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Par RAM`iem es neko daudz nezinu taču es nesen lasīju ka likt iekšā RAM`us ar dažādām frekvencēm (kopnes ātrums) nav labi. Tipa kkas gļuko vai kkas tāds...Tikai es nezinu cik no tā visa ir taisnība..,.

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? Support for new DDR-II memory (RAM), up to 4-GB of it, also in dual-channel configuration, like current motherboard designs, which use DDR-I. New chipsets will support both 400 and 533 speeds. (Current motherboards max out at DDR-400 and do not support DDR2) Alderwood will support DDR-II only, not DDR-I, which Grantsdale will still support, along with DDR2.

tomēr atbalsta ;):thumbsup:

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Tavs čipsets atbalsta gan DDR, gan DDR2. Pirmajā skrīnā ko iedevi, redzams, ka tev ir DDR rams. Tātad Tava mātesplate neatbalsta DDR2. Tas ir pohuj, ka čipsets atbalsta.

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