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Everything posted by Queer

  1. Sveiki! Pašlaik vis manā war3ft serverī strādā, bet viena sīciņa problēmiņa! Bm (BloodMage) rasei ! Ka kāds spēlētājs šauj pa manīm man nāk klāt HP, pa kādiem 50!
  2. Tavs kačātais mods ir aizvēsturisks labāk ņem šo!
  3. ShadowHunter faila kods : /* * Race: Shadow Hunter Functions */ #define SH_HEX_LENGTH 7.0 // Length that hex lasts in seconds #define SH_HEX_SPEED 0.05 // Speed hexed player will move at #define SH_HEALING_WAVE_RANGE 1000 // Range to heal teammates #define SH_BIGBADVOODOO_DURATION 7 #define SH_CONCOCTION_DAMAGE 15 // Damage done by Unstable Concoction #define SH_CONCOCTION_RADIUS 350 new g_SH_SerpentGiven[33]; new bool:bWardBombCheck = false; // **************************************** // Shadow Hunter's Healing Wave // **************************************** // Helper function to start the healing process public SH_HealingWave( id ) { if ( !task_exists( id + TASK_WAVE ) ) { _SH_HealingWave( id ); } } // We don't need to ever actually "turn this off" since this task will take care of itself public _SH_HealingWave( id ) { if ( id >= TASK_WAVE ) { id -= TASK_WAVE; } // User is no longer connected :/ if ( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] ) { return; } static iSkillLevel; iSkillLevel = SM_GetSkillLevel( id, SKILL_HEALINGWAVE ); // User doesn't have this skill, so lets return // - Also return if this was called twice if ( iSkillLevel <= 0 ) { return; } // Continue healing... if ( is_user_alive( id ) ) { set_task( p_heal[iSkillLevel-1], "_SH_HealingWave", TASK_WAVE + id ); } // Prevent healing if this player is hexed if ( p_data_b[id][PB_HEXED] ) { return; } new players[32], numberofplayers, targetid, targetorigin[3], origin[3]; new iTeam = get_user_team( id ); get_user_origin( id, origin ); get_players( players, numberofplayers, "a" ); // Loop through each player and check to see if one is close enough to be healed for ( new i = 0; i < numberofplayers; i++ ) { targetid = players[i]; // User is on the caster's team if ( p_data_b[targetid][PB_ISCONNECTED] && get_user_team( targetid ) == iTeam ) { get_user_origin( targetid, targetorigin ); // User is close enough if ( get_distance(origin, targetorigin) < SH_HEALING_WAVE_RANGE ) { get_user_origin( targetid, origin ) // User needs health if ( get_user_health( targetid ) + 1 <= get_user_maxhealth( targetid ) ) { set_user_health( targetid, get_user_health( targetid ) + 1 ); Create_TE_IMPLOSION( origin, 100, 8, 1 ); } } } } return; } // **************************************** // Shadow Hunter's Hex // **************************************** public _SH_RemoveHex( id ) { id -= TASK_HEX; if( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] ) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } p_data_b[id][PB_CAN_RENDER] = true; p_data_b[id][PB_HEXED] = false; if ( is_user_alive( id ) ) { // Reset the user's speed SHARED_ResetMaxSpeed( id ); // Reset the user's gravity SHARED_SetGravity( id ); // Reset the user's rendering SHARED_INVIS_Set( id ); // Reset the user's devotion aura HU_DevotionAura( id ); emit_sound( id, CHAN_STATIC, g_szSounds[SOUND_HEX], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM ); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } // **************************************** // Shadow