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Ps Stats On Linux

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Visa instalācija bija veiksmīga līdz šim brīdim, jo godīgi nesaprotu, kuru tmp mapi šim vajag?

PsychoStats uses compiled themes in order to increase page performance. This requires a directory that must be writable by the web server. By default PsychoStats will try to use the system temp directory but this does not always work for everyone. So, if themes are failing you can change the path below.

It's best to enter full absolute paths in the input below. Relative paths may not work properly.

Path: /tmp/ps_themes_compiled

Specified direcory IS NOT writable!
Attempting to skip this step will result in your stats NOT working at all.

In linux environments this is usually very easy to fix. Simply login to this server and issue the following command (make sure it's all on ONE line):

    chmod 777 /tmp/ps_themes_compiled

However, if the current path is the system directory then you might not be able to change the permissions on the directory. You should try setting the path to a sub directory of your stats site (for example, try entering "themes_compiled" in the field above) Then click the 'Test' button below to see if it works.

Man tur ir kādas ~6 /tmp mapes izmēģināju ar visām chmod nekādu panākumu moš, ko nepareizu daru vai arī esmu, ko pārpratis?

Edited by amnezija
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