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Dzeeruma Pakaapes


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nekas daudz, bet nu man likas smiekliigi, mana shovakara pakaape vareetu buut Naarinja biggrin.gif

taatad, dzeeruma pakaapes:

PELNRUSHKJIITE: atnaak maajaas tikai ar vienu kurpi

SNIEGBALTIITE: pamostas gultaa ar septinjiem vechiem

SARKANGALVIITE: pamostas vecmaaminjas gultaa

APBURTAA PRINCESE: daudzus gadus neko neatceras

NAARINJA: no riita smird peec zivs

PELEEKAIS VILKS: no pagjiru elpas sabruuk siveenu maajinjas

MIKIPELE: ausis piepampushas, rokaas balti cimdi, bet frakas nav

KOLUMBS: nezina, kurp doties, aizbrauc, nezina, kur atrodas, bet braucienu apmaksaa valsts...

tikko atradu veel sho to smiekliigu, check out http://cs-b2w.oo.lv/news.php pashu saakumu, pie jaunumiem. citeeshu:

Hello ewery body... Oky B2W* is doing the best that we can do 4 you... we didint ekspekt so much players from Finland Germani and other contrys...so WE WANT YOU!!!... We are searching for peapel from the world... Now We need 1 German 1 Finland ! Sweaden and other country admins... You well bee The leaders of your Nationso go 2 the forum and ask to become the HEAD ADMIN of youre Country

gramatika 4ever wink.gif

Edited by eziic
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