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Atvainojos ka prasu, bet searche nesanāca atrast, jo īsti nezināju, ko rakstīt lieta ir par to, ka kādreiz forumā kāds bija uzrakstiījis kodu.bat failā, ka ja tev serveris izsledzas (hlds) tad viņš ieslēdzas uzreiz automātiski. Tas ir ar .bat failu palīdzību kāds atcerās kautko šādu?

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@echo off
echo Protecting HLDS from crashes...
title HLDS CrashGuard
echo (%time%) HLDS started...
start /wait /realtime hlds.exe -master -game cstrike -secure +maxplayers 20 +sv_lan 0 +map de_dust2 -console -pingboost 3 -port 27015
echo (%time%) WARNING: HLDS closed or crashed! Restaring...
goto hlds

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@echo off
echo Protecting HLDS from crashes...
title HLDS CrashGuard
echo (%time%) HLDS started...
start /wait /realtime hlds.exe -master -game cstrike -secure +maxplayers 20 +sv_lan 0 +map de_dust2 -console -pingboost 3 -port 27015
echo (%time%) WARNING: HLDS closed or crashed! Restaring...
goto hlds

Es nesapratu ko šitais dod? :D

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@echo off
echo Protecting HLDS from crashes...
title HLDS CrashGuard
echo (%time%) HLDS started...
start /wait /realtime hlds.exe -master -game cstrike -secure +maxplayers 20 +sv_lan 0 +map de_dust2 -console -pingboost 3 -port 27015
echo (%time%) WARNING: HLDS closed or crashed! Restaring...
goto hlds


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