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Problema Ar .sma

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Kr4 Man kaut kaads S**** es nevaru nocomipleet filus nezn kapeec...

kad speizhu compile.exe viss iet bet raksta tur shito uz katra no .sma failiem

piem mapchooser.sma raksta shito


//C:\PROGRAM FILES\valve\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\mapchooser.sma<35> :FATAL ERROR 100: cannot read from file "amxmodx"


//compilation aborted.

//1 error.

//coul not locate output file compiled/mapchooser.amx <compile failed>.


//compilation time 0.09sec


KAS PA PROBLEMU??? Man Ir amxmodx 1.76d zaban.gifsad.gif

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da tu nesi lasijis standarta jautajumus un atbildes gign forumaa????

1 bija taads: es gribu sataisiit savu pluginu. Nee tu negribi, tu gribi to atrast amxmodx majaslapaa.... un starpcitu tad maybee klusti par amxx biedru un taisi pluginus....

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