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Probleema vareetu gadiities ar moduljiem (modules)... Ja tev nav kaut kaadi strashnie un ahujennie plugini, tad modules.ini fails izskataas shaads:

; AMX Mod X Modules
; You can specify both linux & win32 modules here
; To enable a module, remove the semi-colon from the line

; ------------------------------
; Fun - provides extra functions
; ------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------
; Engine - provides engine functions core to Half-Life
; ----------------------------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Fakemeta - provides a massive interface into the HL engine
; ----------------------------------------------------------

; -------------------------------------------
; Database Access - only enable one of these
; -------------------------------------------
; PostgreSQL
; Microsoft SQL
; SQLite

; ---------------------------------------------
; GeoIP - determines the country of ip adresses
; ---------------------------------------------

; --------------------------------
; Sockets - network socket support
; --------------------------------

; --------------------------
; Regular Expression support
; --------------------------

; --------------------
; Binary Vault support
; --------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Counter-Strike - adds functions specific to Counter-Strike
; ----------------------------------------------------------

; -----------------------------------------------------
; CSX - adds functionality for CS statistics and events
; -----------------------------------------------------

Man bija shii probleema tad, kad man bija aktiivi Fakemeta un Engine

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  Wanted-_-boy[RobZombie said:
,May 1 2006, 14:44] a man vaig k-kaadu fakameta vai k-kads tads... itkaa ir! bet raxta konsolee ka loading errors !

Ja tev vajag fakemeta, un tev ir Windows, tad vienkaarshi nonjem semikolu no rindas ;fakemeta.dll taa lai paliek fakemeta.dll

Edited by x-tomy91-x
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  klucis said:
Man ir sh mod plugini unsure.gifsmiliez.de_2538.gif

Ja tev ir superhero, tad teavam modules.ini failam jaizskataas shaadam:

; AMX Mod X Modules
; You can specify both linux & win32 modules here
; To enable a module, remove the semi-colon from the line

; ------------------------------
; Fun - provides extra functions
; ------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------
; Engine - provides engine functions core to Half-Life
; ----------------------------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Fakemeta - provides a massive interface into the HL engine
; ----------------------------------------------------------

; -------------------------------------------
; Database Access - only enable one of these
; -------------------------------------------
; PostgreSQL
; Microsoft SQL
; SQLite

; ---------------------------------------------
; GeoIP - determines the country of ip adresses
; ---------------------------------------------

; --------------------------------
; Sockets - network socket support
; --------------------------------

; --------------------------
; Regular Expression support
; --------------------------

; --------------------
; Binary Vault support
; --------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Counter-Strike - adds functions specific to Counter-Strike
; ----------------------------------------------------------

; -----------------------------------------------------
; CSX - adds functionality for CS statistics and events
; -----------------------------------------------------

Ja negribas kopeet, tad apakshaa pievienots fails!

modules.iniFetching info...

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  klucis said:
mmm sanaak jaatstaj tikai dll faili?? un kas ar to engine? ko tipa vins dod?

Nu ja tu izmanto windows, tad jaatstaaj tikai DLL, jo paareejie ir domaatu prieksh linux! Cik zinu, tad engine ir domaats daudziem pluginiem, bet taadiem, bez kuriem var iztikt! Bezjeegaa nav vinju jaaktivizee, jo man ar vinju vairaak serverim bija lagi!

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  klucis said:
debils jautajums smiliez.de_2469.gif ... ik pec kadam 10-15min serveris izmet daudzus speletajus un saka NICK owerflowed vai kauko tml.. pirmstam paarbaudiijis kaukadus failus.. ka sho problemu varetu likvideet?  smiliez.de_2428.gif  smiliez.de_207.gif

reku tas tizlais lohs kursh visiem savaa serverii saliek 0 lvl un pasham 20lvl tas taa un peec tam VEEL BaN smiliez.de_2524.gif

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SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Barcelon // Ronaldinho

SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Barcelon // Ronaldinho

SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Barcelon // Ronaldinho

SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Barcelon // Ronaldinho

SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Barcelon // Ronaldinho

SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Barcelon // Ronaldinho

Dropped Barcelon // Ronaldinho from server

Reason: Timed out

tipa met taadu erroru...

P.s. ^BinD*^ mes te neapspriediisim banu ar tadiem chiteriem ka tevi.... smiliez.de_2428.gif


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  ^BinD*^ said:
Tu loh aizpis muti bled aizej nodraaz labaak izpis savu nenormaali smirdiigo serveri un beidz kunksteet kaa maza LAME  smiliez.de_2551.gif

Pats aizpis smiliez.de_2551.gifsmiliez.de_2551.gif ............................. kluci nevaru paliidzeet sad.gif

Edited by BotE.
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