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Macho Is So Populaaarh


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0:41 - iM.II Orchid: i stick with a native server...

0:41 - HACKER JIM: next lowest on my team had 40

0:41 - iM.II Orchid: tf2.gign.lv

0:41 - HACKER JIM: then aplon joined in and mediced for me :D

0:41 - HACKER JIM: gign?

0:41 - iM.II Orchid: yes..gign

0:42 - HACKER JIM: is that the guy who did the top 10 and sounds really depressed?

0:42 - iM.II Orchid: yes..macho

0:42 - HACKER JIM:

0:42 - HACKER JIM: :D

0:42 - HACKER JIM: i suppose you watch the latvian version

0:42 - iM.II Orchid: he isnt srs...c`mon

0:42 - HACKER JIM: :P

0:43 - iM.II Orchid: i`ve seen both !

0:43 - iM.II Orchid: best server...EVEEER!

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