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Nevar ielogoties

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Labrit ir problemas ar ielogosanas ieksa IPB versija 3.3.4 Biju instalejis dazadus IPB versijas un ir viena un ta pati problema ka nevar ielogoties ieksa ka parasts lietotajs. a admina paneli var mierigi ielogoties Kas un kur varetu but par problemu?.

Rekur ir kad instaleju IPB forumu

System Requirements

PHP: v5.2.0 or better

SQL: MySQL v4.1.0 (5.0.0 or better preferred)

Memory Limit: 128M or better recommended

Your memory limit: 120M.

You can still proceed but we recommend you contact your host and request the memory limit be raised to 128M to prevent possible issues.

Pre-Install Check: Files

Required Files: Failed

Pre-Install Check: PHP Extensions

PHP Extensions Overview: Warnings

DOM XML Handling (libxml2): Passed

GD Library (gd): Passed

Reflection Class (Reflection): Passed

SPL (SPL): Passed

OpenSSL (openssl) Recommended: FAILED (Click for more info)

JSON (json): Passed

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