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:) Manaa kontaa jau 2 legioni noslauciiti :thumbsup:

Blin tas kars ar vieni prasa dahuja resursus :(

Viss jau buutu labi, bet tie cuukas atriebjas uz mani!!!!!!!!!


Granary destroyed

Woodcutter destroyed

Cranny damaged from level 9 to level 5






EDITED: Aizmirsu pateikt... THIS MEANS WAR :kngt:

EDITED 2 : Nu ko lai saka, dzheks taisa velvienu taadu pashu attack.. redzeesim ko buus shoreiz izdomaajis man nonest :lol:






p.s. Stand up! Togher We will fight till the end!! To our victory!!!

Ja godiigi es sho visu uztveru ar ljoti lielu smaidu sejaa :) visiem iedvesmai ieteikshu dziesmu Goleo VI Patrizio Buanne - Stand Up


Edited by Teddy
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eh, prieki sākas, man arī šodien mans mīļais kaimiņš no DOOM alliances uzbruka divas reizes ar katapultām, iznīcināja manu grannary un barrackas. fun, fun, fun! aizsūtīju vēstuli, prasot, kas viņam pret mani un lūdzu, lai pārstāj, bet paralēli tagad no sava otrā accounta sākū būvēt armiju ar phalanxiem, ja man tur bieži neuzbruks, tad aizsūtīšu vienā brīdī kādus 50+ phalanxus uz savu īsto ciemu un varbūt sagaidīs pārsteigumu, cerams :)

un kas mums ir ar tiem Legioniem?

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Es jūtu, ka briest sūdi. Man sāk pastāvīgi uzbrukt kaut kāda ARES PK alliance, kaut gan neesmu nevienam no viņiem uzbrucis. Vienam 400 population, tas man nāca 3 reizes pa dienu virsū, bet tagad jau nāk čalis ar 550 population, un es jūtu, ka būs sūdi. Ceru, ka čalis tikai resursu dēļ, nevis citu iemeslu. Bet viņiem normāls klucis sanāk iet, ap 2 stundām uz vienu pusi.

EDIT: Man tikko nosita hero :(

EDIT2: Oi nē, tas čalis, kas man tagad nāk virsū ir 9. visā s6 servera rankā. GENAHT

Edited by Glud!naTajs
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Neliels atgadinajums !!!

Mees esam alianse, tas nozimee, kad mees palidzam viens otram ! NEvis saakam atmaskas liet, kad nav nevaru :( Ir bediigi klausiities, kaa man staasta, vot vajadzeja resursus, paprasu vienam paprasu otram... Respekt to you guys. Ja man kads paprasa es palidzu, lai arii pashlaik to nevaru izdariit. Atshiriiba no tiem, kas seezh savaas alaa un kraaj resursus nebaltaam dienaam, ir taadi kuri stajas pretiim parspekam un dauza citus. Atliek tikai noveleet, kad jums saaks uzbrukt, pashapmierinatie lautinji! Tad redzesiet, kaa iet parejiem. Kameer jums neuzbruuk jums ir uzdevums palidzeet cits citam. Tas ir absurds, kad man palidziibu atsuuta sabiedrotais, bet savejais atmet ar roku ! Es ceru, kad dazhs labs beidzot sapratiis, ko nozimee alianse, ko nozimee sadarbiiba. Muus ir jastradaa kaa komandai !!!

Svariiga info !!!!

Please add CF, CF1, CF2 to your left of targets and hit them asap. This is a very weak Alliance that joined up with DOOM and an attempt to grow stronger in NE. Many of the members are located in NE so have fun and create some nice farms. Lets show them they picked the wrong side to Ally with.

Continue to fight hard and farm those Legion, DOOM, and CF memebrs around you as we are doing well with -AC- main having already taken out 15 players entire armies and created farms in process not including the two deleted members one of which was leader and founder of LegionNE (Enskive).

Remember we do this to clear our area of pest and make it easier for all of us to grow. Legion and DOOM from day one have attempted to farm us and they now know they picked with the wrong Alliance so lets break the rest of the spirit they have left and secure our homeland in the NE. Please try to recruit only inside of 58/58 not north of that unless you already have member as this area is hard to get to and we want to make sure we are close by to make our villages the most secure as possible.

Kronic -AC- Diplomat and Lead Strategist

Edited by bencik
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Mees esam alianse, tas nozimee, kad mees palidzam viens otram ! NEvis saakam atmaskas liet, kad nav nevaru :( Ir bediigi klausiities, kaa man staasta, vot vajadzeja resursus, paprasu vienam paprasu otram... Respekt to you guys. Ja man kads paprasa es palidzu, lai arii pashlaik to nevaru izdariit. Atshiriiba no tiem, kas seezh savaas alaa un kraaj resursus nebaltaam dienaam, ir taadi kuri stajas pretiim parspekam un dauza citus. Atliek tikai noveleet, kad jums saaks uzbrukt, pashapmierinatie lautinji! Tad redzesiet, kaa iet parejiem. Kameer jums neuzbruuk jums ir uzdevums palidzeet cits citam. Tas ir absurds, kad man palidziibu atsuuta sabiedrotais, bet savejais atmet ar roku ! Es ceru, kad dazhs labs beidzot sapratiis, ko nozimee alianse, ko nozimee sadarbiiba. Muus ir jastradaa kaa komandai !!!

Svariiga info !!!!

Please add CF, CF1, CF2 to your left of targets and hit them asap. This is a very weak Alliance that joined up with DOOM and an attempt to grow stronger in NE. Many of the members are located in NE so have fun and create some nice farms. Lets show them they picked the wrong side to Ally with.

Continue to fight hard and farm those Legion, DOOM, and CF memebrs around you as we are doing well with -AC- main having already taken out 15 players entire armies and created farms in process not including the two deleted members one of which was leader and founder of LegionNE (Enskive).

Remember we do this to clear our area of pest and make it easier for all of us to grow. Legion and DOOM from day one have attempted to farm us and they now know they picked with the wrong Alliance so lets break the rest of the spirit they have left and secure our homeland in the NE. Please try to recruit only inside of 58/58 not north of that unless you already have member as this area is hard to get to and we want to make sure we are close by to make our villages the most secure as possible.

Kronic -AC- Diplomat and Lead Strategist

Es ari sannemu tadu vestuli un tagad domaju ar vinjiem apvienotioes un nonest divus no doom aliances redzes kas bus jo armijas man vel nav bet jasak kas dariit lietas laba :D

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us i know ,you want start against us:))

just sad

I think we from baltic republics must keep more together

but you decide

just dont forget,who take the sword...can die by sword



Shito sanemu no Legion I, tas nozime, kad man driiz buus suudi, lieli :)

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Es paldies dievam veel dauzu vinjus... ;) BEt ja kadam te buus dirsaa tad tas emsu es :D Legion tagad doma, kad es te visu organizeju... Aa starp citu neiznu kapeec mezhazveers padeva talaak to visu info doom un legion :( KAroche mani komandas biedri spej izcelties, ne taa kaa es domaju :)

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