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I-nets Un Pats Windows ;p


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1) šodien restartēju kompi, iegāju mozila firefox, un lapa ielādējas aptuveni 15 sekundes :blelohs: agrāk nekad ta nav bijis. man ir rūteris, ar provaideri viss kartībā, arī ar parlūkprogrammu viss ok.

āa, un vēl kas, spelējot CS nekas nelago, tāpat kā ar Source :P

2) biju noskanējis ar nortonu antivirusu datoru, un pēc tā, dažas programmas vienkārši nefunkcionē (noskaneju jo leca virus ar paziņojumu). Kaut vai hltv.exe vairs nav manā CS mapē. :superlol:

nokačāju NOD32 antivirusu, šis reāli bremzē kompi.

laikam būs vajadzība parinstalēt Windows. :niknz:

Edited by theNTH
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lamer, es tavā postā nekur neredzu nevienu jautājumu

pats taču noslēdzi savu monologu ar domu pārlikt OS

liec laimīgs

problēmu, lai kas tā arī nebūtu noteikti atrisināsi, vismaz uz kādu laiku

kaut gan pēc taviem postiem spriežot - hvz uz cik ilgu...

droši vien esi kārtīgu zvērudārzu salaidis kompī

p.s. no tava žēlabu stāsta tā arī neiebraucu, kāpēc tu izlēmi likt citu antivīrusu...

Edited by baarbijvecis
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ar to tak es sāku - tavs antivīruss sucks...

pārliec vien savu windows (ja reiz esi līdz tādai kondīcijai nolaidis) un turpmāk esi uzmanīgs...

tikai centies jau liekot nesalaist visādus mēslus

lasi - neinstalē kaut kādus ūberkrutos ūberkreisos windows edišenus, kur figviņzin kāda zaraza iekšā...

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Kādas skujas pēc lietot antivīrusu?

Atbildot uz otro jautājumu, jā varēs vinduli uzinstalēt. Iestatījumus viegli salikt, bet ceri, ka linux atradīs Tavu tīkla karti. Ja būs jāliek draiveri, tas var izrādties visai apnicīgi.

Edīte: limited user + ACLview un naskuj visus antivīrusus.

Edited by kRi
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Instalējot windows, izleca erors pie "Setp is runing windows" (aptuveni tā), un ar sekojošu erroru.

STOP: c0000221 unknown Hard Error


(pierakstiju uz lapiņas, varbūt kaut kas nepareizi).

EDIT: nē, tomēr ntdll.dll :)

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This problem may occur if the file that is described in the error message is corrupted. The following files are checked for integrity when Microsoft Windows XP starts:

? All driver files (except those that are loaded by the system loader to start. the computer)

? All dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), including User, Graphics Device Interface (GDI), Shell, Kernel, Ntdll, Crtdll, and others.

This problem may occur if you install an inappropriate driver for your hardware. For example, you receive one of the error messages that are described in the "Summary" section if you install a millions of instructions per second (MIPS) driver on an X86-based computer.

This problem may occur if an Iomega Zip drive is on the same integrated device electronics (IDE) cable as the hard disk drive.

The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.


To resolve this problem, obtain a new copy of the corrupted file or reinstall Windows XP. If you continue to receive any one of the error messages that are described in the "Summary" section after you reinstall Windows XP, a hardware problem or a network problem may exist.


This error message may be displayed in many different formats, including an error message that is displayed on a blue screen or an error message that is displayed in a dialog box. The type of format that the error message is displayed in depends on how much of the operating system was loaded when the corrupted file was detected.



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Tu vispār pats saproti no tā visa kas tur rakstīts? Domāju ka nē.


EDITS: noskanēju ar antivirusu un palaidu nojauna, tagad iet. :)

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Viss kartiba, parinstalets. Tagad atliek draiverus instalet. :pizdiblee:


nokacaju draiveri prieksh sava audio devaisa (?). instaleju, un pasa sakuma raksta ka nevar atrast skanjas draiveri!

Pareizo nokachaju jau - VIA VT8237A/8251

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