Stranger: where are you from

You: im from Moldova

You: You?

Stranger: :D

Stranger: phillipines

You: OMG

You: where's that?

You: near Africa?

You: or Germany?

Stranger: asia

You: ou okey

You: cool

You: you know chinese?

Stranger: yi er san si wu?

Stranger: haha

You: konichiwa

You: do you like fish-sticks?

Stranger: yep

You: I too

You: Are you gay-fish?

Stranger: nope

Stranger: I think you are :D

You: In Moldova asking people if they are gay is normal, dont worry

Stranger: ok

You: can we talk about girls?

Stranger: up to you

Stranger: you like negro girls? but I'm no niger

You: you know i had a girlfriend......she was 13 years old...and then was a night were i wanted to put my fingers in her pussy...as i was nearly doing it she kickd me in my face...now im nearly blind

You: no i don't like shit on a stick

Stranger: haha ok

You: can i trust you a secret?

Stranger: yes

You: i did it on my mother while she was sleeping

Stranger: wth?

Stranger: wow strong

You: i masturbated on her face....

You: im ashamed of it...

Stranger: strong

Stranger: :D

You: i haven't seen my mother in a while

You: i think she's dead

Stranger: but you enjoy it right

You: then yes, of course

Stranger: that inhumane

Stranger: hahahahhaha

Stranger: joke

You: hey sorry, i got to go, because my job is waiting for me, im a russian gigolo

Stranger: not

Stranger: are you a dancer from the club

You: tell me your email adress,s o we can talk later

You: yes

Stranger: yahoo messenger?

You: email adress, i don't know what is yahoo

Stranger: [email protected]: ok i g2g

You: see ya

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You: Hi!

Stranger: Hello!

Stranger: :D

You: OK

You: Lets talk about Jesus?

Stranger: um okay!

You: So.. the problem is

Stranger: I don't knwo much

You: he is comming to visit me for dinner

Stranger: know*\

Stranger: really!

You: yap

Stranger: thats fantastoc

You: but i have no idea what to serve

Stranger: fantastic**

Stranger: fish!

You: Fish??

Stranger: sure!

You: But zombies dont eat fish?

You: Maybe human body?

Stranger: okay!

Stranger: that works too!

Stranger: with a side of infant?

You: But then.. would he be angry for me killing that human? :/

Stranger: find a already dead one?

Stranger: or give him a fresh one!

You: But zombies dont eat dead people

Stranger: he can kill it himself@

Stranger: :D

Stranger: collect a few!

Stranger: give him a varity!

You: If he eats a part of me will i wake up after 3 days in cave?

Stranger: only one way to find ou!

Stranger: out*

Stranger: aren't you lucky!

You: Actualy i dont like Jesus

Stranger: then stand him up?

You: i think i will fart on my arm then give him to eat it! :D

Stranger: okay!

Stranger: left or right!?

You: Hmmm... if i wart on my right hand then i wont be able to visit Alah paradise..

You: better on left then!

Stranger: okay'!

You: Jah but Jesus is smart one

You: he will say then first one who farted on his hand rise his right hand

You: then i would be spotted

Stranger: it's unsulting to great people with your left hand in eastern europe!

Stranger: hmm take someone elses right arm?\

You: Ohh.

You: Who could be that one?

Stranger: a homeless mans perhaps?

You: I am aware Jesus might be angry

Stranger: why?

You: For me killing homeless guy

Stranger: dont kill him!

just removed his right arm

Stranger: he can live without it!

You: I wonder what would happen if Jesus actualy dont eat human flesh.. :D

Stranger: we can give him a plastic one

Stranger: oh

Stranger: hmm that WOULD be awkward

You: i gues he would be pissed off then

Stranger: server it and not tell him what it is?

Stranger: it will probably tastes like chicken!

You: Ohh Jeayh1|! That would be on!!! oneneon1!111 sweet

You: And after he - saint one - eats it i will tell him that he is hanibal now!

Stranger: :D

Stranger: Perfect!

You: Then god will kill him and i will be able to eat Jesus! :"D


You: Then i will become imortal or atleast zombie!

Stranger: YAY!\

You: Did you knew that if you are zombie or imortal like Jesus, then you are allowed to piss in churches? :)

You: on walls of course

Stranger: really?!

Stranger: I am a girl so i can't pee on walls :S

You: uhh...

Stranger: I'd probably end up peeing on myself if i tried :S

Stranger: ewww

You: But you can pee while speaking in confesion room! :)

You: That would be totaly cool!!

Stranger: yea but again it would be on myself!

You: Zombie giving confesion and peeing! :)

Stranger: I have never been to confession or baptized

You: Oh.. i think it should be easy

Stranger: my aunt and grandmother said I will go to hell :S

You: just stick penis in that round hole and watch what happens next.. :P

Stranger: my mom said "fuck you" or something simila

Stranger: I dont have a penis!

Stranger: :'(

You: Well you should server your aunt to Jesus for dinner!

You: Or serve your aunt to your grandmother for dinner! oh jeaayh!

Stranger: OKay\1

You: But sure.. if Jesus eats Fish then this wont work anyway

You: But one is sure undead he is!: )

You: Do you think Jesus is fast?

You: Well.. if i hit him with baseball bat and start runing - would he catch me up? :)

You: or be slow like slow zombie? :)

Stranger: well if he eats fish, server him a whore

Stranger: whores and sluts smell like fish!

You: ahahah! :D

You: If i find one saint whore could i speak her up to be eaten by Jesus for free? :)

Stranger: ^__^

Stranger: duno

You: Jap whores they are... :/

Stranger: no no

Stranger: Girls from the continent of america are WHORES

You: if Jesus eats whore will she end up in heaven and become Gods slut? :/

You: ohh! :/

Stranger: no she will be in pergatory

You: i duno she would end up being american! :D

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hy

Stranger: horny?

You: very :))

You: gay sex>

You: ?

Stranger: bitch?

You: me?

Stranger: gay?

You: yes

Stranger: cool

You: you?!

Stranger: me too

You: 16?

Stranger: 19

You: fake age :D

You: yes?

You: :D

Stranger: you so young

Stranger: little bitch

You: i am 45

You: =]

Stranger: ......

You: in 16 june

Stranger: ole man

You: 46

Stranger: omg

You: i like litle boys

Stranger: me too

You: nice

Stranger: but you're too old

You: how long is your cock?

Stranger: 17

Stranger: very hard

You: omg, mine is 16 cm... :((

You: i dont have one ball :/

You: they cut it

You: :/

Stranger: chinese?

You: yes

Stranger: fuck you

Stranger: get out

You: :(

You: do you have aby pics?

You: any

Stranger: i hate chinese guy

Stranger: and chinese gay

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


2 inches of hard cock :D

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2 inches nevienu neintereseja, taapeec nomainiiju uz 7..

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: i ha ve 7 inches of hard cock

Stranger: somewhat short

You: no it is not

Stranger: my name is john and im pretty fat, but i can pretend my name is sarah if you want

You have disconnected.

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