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# Config auto-generated on Tue May 16 10:10:06 2006

baseskill = 1000

bufferedoutput = 0

defaultmap = unknownmap

eventmaxdays = 0

gametype = halflife

historymaxdays = 180

ignorebots = 0

ignorechat = 1

ignoremaps =

ignorercon = 0

ignorestatsme = 0

language = english

logerrors = 1

logsource = C:\Cs servis\cstrike\logs

logsource = C:\Cs servis\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\logs

logsource = c:/cs servis/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/logs

minconnected = 0

modtype = cstrike

oldlogspath =

removeoldlogs = 0

reportunknown = 0

saverconpassword = 0

savetype = mysql

serverip =

servername = cs.fallens.lv

skillfunc = default

uniqueid = worldid

verbose = 1


monthly = 1

startofweek = monday

weekly = 1


binary = 0

delete = 0

download = 0

host = myhost.domain.com

localpath = /home/lifo/logs/downloaded1

pass = password

pasv = 0

port = 21

remotepath = logs/test1/

skiplast = 1

user = username


playerrankfield = skill

playerrankorder = DESC

playerranks = 1

playerrules = 1

primaryplrname = most

weaponweights = 1


kills = > 0

onlinetime = >= (10 * 60)


compile = 1

debug = 0

minkills = 1

minmembers = 2

minskill = 100


minskill = 1000

skill = 2%


imagesroot = C:/appserv/www/stats/images\

imagesurl = /stats/images/

mapsroot = C:/appserv/www/stats/images\maps\

mapsurl = /stats/images/maps/

source = psweb

statsroot = C:/appserv/www/stats/

statsurl = /stats/

weaponsroot = C:/appserv/www/stats/images\weapons\

weaponsurl = /stats/images/weapons/


awards = awards.cfg

clantags = clantags.cfg

langmain = lang_main.cfg

logdata = logdata.cfg

theme = theme.cfg

weapons = weapons.cfg


stripcd = 0



compression = 0

dbname = ps_stats

host = localhost

password =

tableprefix = pstats_

username =


compiledir = C:\AppServ\www\psychostats\themes_compiled\

ftppass =

ftppasv = 0

ftpport = 21

ftpuser = unknown

initialized = 1

skipinit = 0

themedir = C:\AppServ\www\psychostats\themes\

webhost = localhost

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logsource = C:\Cs servis\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\logs

logsource = c:/cs servis/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/logs

shie nau vajadziigi 76.gif

uniqueid = worldid

uniqueid = name

imagesroot = C:/appserv/www/stats/images\

mapsroot = C:/appserv/www/stats/images\maps\

njaaaaaaaaa 31.gif

Edited by Norkizz
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