Phillip J. Fry
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Everything posted by Phillip J. Fry
Adminus liec ieksh users.ini Banus uz ip - amx_banip Nicks Laiks Iemesls Amxbaniem- amx_banip laiks nicks iemesls
Phillip J. Fry replied to Phillip J. Fry's topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
kad mainu nosaukumu vish akal paarveershas par 00.png =[ -
Phillip J. Fry replied to Phillip J. Fry's topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
Ok vel 1 jautajums - Kur nomainit "unknown" Karogu ? Nu piem. to pelēko nomainīt ar LV karogu utml. -
Kkas Liidziigs Wos.lv Servera Pluginam. :)
Phillip J. Fry replied to exe's topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
Plugins - Saucas Advertisement vai kkas tamlidzigs =] sha linku iedoshu http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=236886 gaa el -
Phillip J. Fry replied to Phillip J. Fry's topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
PAr trešo - Cik saprotu vinsh nevar noteikt IP vai? Kads zin? -
Spied katram virsu un - "Delete"
5.0x versijai hud messege ir automatiski (vismaz man ir)
Man patika 6.912/10
Phillip J. Fry replied to Phillip J. Fry's topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
atjaunoju postu ! Plz palidzat XD -
Atbildu uz to ,ka hldsupdate tool pats salades servera failus Par erroru iespejams ,kas diska direktorija nepareiza !
Esmu pamanijis ka pievienots FastReply [sen nebiju bijis gign foruma] tapec izmantoju sho iespeju Caur Phostoshopu taisitas bildes vienalga neraada Vari necensties taisi caur Paint (Manas domas)
1. FATAL] Called from main(287)->PS::Feeder::file(35)->PS::Feeder(163)->PS::DB(336)->PS::DB(512) >>> > Error executing DB query: > SELECT * FROM ps_state_plrs WHERE id='2' > Can't find file: 'ps_state_plrs' (errno: 2) > --end of error-- Ko tas nozime? 2. Man Psychostatiem nerādas vieta pēc kārtas! tikai kkaadas 2 linijas [ -- ] skatiit sheit 3. Kapec pusei no visiem Speletajiem neraadas valsts karodzinsh ,bet - No Country? P.s. Tnq ieprieksh
9/10 Forša mape
uzraksti google.lv Counter-Strike 1.6 mappack vai ej uz http://fpsbanana.com un lādē vienu pēc otras !
Vnk Svc_bad ... RR Cs un ej sava miiljajaa serverii
[quote][FATAL] Called from PS::Feeder::file(169)->PS::Feeder::file(245)->PS::Feeder(150)->PS::DB(171)->PS::DB(512) >>> > Error executing DB query: > OPTIMIZE TABLE `ps_state`, `ps_state_plrs` > Lost connection to MySQL server during query > --end of error-- [FATAL] Called from PS::DB(479)->PS::DB(433)->PS::DB(512) >>> > Error executing DB query: > SELECT MAX(id) FROM ps_errlog > MySQL server has gone away > --end of error--[/quote] Pēc tam ieslēdzu apakaļ MySql un atkal [FATAL] Called from main(287)->PS::Feeder::file(35)->PS::Feeder(160)->PS::DB(350)->PS::DB(512) >>> > Error executing DB query: > SELECT * FROM ps_state WHERE logsource='D:\\Servuh\\cstrike_lv\\logs' > Can't find file: 'ps_state' (errno: 2) > --end of error-- KAPEEc? un ik pa laikam izmet [FATAL] Called from PS::Feeder::file(169)->PS::Feeder::file(245)->PS::Feeder(132)->PS::DB(455)->PS::DB(512) >>> > Error executing DB query: > DELETE FROM ps_state_plrs WHERE `id`='1' > Table '.\psychostats3\ps_state_plrs' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed > --end of error-- [FATAL] Called from PS::Feeder::file(169)->PS::Feeder::file(245)->PS::Feeder(130)->PS::DB(232)->PS::DB(512) >>> > Error executing DB query: > INSERT INTO ps_state (`map`, `lastupdate`, `timestamp`, `file`, `logsource`, `id`, `line`) VALUES ('de_dust', '1194717332', '1192563595', 'D:\\Servuh\\cstrike_lv\\logs\\L1016034.log', 'D:\\Servuh\\cstrike_lv\\logs', '2', '940') > Duplicate entry 'D:\Servuh\cstrike_lv\logs' for key 2 > --end of error--
No Spray Ingame Cs
Phillip J. Fry replied to Phillip J. Fry's topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
Yēēā strādā ! TnQ -
Mēģini to forumu instalēt uz tava PC un ieliec linku freehostiā !
Es kaut kur skatījos bija visvisādi konfigi 1 paņēmu sakopēju visu iekš userconfig.php a tagad man vairs nerādas SPRAY ;( Kas jāraksta ,lai atkal rādītos?
15/3 Pzdc video iespārda
Pēc tiem scout fragiem es jau sapriecājos ,ka būs kaut kas labs Scout - 10/10 Music - 5/10 Frags [neskaitot scout] - 1/10 ~5/10
Vai ir iespзjams uz datora palaist mobilв spзles .jar formвtв ? Ja var tad ar kвdu prфgu ?
Noformulē normālu jautājumu ! Nofočē skrīnu !
noshautie jamaina gungame.cfg http://avalanche.gungame.org/cvars_en.php <-- Palasi