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Os Paged Memory Low!


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Es jau atradu kamer jus te domajat! varbut kadam tas palidzes

1. "Start" button > "Run..."

2. type in "regedit" and press enter. this will launch the registry editor

3. by clicking through the tree on the left go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

4. there will be value: PagedPoolSize. doubleclicking opens it for edit. you need to change it to what fits you. it is the size in bytes, note the radio-button that switches hex/decimal presentation. i personally have it set to 384 MB and that's enough for TF2 (i have 1GB of physical RAM). that will be 402653184 in decimal and 18000000 in hex.

5. pressing ok saves the value. you can also press F5 to refresh the panel and make sure value is changed.

6. close the reg editor and enjoy playing Team Fortress 2

Close topic. ja vajag kadam varesu latviski partulkot!

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