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C-s 1.6 Slay,ban,kick Adminu Kodi!

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C-S 1.6 slay,ban,kick adminu kodi utt!

Varetu uzrakstit kads please! Vnk pirma reize ka adminam bet tos kodus nezinu! zinu tikai kick! pa tiem slat admins votemap, utt! smiliez.de_2524.gif

Banu uz nicku liek -> amx_ban <niks> <laiks> <iemesls>

Piemērs: amx_ban N00Biks 999999 wh

Banu uz IP liek (Iesaku šito variantu) -> amx_banip <niks> <laiks> <iemesls>

Pimērs: amx_banip N00Biks 999999 wh

Kāda atšķirība? - amx_ban Nobano nicku, bet ja spēlētājs to nomaina, mierīgi tiks atpakaļ dry.gif , bet amx_banip nobano viņa IP un viņ tiks sasaldēts wink.gif

Kicku liek -> amx_kick <niks> <iemesls>

Piemērs: amx_kick Jaanis fluuds

Slap liek -> amx_slap <niks> <damage>

Piemērs: amx_slap Ojaars 15

Slay liek -> amx_slay <niks>

Piemērs: amx_slay Ivars thumbsup.gif

Bet, ja vajg HELP, tad vnk consolē ieraksti amx_hep un tev būs `50 komandas iekš amx thumbsup.gif

Ātrs komandu sakopojums būs, ja tu konsolē iedrukāsi amxmodmenu un tad tev parādīsies menu ar svarīgākajām komandām smile.gif

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Pirmkārt jau amx_help

Command Format Access Description

amx_kick <name or #userid> [reason] ADMIN_KICK Kicks a player.

amx_ban <name or #userid> <time> [reason] ADMIN_BAN Bans a player.

amx_addban <authid or ip> <minutes> [reason] ADMIN_BAN Adds a ban to the server banlist.

amx_unban <authid or ip> ADMIN_BAN Unbans a player.

amx_slay <name or #userid> ADMIN_SLAY Slays a player.

amx_slap <name or #userid> [damage] ADMIN_SLAY Slaps a player for variable damage.

amx_leave <tag> [tag1] [tag2] [tag3] ADMIN_KICK Kicks all players not wearing one of the tags.

amx_pause ADMIN_CVAR Pauses or unpauses the game.

amx_who ADMIN_ADMIN Displays who is on the server.

amx_cvar <cvar> [value] ADMIN_CVAR Changes or displays a cvar value.

amx_map <mapname> ADMIN_MAP Changes map.

amx_cfg <filename> ADMIN_CFG Executes a server-side config file.

amx_rcon <rcon command line> ADMIN_RCON Executes a command on the server console.

amx_plugins ADMIN_ADMIN Lists all loaded plugins.

amx_modules ADMIN_ADMIN Lists all loaded modules.

Chat Commands

Command Format Access Description

amx_say <message> ADMIN_CHAT Sends a message to all players through normal say.

amx_chat <message> ADMIN_CHAT Sends a message to all admins through normal chat.

amx_psay <name or #userid> <message> ADMIN_CHAT Sends a private message to a player.

amx_tsay <color> <message> ADMIN_CHAT Sends a left side HUD message to all players.

amx_csay <color> <message> ADMIN_CHAT Sends a center HUD message to all players.

Vote Commands

Command Format Access Description

amx_votemap <map> [map] [map] [map] ADMIN_VOTE Starts a vote for a map.

amx_votekick <name or #userid> ADMIN_VOTE Starts a vote to kick a player.

amx_voteban <name or #userid> ADMIN_VOTE Starts a vote to ban a player.

amx_vote <question> <answer1> <answer2> ADMIN_VOTE Starts a custom poll.

amx_cancelvote ADMIN_VOTE Cancels the last poll in progress.

Stats Commands

Command Format Access Description

say /hp Displays information about your killer.

say /statsme Displays your stats.

say /stats Displays other players' stats.

say /top15 Displays the top 15 players.

say /rank Displays your rank on the server.

Say Commands

Command Format Access Description

say nextmap Displays the next map in the mapcycle.

say timeleft Displays the time left in the map.

say thetime Displays the current time.

Menu Commands

Command Format Access Description

amxmodmenu ADMIN_MENU Displays the main AMX Mod X menu.

amx_cvarmenu ADMIN_CVAR Displays the CVAR menu.

amx_mapmenu ADMIN_MAP Displays the map change menu.

amx_votemapmenu ADMIN_MAP Displays the map voting menu.

amx_kickmenu ADMIN_KICK Displays kick menu.

amx_banmenu ADMIN_BAN Displays ban menu.

amx_slapmenu ADMIN_SLAY Displays slap/slay menu.

amx_teammenu ADMIN_LEVEL_A Displays team switch menu.

amx_clcmdmenu ADMIN_LEVEL_A Displays client commands menu.

amx_restmenu ADMIN_CFG Displays weapon restriction menu.

amx_teleportmenu ADMIN_CFG Displays teleport menu.

amx_pausecfgmenu ADMIN_CFG Pause/unpause plugins with menu.

amx_statscfgmenu ADMIN_CFG Displays stats configuration menu.

Config Commands

Command: amx_pausecfg

Format: <command> [name]


Description: Command list available:

off - Pauses all plugins not in the list.

on - Unpauses all plugins.

stop <file> - Stops a plugin.

pause <file> - Pauses a plugin.

enable <file> - Enables a plugin.

save - Saves a list of stopped plugins.

clear - Clears a list of stopped plugins.

list [id] - Lists plugins.

add <title> - Marks a plugin as unpauseable.

Command: amx_statscfg

Format: <command> [parameters]


Description: Command list available:

on <variable> - Enable specific option.

off <variable> - Disable specific option.

save - Save stats configuration.

load - Load stats configuration.

list [id] - List stats statuses.

add <name> <variable> - Add stat variable to the list.

RCON Commands

Command: amxx

Format: <command> [parameters]


Description: Command list available:

amxx version - Display version.

amxx modules - Display modules.

amxx plugins - Display plugins.

amxx gpl - Display the GNU General Public License

amxx cvars - Display AMX Mod X registered CVARs.

amxx cmds - Display AMX Mod X registered commands.

amxx pause - Pause a running plugin.

amxx unpause - Unpause a running plugin.the list

Edited by LiL_Netii
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