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<m00> Why does the mexican olympic team suck?

<m00> everyone who can run, jump or swim is already in the US

<@ChrisH> Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes

<@ChrisH> by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in an accident"

<@ChrisH> "OH DEAR GOD NO!!!" George W. Bush exclaims. "That's terrible!!" His

<@ChrisH> staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the

<@ChrisH> president sits, head in hands. Finally, the President, devastated, looks

<@ChrisH> up and asks.......... "How many is a Brazillion??!"

<Pulits> So we a have a masochist, a sadist, a zoophilic, a necrophile, a coprophilic and a fetichist.

<Maltos> Why the fuck I have the impression this is going to be nasty?

<Pulits> They're all in jail. So suddenly, the zoophilic says "Hey guys, lets fucking rape a cat!"

<Pulits> And everybody is like "FUCK YES!", but suddenly, the coprophilic says "After we fuck it, we shit on it!"

<Pulits> Everybody applauds. And the necrophile then says "Then, we kill it. And after that, WE FUCK IT!"

<Maltos> Ok dude this is sick.

<Pulits> Everybody is orgasmed. The sadist then says "Before we kill it, lets fucking torture it!"

<Maltos> Jesus leave the cat alone!

<Pulits> So the fetichist is like "And then, we dildo rape it!"

<Pulits> Everybody is like "YEAH MAN LETS DO IT!"

<Maltos> What does the masochist says, then?

<Pulits> "Miau."



<Kristy> thats horrible

<Kosta> See Kristy, you just misspelled "honorable" again


<helgrl> "Iґm your folder"

<Heavy_P> Whats the diffrence between a black and a table

<Heavy_P> A table can support a family

Infinitism: saying you've had the best sex without orgasm is like saying you've just cleaned a toilet with the neatest arrangement of shit all over it.

рitie vienkвrрi ir vieni no vissыdоgвk novзrtзtвkajiem. Jвmвk viтus atrast :P

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