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Frets On Fire


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Atkal esmu aizraavies ar sho jauko speeli, gribeejas piesaistiit vel paaris cilveekus.. Zemaak teksts no wikipedias, domaaju labaak es nepastaastiishu :)

Frets on Fire is a music video game created by Nathan Hunt in which players use the keyboard to play along with scrolling on-screen musical notes to complete a song, and is a clone of the Guitar Hero video game series. Frets on Fire was the winner of the Assembly demo party 2006 game development competition.


The gameplay of Frets on Fire is the same as in Guitar Hero - the player emulates playing a guitar. Frets on Fire is meant to be played by picking up the keyboard like a guitar, with one hand pressing the fret buttons and another pressing the pick buttons. There is support for joysticks however, meaning that the Guitar Hero controllers can be used as well.

Colored markers appear on the screen, synchronized with the song, and are played by holding the fret buttons of the correct color (F1 through F5) and pressing one of the pick buttons (Enter or Shift) at the correct moment. Every ten correct hits increase the score multiplier, which multiplies the points for every hit by up to four times. The multiplier is reset in case of a miss.

Paaris video par speeli

Joan Jett & the Blackhearts - I Love Rock N Roll - easy liimenis

Kur novilkt speeli?


Kur dabuut dziesmas?

Torentu lietotaajiem TE

Kur citiem nezinu... :(

Kaa ielikt dziesmas

Vnk iekopeejot folderii - piemeers: C:\Program Files\Frets on Fire\data\songs


Var gadiities ka dazhiem lagos, kaut gan speele neprasa gandriiz nekaadus resursus.. Varu ieteikt novilkt vecaaku versiju speelei(nekas daudz nebuus mainijies) Vai iet un meegjinaat kaut ko dariit video settingos speelee...

Dziesma saakumam pie attachments, nezinu man defaltaas 4 dziesmas nepatika...

P.S. Have good gameplay ;)

Joan_Jett___the_Blackhearts___I_Love_Rock_N_Roll_v1.rarFetching info...

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Labāk nopērkat īsto un spēlējat! Neiesaku tērēt desmitus latus priekš plastmasas ģitāras. Tāpat šī spēle ar laiku apniks. Bet vispār ir interesanti paspēlēt...

Edited by amniijs
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  jonathan said:

Nezinu kaa ir jaunaakaas versijas, bet vecajaa bija ar F1,F2,F3,F4,F5. Var buut vnk pameegjini samainiit kontroles, lai viegaalak pasham :thumbsup:

Kas attiecas uz gjitaaru, tad ebaya shii shelle bija preksh xboxa. un vinja maksaa ap 40latiem..

[edited]: Ja velkat dziesmas, tad njemat no Guitar Hero, jo taam buus vislabaakaa kvalitaate.. nebuus ljevie trokshnji un citas lietas...

Edited by Teddy
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Audiosurf labaaks :P Tur vismaz vilnji un naaves cilpas ritmaa :D Piemeeram ja stereo ir uz 90, vinjs griezhas pa kreisi, ja dziesma skan aatraak, tad pats kugjis ar lido aatraak, etc. Kr4 youtubee video var apstiities ;)

Edited by Mazinjais
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