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Everything posted by jerrico

  1. amx_gasnades 1/0 = Turn plugin ON / OFF amx_gasobeyFF = Does The gas obey FF or dmg anyone (def=1) amx_gasdmg = how much damage does it do (def=10) amx_gascheck = how often does it do that damage in secs (def=3) amx_smokegasp = Gasping sounds when in the gas (def=1) amx_gasradius = The radius toxic gas takes effect. The radius at 200-250 equals to appearance of smoke that a grenade spreads. Beware that the appearance of smoke won't increases by this value. if it is 0, damage takes no effects. (def=200) shitais viss ir salikts?
  2. raxtiiju visu taisniibu ,- sanaaca tieshaam labi, mazliet iepriecinaaja gruutaa briidii
  3. noskaidroju jau apmeeram visu kas vajadziigs. bet whatever snx shady var lockot ciet
  4. nekaa nav mekleejis un jau forumaa prasa
  5. varbuut kaads paziist sho tipu? apsaktiet rupiigi, kaadam no riidziniekiem varbuut lixies zinaams,ja zineit tad dotiet PM tieshaam ljoti vajadzigs liidz kuram rajonam ar sabiedrisko transportu var aizbraukt no autoostas 15 minuushu laikaa? Enemy spotted..
  6. jerrico


    apskaties bildees kuros RIigas raojonos pieejams
  7. damn lasu visu textus beefam, cik nu manas zinaashans taalu stiepjas visaa textaa patiesiiba
  8. gan jau ka apollo, right?
  9. nemelo, tur atbilde ir, izlasi ciitiigaak
  10. jaaieiet amxmodx.org maajaslapaa un jaasameklee attieciigais plugins
  12. ko ja? maxaasi man, - hosteeshu
  13. es njeemu shito vBulletin.v3.6.1 09/21, viss gaaaja
  14. tavs REC neko nedod, varbuut vieniigi dazhus warnus tev plusaa
  15. es domaaju ka tev shii rindinja g_HidePtr = register_cvar("amx_hideslots", "0") jaanomaina uz sho rindinju g_HidePtr = register_cvar("amx_hideslots", "1") kaa nekaa hideslots noziimee neraadiit slotus, ceru ka paliidzeeju
  16. 1. Make a list of all custom resources your server contains. Make new directories with exact names and copy the resource files in there (ex. /cstrike/maps/de_custom.bsp --> /maps/de_custom.bsp) 2. Find a web host that would contain enough space for your resources. I'm not trying to be commercial here, but I offer hosting. I use great bandwidth and feel free to contact me to try out the speed, I guarantee that you'll be satisfied. Otherwise, if you'll be searching for a hosting company be very careful. There are many companies out there who offer outrageous deals and you may end up finding out that the speed is extremely slow or that technical support is lacking. 3. Upload your resource files to the web host keeping the folder layout intact. Make a new folder on your webhost (ex. myresources) and upload the folders and files containing only your custom resources into that folder (ex. /maps/de_custom.bsp --> /myresources/maps/de_custom.bsp) And now you finally have to edit the variable. If your web host would be www.example.com your CVAR would be like this: sv_downloadurl "http://www.example.com/myresources/"
  17. nezinu vai ar fps 4 maz ir iespeejams paspeeleet takaa ne*irs, bishkinj paarspiileeji, KO TU TE VISPAAR PRASI VAI IR IESPEEJAMS, KAS MEES KAADI GAISHREGJI ESAM? nje un izmeegjini, pietiekami informaacijas forumaa par to debiilo fps
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