Hunter's Serpent Ward // **************************************** SH_SerpentWard( id ) { static iSkillLevel; iSkillLevel = SM_GetSkillLevel( id, SKILL_SERPENTWARD ); // User should have some! if ( iSkillLevel > 0 ) { // Then we can give the user a serpent ward! while ( g_SH_SerpentGiven[id] < p_serpent[iSkillLevel-1] ) { // Increase the available serpent wards p_data[id][P_SERPENTCOUNT]++; // Increase the total we have given the user! g_SH_SerpentGiven[id]++; //client_print( id, print_chat, "[DEBUG] Total wards increased to %d (total given so far: %d)", p_data[id][P_SERPENTCOUNT], g_SH_SerpentGiven[id] ); } } // User should not have any! else { // Remove all available serpents! p_data[id][P_SERPENTCOUNT] = 0; // We don't need to remove any of the wards b/c the task knows to check the skill level } } public SH_PlaceSerpentWard( id ) { // User is hexed, can't use any skills if ( p_data_b[id][PB_HEXED] ) { WC3_StatusText( id, 0, "%L", id, "HEX_NO_ABILITY" ); } // User is alive we can place a ward! else if ( is_user_alive( id ) && SM_GetSkillLevel( id, SKILL_SERPENTWARD ) > 0 && p_data[id][P_SERPENTCOUNT] > 0 ) { // Serpent Ward if ( SH_CanPlaceWard( id ) ) { new parm[5], origin[3] get_user_origin( id, origin ); parm[0] = origin[0]; parm[1] = origin[1]; parm[2] = origin[2]; parm[3] = id; parm[4] = get_user_team( id ); _SH_DrawSerpentWard( parm ); p_data[id][P_SERPENTCOUNT]--; WC3_StatusText( id, 0, "%L", id, "SERPENT_WARD", p_data[id][P_SERPENTCOUNT] ); } else { WC3_StatusText( id, 0, "You cannot place a serpent ward here" ); } } } // Called when the bomb is planted SH_BombPlanted() { bWardBombCheck = true; set_task( 1.0, "_SH_ResetBombCheck", 0 ); } public _SH_ResetBombCheck() { bWardBombCheck = false; } public _SH_DrawSerpentWard( parm[5] ) { if ( !WC3_Check() ) { return; } new id = parm[3]; // User is no longer connected, stop drawing wards if( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] ) { return; } // User is no longer alive, don't draw wards if ( !is_user_alive( id ) ) { return; } // User doesn't have this skill anymore! Remove the ward! if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( id, SKILL_SERPENTWARD ) <= 0 ) { return; } // Don't allow the ward to be by a hostage or the bom if ( bWardBombCheck ) { if ( !SH_CanPlaceWard( id ) ) { client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Serpent ward removed, you can't have them near bombs or hostages!", g_MODclient ); return; } } new origin[3], start[3], end[3], red, blue, green origin[0]=parm[0] origin[1]=parm[1] origin[2]=parm[2] // Set up the top of the ward start[0] = origin[0] start[1] = origin[1] start[2] = origin[2] + 600 // Set up the bottom of the ward end[0] = origin[0] end[1] = origin[1] end[2] = origin[2] - 600 // Set up colors based on what game/team if ( g_MOD == GAME_CSTRIKE || g_MOD == GAME_CZERO ) { if ( parm[4] == TS ) { red = 255; blue = 0; green = 0; } else { red = 0; blue = 255; green = 0; } } else if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD ) { if ( parm[4] == AXIS ) { red = 255; blue = 63; green = 63; } else { red = 76; blue = 102; green = 76; } } // Draw the serpent ward Create_TE_BEAMPOINTS( start, end, g_iSprites[SPR_LIGHTNING], 1, 5, 2, 500, 20, red, green, blue, 100, 100 ); // Now lets check and see if any players are near that need to