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IZMANTO CVARS! smile.gif jaliidz vismz man lidzeeja, bija tada pati probleeema 8)

Plugin CVARS

Default for all CVARS is 0

autorr_enable <0|1>

Automatic Round Restarting

* 0: Automatic Round Restarting is disabled

* 1: Automatic Round Restarting is enabled

Note: The following CVARS will NOT affect automatic round restarts if autorr_enable is set to 0.

Note: autorr_time must be set to 0 to use this CVAR.

autorr_round <# of rounds>

Auto Restart Rounds

* This is the number of rounds that can be played before an automatic round restart will occur

Note: autorr_round must be set to 0 to use this CVAR.

autorr_time <# of minutes> (note that this must be a whole number; i. e. not 30.5 minutes but rather 30 or 31)

Auto Restart Time (in minutes)

* This is the number of minutes that can be played before an automatic round restart will occur

Note: This CVAR will not work if autorr_time is set to 0. In addition, autorr_round must be set to 0 to use this CVAR.

autorr_timewaitround <0|1>

Auto Time Restart Wait

* 0: When the time limit set by autorr_time has been reached, an automatic round restart will occur right away even if it is in the middle of a round

* 1: When the time limit set by autorr_time has been reached, an automatic round restart will NOT occur right away. The automatic round restart will occur at the beginning of the next round after the time limit has been reached to avoid restarting mid-round.

autorr_lo3 <0|1>

Auto "Live On Three"

* 0: When an automatic round restart occurs, sv_restart will be changed to 1 only one time to restart the game at round 1 normally

* 1: When an automatic round restart occurs, the server will execute "Live On Three" to restart the game at round 1 in the same manner used in most CAL matches and scrims

Note: This CVAR will not work if autorr_lo3 is set to 0. If you set this CVAR to 1, you must place your lo3.cfg in addons\configs\ folder. Also, the last restart in your lo3.cfg script must be sv_restart 3 or it will not be compatible with this plugin.

autorr_lo3cfgfile <0|1>

Use lo3.cfg File

* 0: When lo3 restart occurs, the built in "Live On Three" script will run

* 1: When lo3 restart occurs, your custom lo3.cfg file will run

Note: If autorr_time is set to 1, autorr_timewaitround must be set to 1 to use this CVAR.

autorr_saylastround <0|1>

Say Last Round

* 0: No messages will ever be displayed informing players that this is the last round before the automatic round restart will occur.

* 1: When autorr_round is being used, a red hud message saying "This is the last round!" will be displayed at the beginning of the last round. If autorr_time is being used, that same message will be displayed as soon as the autorr_time has been reached (even if mid-round because in the next round an automatic round restart would occur - making that the final round)

autorr_hudmessage <0|1>

Hud Message

* 0: No Hud Message will be displayed

* 1: A constant Hud Message will be displayed showing minutes/rounds left

The following Plugin CVARS will be disabled if Switch Team Options are disabled. Switch Team Options are ENABLED by default.

autorr_autoswitchall <0|1>

Auto "Switch All"

* 0: When an automatic round restart occurs, players will stay on the same team

* 1: When an automatic round restart occurs, all players will automatically be switched to the opposite team

autorr_switchallkill <0|1>

Switch All Kill

* 0: Players will not be killed before being transferred to the opposite team in a "Switch All" event

* 1: Players will be killed before being transferred to the opposite team in a "Switch All" event (only useful for the "Switch All" admin commands)

Note: If you enable this CVAR, "Spec n' Choose", the CVARS autorr_lo3 and autorr_autoswitchall will never be used because this overrides the actual server restart by sending players to spectator and showing them the choose team menu instead (which results in the game restarting at round 1 also).

autorr_specnchoose <0|1>

Spec n' Choose

* 0: When an automatic round restart occurs, players will NOT be sent to spectator or shown the choose team menu

* 1: When an automatic round restart occurs, players WILL be sent to spectator and WILL be shown the choose team menu automatically (this WILL result in the game restarting at round 1)

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  Endijs_Dzerkalis said:
Es gribetu uzzinat tadu pluginu lai man automatiski RR serveris...

es skatijos no shis pamacibas , bet neka!!! kads varetu ludzu iemest savu auto rr server plugin...


tu domaa round restart? tipa kad visi sanaak serveri mapas saakumaa automaatiski uztaisa rr?

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