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lol man pirmo reizi erors un tu sac dirsties ka macho, lab nu jau vinjs beidz vai nav laika etc. tagad tu, ja nevari palidzet labak stavi klusu ! mad.gif

Man prieks ka ienāci lai izlasītu vai nav kāda atbilde Tavā atvērtajā topikā.

Bet nē, nav.

Es ciešu klusu!

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Obfuscated Coding Contest Mar 20, 2006 17:19

While we're finishing up beta testing on 1.71 and getting ready to launch the official server, on IRC we came up with the idea to have an Obfuscated Coding Contest, similar to this one.

What's an obfuscated coding contest? The idea is to write the nastiest plugin you possibly can. The code has to be as unreadable, unfriendly, and as original and creative as possible. After all the work we put into making sure people become better programmers, here's your chance to write terrible code!

Karoch gaidiet tuvākajās dienās iznāks AMXX 1.71

PS. cerams ka vairs nebūs tādu kļūdu dry.gif

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