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Te palasi vairak :Predirect_manual 1

Available CVAR's:

These CVAR's have to be set in the server's amxx.cfg. Only setting them via console (direct, ssh, rcon, hlsw...) is problematic for several reasons.

When discussing errors please always post the part of your amxx.cfg setting these CVAR's (those beginning with "redirect_").

* redirect_active - 1/0 activate/deactivate redirect plugin - when this is set to 0 all other CVAR's are ignored, default 0

* redirect_auto - 0 = disable automatic redirecting when server is full/down, 1 = redirect to random server from list, 2 = redirect to next server in list, default 0

* redirect_auto

- 0 = disable automatic redirecting when server is full/down

- 1 = redirect to random server from list

- 2 = redirect to next server in list

- 3 = always redirect except admins, redirect to random server

- 4 = always redirect except admins, redirect to next server in list

- 5* = always redirect including admins, redirect to random server

- 6* = always redirect including admins, redirect to next server in list

default 0

(* if you only want to redirect from your old to your new server while a transition period, consider using this plugin, it's easier to handle and does everything you need)

* redirect_manual - 1/0 enable/disable manual redirecting with /server, default 0

* redirect_manual

- 0 = disable manual redirecting with /server

- 1 = enable manual redirecting with /server

- 2 = show a sub menu when player can't be redirected to server

- 3 = always show a sub menu from which the player can choose to be redirected (if possible)

default 0

* redirect_follow - 1/0 enable/disable following players with /follow to a server they were redirected to - people can still use /server to follow a player though, default 0

* redirect_external_address - own external server address - only needed when you use DNS names instead of IPs in SERVERFILE - this must match the name in SERVERFILE - include the port!

* redirect_check_method - check the servers in the list - 0 =no checks, 1 = ping only(to check whether a server is down), 2 = check active players and max. players as well, default 0

* redirect_announce - announce server list with stats (depends on redirect_check_method) in center every redirect_announce seconds - set to 0 for off, default 60

* redirect_announce_mode - control who announcements are displayed for: 1 = alive players , 2 = dead players, 3 = both, default 3

* redirect_announce_alivepos_x - the vertical position of the announcements displayed to living people, default -1.0

* redirect_announce_alivepos_y - the horizontal position of the announcements displayed to living people, default 0.01

* redirect_announce_deadpos_x - the vertical position of the announcements displayed to living people, default -1.0

* redirect_announce_deadpos_y - the horizontal position of the announcements displayed to living people, default 0.35

* redirect_show - 1/0 enable/disable redirection information in chat area, default 1

* redirect_adminslots - 1/0 enable/disable adminslots - when set to 1 people are redirected off the server when someone with a reserved slot connects, default 0

* redirect_maxadmins - maximum number of admin slots that can be used at the same time - set to 0 for no limit, default 0

* redirect_retry - 1/0 enable/disable retry queue feature - when set to 1 players can say /retry and are redirected as soon as a slot on the target server is free (currently only works for redirecting them back to the server that redirected them to the current server), default 0

* redirect_hidedown - control hiding of servers that are down (not responding):

- 0 = don't hide

- 1 = hide in menu

- 2 = hide in announcements

- 3 = hide in menu and announcements

(has no effect with redirect_check_method 0)

default 0

* redirect_countbots - 1/0 count/don't count bots when checking/displaying active players on servers, default 1

* redirect_localslots - 1/0 enable/disable slot reserving for local players - remote players are redirected off the server when a local player connects, default 0

Bold means this CVAR is only available in the beta version.

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