be damaged new players[32], numberofplayers; new targetid, targetorigin[3]; get_players( players, numberofplayers, "a" ); for ( new i = 0; i < numberofplayers; i++ ) { targetid = players[i]; if ( parm[4] != get_user_team( targetid ) ) { get_user_origin( targetid, targetorigin ); if ( get_distance( origin, targetorigin ) < 85 ) { // Damage the user WC3_Damage( targetid, id, 10, CSW_SERPENTWARD, -1 ); // Make the sound when they're attacked client_cmd( targetid, "speak ambience/thunder_clap.wav" ); // Create screen fade on the owners screen Create_ScreenFade( id, (1<<10), (1<<10), (1<<12), red, green, blue, 55 ); } } } set_task( 0.5, "_SH_DrawSerpentWard", TASK_LIGHT + id, parm, 5 ); return; } bool:SH_CanPlaceWard( id ) { new vPlayerOrigin[3]; get_user_origin( id, vPlayerOrigin ); // Make sure the user isn't trying to place a ward near a hostage if ( SHARED_NearObjective( vPlayerOrigin ) == OBJENT_HOSTAGE ) { return false; } // Make sure the user isn't trying to place a ward near the bomb new Float:vEntOrigin[3]; new vEntityOrigin[3]; new iEnt = find_ent_by_model( -1, "grenade", "models/w_c4.mdl" ) if ( iEnt && is_valid_ent( iEnt ) ) { entity_get_vector( iEnt, EV_VEC_origin, vEntOrigin ) vEntityOrigin[0] = floatround( vEntOrigin[0] ); vEntityOrigin[1] = floatround( vEntOrigin[1] ); vEntityOrigin[2] = floatround( vEntOrigin[2] ); if ( get_distance( vPlayerOrigin, vEntityOrigin ) < 250 ) { return false; } } return true; } // **************************************** // Shadow Hunter's Big Bad Voodoo // **************************************** public SH_Ult_BigBadVoodoo( id ) { if ( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] ) { return; } p_data_b[id][PB_GODMODE] = true; p_data_b[id][PB_CAN_RENDER] = false; ULT_ResetCooldown( id, get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_ult_cooldown ) + SH_BIGBADVOODOO_DURATION, false ); ULT_Icon( id, ICON_FLASH ); if ( g_MOD == GAME_CSTRIKE || g_MOD == GAME_CZERO ) { Create_BarTime( id, SH_BIGBADVOODOO_DURATION, 0 ); } emit_sound( id, CHAN_STATIC, g_szSounds[SOUND_VOODOO], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM ); set_user_rendering( id, kRenderFxGlowShell, 255, 245, 50, kRenderNormal, 16 ); new vOrigin[3]; get_user_origin( id, vOrigin ); vOrigin[2] += 75; Create_TE_ELIGHT( id, vOrigin, 100, 255, 245, 200, SH_BIGBADVOODOO_DURATION, 0 ); set_task( float( SH_BIGBADVOODOO_DURATION ), "SH_Ult_Remove", TASK_RESETGOD + id ); return; } public SH_Ult_Remove( id ) { if ( id >= TASK_RESETGOD ) { id -= TASK_RESETGOD; } if ( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] ) { return; } p_data_b[id][PB_CAN_RENDER] = true; p_data_b[id][PB_GODMODE] = false; ULT_Icon( id, ICON_HIDE ); SHARED_INVIS_Set( id ); return; } SH_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim ) { static iSkillLevel; // Hex iSkillLevel = SM_GetSkillLevel( iAttacker, SKILL_HEX ); if ( iSkillLevel > 0 ) { if ( random_float( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= p_hex[iSkillLevel-1] ) { // We need to identify the victim as slowed + hexed p_data_b[iVictim][PB_HEXED] = true p_data_b[iVictim][PB_SLOWED] = true; // Slow the user's speed SHARED_SetSpeed( iVictim ); // Set the user's gravity SHARED_SetGravity( iVictim ); // Set the user's rendering SHARED_INVIS_Set( iVictim ); // Remove user's devotion aura new iHealth = get_user_health( iVictim ); if ( iHealth - g_HU_DevotionAuraGiven[iVictim] < 0 ) { if (is_user_alive(iVictim)) set_user_health( iVictim, 1 ); } else { set_user_health( iVictim, iHealth - g_HU_DevotionAuraGiven[iVictim] ); } g_HU_DevotionAuraGiven[iVictim] = 0; // Create the "remove hex" task set_task( SH_HEX_LENGTH ,"_SH_RemoveHex", TASK_HEX + iVictim ); // Play the hex sound emit_sound( iVictim, CHAN_STATIC, g_szSounds[SOUND_HEX], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM ); // Make the user glow! SHARED_Glow( iVictim, 150, 150, 150, 0 ); // Lets create a screen fade Create_ScreenFade( iVictim, (1<<10), (1<<10), (1<<12), 255, 255, 255, 75 ) } } } SH_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim ) { static iSkillLevel; // Unstable Concoction iSkillLevel = SM_GetSkillLevel( iVictim, PASS_UNSTABLECONCOCTION ); if ( iSkillLevel > 0 ) { // Check to see if we should "concoction" if ( random_float( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= p_concoction[iSkillLevel] ) { new vOrigin[3], vInitOrigin[3], vAxisOrigin[3], i; // Get origin of attacker get_user_origin( iAttacker, vOrigin ); // Play sound on attacker emit_sound( iAttacker, CHAN_STATIC, g_szSounds[SOUND_CONCOCTION_CAST], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM ); // Set up the origins for the effect vInitOrigin[0] = vOrigin[0]; vInitOrigin[1] = vOrigin[1]; vInitOrigin[2] = vOrigin[2] - 16; vAxisOrigin[0] = vOrigin[0]; vAxisOrigin[1] = vOrigin[1]; vAxisOrigin[2] = vOrigin[2] + SH_CONCOCTION_RADIUS; // Display the effect on the attacker for ( i = 0; i < 200; i += 25 ) { Create_TE_BEAMCYLINDER( vOrigin, vInitOrigin, vAxisOrigin, g_iSprites[SPR_SHOCKWAVE], 0, 0, 9, 20, 0, 188, 220, 255, 255, 0 ); vInitOrigin[2] += 25; } new team = get_user_team( iVictim ); new players[32], numberofplayers, vTargetOrigin[3]; get_players(players, numberofplayers, "a"); // Loop through all players and see if anyone nearby needs to be damaged for( i = 0; i < numberofplayers; i++ ) { // Then we have a target on the other team!! if ( get_user_team( players[i] ) != team ) { get_user_origin( players[i], vTargetOrigin ); // Make sure they are close enough if ( get_distance( vOrigin, vTargetOrigin ) <= SH_CONCOCTION_RADIUS ) { // Damage WC3_Damage( players[i], iVictim, SH_CONCOCTION_DAMAGE, CSW_CONCOCTION, 0 ); // Let the victim know he hit someone emit_sound( iVictim, CHAN_STATIC, g_szSounds[SOUND_CONCOCTION_HIT], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM ); } } } } else if ( get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_psychostats ) ) { new WEAPON = CSW_CONCOCTION - CSW_WAR3_MIN; iStatsShots[iVictim][WEAPON]++; } } } // This function is called to reset the ability of an attacker to attack a user running big bad voodoo public _SH_ResetBigBadAttacker( id ) { if ( !WC3_Check() ) { return; } if ( id >= TASK_BIGBADATTACKER ) { id -= TASK_BIGBADATTACKER; } if ( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] ) { return; } p_data_b[id][PB_BIGBAD_ATTACKER] = false; client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You can no longer damage players with Big Bad Voodoo activated", g_MODclient ); } un kas man tur ir jāmaina?
  4. Bet kā var uzlikto to, ka rakstot /rings par katru ringu dod 5 hp ik pa divām sekundēm? Un ShadowHunter (helingWave) dod 15 hp ik pa sekundi?
