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[pamācība] - Kā Uzlikt Psychostats V3.0.x

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Stats.log man saka:

[FATAL] Called from main(73)->PS:biggrin.gifB(89)->PS:biggrin.gifB::mysql(22) >>>

> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=psychostats;host=localhost;port=":

> Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

Viss ir jauns mysql, jauna apache, amxbans5 viss parejais ari

Lapā viss iet tikai playeru nav.

Ie4ekojat status ja gribat: http://ftm.oo.lv/stats

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kad palaižu stats pl tad kautkas izlecs un pastos stats text document un tur rakstīts [FATAL] Called from PS::Feeder::file(169)->PS::Feeder::file(240)->PS::Feeder(150)->PS:biggrin.gifB(171)->PS:biggrin.gifB(512) >>>

> Error executing DB query:

> OPTIMIZE TABLE `ps_state`, `ps_state_plrs`

> Lost connection to MySQL server during query

> --end of error--

[FATAL] Called from PS:biggrin.gifB(479)->PS:biggrin.gifB(433)->PS:biggrin.gifB(512) >>>

> Error executing DB query:

> SELECT MAX(id) FROM ps_errlog

> MySQL server has gone away

> --end of error--

sad.gifzaban.gif un neka nesanāk eju weba skatīties un parādas


Fatal Session Error at line 211: MYSQL Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

wtf ? zaban.gif

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bet netii

Man datubaze psychostatiem ir ar nosaukumu psychostats

Un kapee man stats.cfg jaliek 3 ja man nav vajadzīgs.

Ok noraadu visur psychostats3 tad man atkal šitais:

[FATAL] Called from main(152)->PS:biggrin.gifB(89)->PS:biggrin.gifB::mysql(22) >>>

> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=psychostats3;host=localhost;port=":

> Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

Edited by fastone
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Kad esam nokačājuši, atveram TIKAI ar WinZip. Veram vaļā jebkuru no abiem un exstraktējam uz desktopa (secībai nav nozīmes), kad abi ir ekstraktēti uz desktopa ieraugam folderi blib kurā atrodas šo abu moduļu saturs!

Veram viņu vaļā un ieraudzīsim folderīti lib Nokopējam viņu un iemetam C:\Perl un spiežam yes to all. Kad tas izdarīts dodamies atpakaļ direktorijā blib kura atrodas uz mūsu desktopa, ieraudzīsim folderi arch savukārt iekš acrh ieraudzīsim folderīti auto šo auto iemetam C:\Perl\lib

Bet tur tak doti divi tie folderi atveru vienu iemetu lib tad to auto iemetu...

kr4 seciba izdarita ar 1 folderi ko darit ar otru.

izdariit to pašu? smiliez.de_2538.gif

eniivei - nav pastaastits!

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Kad instaleeji appsev ko tu noraadiiji?? ip vai loalhost? Tad arii skaties kur prob...

p.s jabut localhost

localhost .... ja kas visu pec pamācibas izdarīju bet nieet smiliez.de_2477.gif

P.S man serveris stāv uz D diska newis uz C vai tas varētu būt problēma vai tas neko netraucē ?

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Netiiii palīīdzi varbut ... kā lai updeito viņus smiliez.de_2469.gifsmiliez.de_2469.gif


Ko man darīt ar šito:

[FATAL] Called from main(152)->PS:biggrin.gifB(89)->PS:biggrin.gifB::mysql(22) >>>

> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=psychostats3;host=localhost;port=":

> Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client


Edited by fastone
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Guest priedzza

nu tad varbut tavs appserv nau taads kadam ir jabut peec minimaalajaam prasibam wink.gif

p.s parbaudi vai tev mysql ierubiits un apache

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es visu izdarīju ka vajag un palaižu pl status izlec erors āra eju iekša web skatos status a tur rakstīts


Fatal Session Error at line 211: MYSQL Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

Edited by grrey`
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