  5. Nu varbūt! Piedodat šis varbūt nebūs pa tēmu, bet uzliku šo war3 modu, pectam cenšos compile.exe un izmet šito ārā
  6. Sveiki! Iekš addons/amxmod/scripting/war3ft/war3ft.inl ir rindiņas kur var mainīt soundus! Piem. copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_VENGEANCE] , 63, "warcraft3/MiniSpiritPissed1.wav" ); // Warden's Ultimate copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_SUICIDE] , 63, "ambience/particle_suck1.wav" ); // Undead's Ultimate copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_BANISH] , 63, "warcraft3/banishcaster.wav" ); // Banish copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_LOCUSTSWARM] , 63, "warcraft3/locustswarmloop.wav" ); // Locust Swarm copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_SHADOWSTRIKE] , 63, "warcraft3/shadowstrikebirth.wav" ); // Shadow Strike copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_CARRION] , 63, "warcraft3/carrionswarmlaunch1.wav" ); // Carrion Beetles copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_IMPALE] , 63, "warcraft3/impalehit.wav" ); // Impale copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_VOODOO] , 63, "warcraft3/divineshield.wav" ); // Big Bad Voodoo copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_FLAMESTRIKE] , 63, "warcraft3/flamestriketargetwavenonloop1.wav" ); // Flame Strike copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_ENTANGLING] , 63, "warcraft3/entanglingrootstarget1.wav" ); // Entangling Roots copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_LIGHTNING] , 63, "warcraft3/lightningbolt.wav" ); // Chain Lightning copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_TELEPORT] , 63, "warcraft3/massteleporttarget.wav" ); // Teleport copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_BLINK] , 63, "warcraft3/blinkarrival.wav" ); // Blink Teleport copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_LEVELUP] , 63, "warcraft3/levelupcaster.wav" ); // Level up copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_PICKUPITEM] , 63, "warcraft3/pickupitem.wav" ); // Buy / Pick up item copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_TOME] , 63, "warcraft3/Tomes.wav" ); // Tome of Experience copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_ULTIMATESCAN] , 63, "turret/tu_ping.wav" ); // Ultimate Beep copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_ULTIMATEREADY] , 63, "warcraft3/resurrecttarget.wav" ); // Ultimate Beep copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_ANNIHILATION] , 63, "warcraft3/PurgeTarget1.wav" ); // Orb of Annihilation copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_CONCOCTION_CAST] , 63, "warcraft3/PossessionMissileLaunch1.wav" ); // Unstable Concoction Cast copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_CONCOCTION_HIT] , 63, "warcraft3/PossessionMissileHit1.wav" ); // Unstable Concoction Hit copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_HEX] , 63, "warcraft3/PolymorphDone.wav" ); // Hex copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_IMMOLATE] , 63, "warcraft3/ImmolationDecay1.wav" ); // Immolate copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_IMMOLATE_BURNING], 63, "ambience/flameburst1.wav" ); // Immolate Burning copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_REINCARNATION] , 63, "warcraft3/soundpack/reincarnation.wav" ); // Weapon Reincarnation/Ankh copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_ANTEND] , 63, "warcraft3/antend.wav" ); // Sound played when you try to shoot a chameleoned teammate copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_ERROR] , 63, "warcraft3/bonus/Error.wav" ); // Sound played on errors copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_DISPELL] , 63, "warcraft3/DispelMagicTarget.wav" ); // Dispell an ultimate - played on caster copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_SPELLSHIELD] , 63, "warcraft3/SpellShieldImpact1.wav" ); // Dispell an ultimate - played on blocker , bet kad es viņus gribu mainīt uz sev tīkamākām skaņām man nekas nesanāk ;(
  7. Sveiki! Kā var samainīt iekš war3 to [WAR3FT] uz kādu citu vārdu! (Skatīt bildē)
  8. Varbūt pārtaisi serveri! Dažreiz es pats kaut ko nepareizi izdaru, bet pārstrādājot visu vienmēr viss iet!
  9. Vai tad miscsatas.amxx neatbild par tām skaņām (piem. HeadSohot, Moonsterkill utt.) un uzrakstiem, ka plānto bombu?
  10. Iekš šī war3 moda ir tā, kad bm liesmas iet uz visiem kas ir apkārt, bet man vajag lai liesma iet tikai uz vienu cilvēku kā šajā bildē!
  11. Ir tāda lieta kā compilate.exe (šī lieta nokompilē .sma failus uz .amxx), bet man vajag otrādi, no .amxx uz .sma! Tā vsp. var dabūt?
  12. Sveiki! Varbūt ir tāda iespēja kā atkompilēt .amxx failus uz .sma ?
  13. Šeit būs pareizāks skripts -game cstrike -console pingboost 3 -insecure +maxplayers 18 +sv_lan 1 +map de_dust2
  14. Šeit būs pareizāks skripts -game cstrike -console pingboost 3 -insecure +maxplayers 18 +sv_lan 1 +map de_dust2
  15. Sveiki! kā soundiem var izveidot šo formātu .wav.ztmp ( piem ir killing_spree.wav un blakus killing_spree.wav.ztmp)
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