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Everything posted by ZhaKS

  1. Vienkārši nomainīt šito: amx_reservation 0 uz amx_reservation 1
  2. Kā uzlikt lai ir brīvs vislaik 1 slots? UN var redzēt kad ir brīvs piem. 20/21 20 spēlētāji var ienākt , a viens slots ir vislaik brīvs ?
  3. SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Kukuruza Vienkārši viņu met laukā no servera vai pakarās, un man galvenajā konsole rādas: SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Kukuruza
  4. Ko tas dos? Ja man iet tagad kjip vakars
  5. KO man vislaik serveris krashojas??? Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: hlds.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4148d9a5 Fault Module Name: StackHash_3039 Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 718b088b OS Version: 6.0.6001. Locale ID: 1062 Additional Information 1: 3039 Additional Information 2: 702b955ac9c967ee77db401fc5938938 Additional Information 3: 8345 Additional Information 4: e393a0a5f8c4f683b71453f9bf6f95b6 Read our privacy statement: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=501...mp;clcid=0x0409 Apriebies,, Anti CsDos man ira
  6. Uzkakoji Steam?? :superlol: AIzej pameklē smadzenes
  7. Lai ietu RHLG vajag labu kompi? Un ja viņš ir lago tad serveris?
  8. Viss ok!! Un kā uzlikt, lai kad zombijam šaujot, man uzreiz nauda krājas vai arī nekrājas, bet trāpots man viss ekrāns zilaaks paliek, tiklidz beidzu shaut viss norm, bet kad trapu uzreiz taka zilaks paliek ?
  9. Jāā ļoti akla! Es jav to 1 mainīju P.S kad lieku " z " viss ir galīgi melns, neko nevar redzēt tikai ar Nightvision un light! Es jau nebūtu tik stulbs ja neredzētu tādu vietu! Ja ir A tad viss ir pārāk gaišš, bet man vajag tādu kā vakaru, kad nav vsp melns bet tumšš bet redzēt var!
  10. Es " Search " Neko neatradu 1. Kā uzlikt lai nebūtu melna nakts, un nebūtu dienas gaisma, bet lai būtu kā vakars esmu redzējis citos serveros tā! Un vēl vai priekš tā vakara , varbūt kautkas jākonfigurē zombieplague.cfg failā? // ------------------------------ // Zombie Plague 4.07 Config File // ------------------------------ // Any changes you make here will be // automatically loaded at map start // General // ------- zp_delay 10 // Time before first zombie is chosen, in seconds (will be randomized a bit) zp_lighting "z" // Map lighting ["a"-darkest // "z"-brightest] zp_thunderclap 90 // Thunderclap rate in seconds [0-disable] zp_triggered_lights 1 // Allow map triggered lights (eg. light switches) zp_remove_doors 0 // Remove doors from maps [0-none // 1-rotating only // 2-all doors] zp_blockuse_pushables 1 // Block +use on pushables to prevent the speed bug zp_block_suicide 1 // Prevent players from killing themselves zp_deathmatch 0 // Deathmatch mode, respawn as: [0-disable // 1-human // 2-zombie // 3-randomly] zp_spawn_delay 5 // Delay before respawning on deathmatch mode in seconds zp_spawn_protection 5 // Spawn protection time for deathmatch in seconds [0-disabled] zp_respawn_on_suicide 0 // Respawn players if they commited suicide zp_respawn_after_last_human 1 // Respawn players if only the last human is left zp_random_spawn 1 // Enable random spawning (will use CSDM spawns if present) zp_remove_dropped 0 // Time before removing dropped weapons in seconds [0-disabled] zp_remove_money 0 // Remove player's money zp_buy_custom 1 // Enable custom buy menus zp_admin_models 1 // Enable admin models zp_zombie_classes 1 // Enable zombie classes zp_stats_save 1 // Temporarily save player's ammo packs and zombie class when they disconnect // Extra Items // ----------- zp_extra_items 1 // Enable extra items zp_extra_weapons 1 // Show weapons zp_extra_nvision 1 // Show night vision zp_extra_antidote 1 // Show antidote zp_extra_madness 1 // Show zombie madness zp_extra_infbomb 1 // Show infection bomb // Flashlight & Nightvision // ------------------------ zp_nvg_give 1 // Give nightvision automatically [0-disable // 1-enable // 2-enable, but no auto turn on] zp_nvg_custom 1 // Enable custom nightvision zp_nvg_size 80 // Nightvision size (radius) zp_nvg_color_R 0 // Zombie custom nightvision color (red) zp_nvg_color_G 150 // Zombie custom nightvision color (green) zp_nvg_color_B 0 // Zombie custom nightvision color (blue) zp_nvg_hum_color_R 0 // Human/Spectator custom nightvision color (red) zp_nvg_hum_color_G 150 // Human/Spectator custom nightvision color (green) zp_nvg_hum_color_B 0 // Human/Spectator custom nightvision color (blue) zp_nvg_nem_color_R 150 // Nemesis custom nightvision color (red) zp_nvg_nem_color_G 0 // Nemesis custom nightvision color (green) zp_nvg_nem_color_B 0 // Nemesis custom nightvision color (blue) zp_flash_custom 0 // Enable custom flashlight zp_flash_size 10 // Custom flashlight size (radius) zp_flash_drain 1 // Custom flashlight drain rate [0-unlimited flashlight] zp_flash_charge 5 // Custom flashlight charge rate [0-disable charging] zp_flash_distance 1000 // Custom flashlight max distance zp_flash_color_R 100 // Custom flashlight color (red) zp_flash_color_G 100 // Custom flashlight color (green) zp_flash_color_B 100 // Custom flashlight color (blue) // Knockback // --------- zp_knockback 0 // Enable weapon knockback zp_knockback_damage 1 // Use damage on knockback calculation zp_knockback_power 1 // Use weapon power on knockback calculation zp_knockback_zvel 0 // Should knockback affect vertical velocity zp_knockback_ducking 0 // Should zombies be knocked back when they're ducking zp_knockback_distance 500 // Max distance for knockback to take effect // Longjump // -------- zp_leap_zombies 0 // Give leap to Zombies [0-disabled // 1-everyone // 2-only first zombie // 3-only last zombie] zp_leap_nemesis 1 // Give leap to Nemesis zp_leap_survivor 0 // Give leap to Survivor zp_leap_force 500 // Force multiplier zp_leap_height 300 // Upwards force zp_leap_cooldown 5.0 // Time between leap uses // Humans // ------ zp_human_health 100 // Health zp_human_last_extrahp 0 // Last human's extra health reward zp_human_speed 240 // Speed zp_human_gravity 1.0 // Gravity (0.5 = half) zp_human_armor_protect 1 // Armor needs to be reduced completely in order to get infected zp_human_unlimited_ammo 0 // Unlimited ammo [0-disable // 1-BP Ammo // 2-clip Ammo] zp_human_damage_reward 500 // How much damage humans must deal on zombies to get an ammo pack zp_human_frags_for_kill 1 // How many frags humans get for killing a zombie // Custom Grenades // --------------- zp_fire_grenades 1 // Enable napalm grenades (overrides HE) zp_fire_duration 10 // Burning duration in seconds zp_fire_damage 5 // Burning damage (every 0.2 secs) zp_fire_slowdown 0.5 // Burning slowdown multiplier (0.5 = reduce velocity by a half) [0-disable] zp_frost_grenades 1 // Enable frost grenades (overrides FB) zp_frost_duration 3 // Freeze duration in seconds zp_flare_grenades 1 // Enable flare grenades (overrides SG) zp_flare_duration 60 // Flare lightning duration in seconds zp_flare_size 25 // Flare lightning size (radius) zp_flare_color 0 // Flare color [0-white // 1-red // 2-green // 3-blue // 4-totally random // 5-random between r,g,b] // Zombies // ------- zp_zombie_first_hp 2.0 // First Zombie HP Multiplier (2.0 = double health) zp_zombie_armor 0.75 // Armor multiplier (0.75 = zombies take 75% damage only) zp_zombie_hitzones 0 // Allowed hitzones bitsum (look into fun.inc for body part bits) [0-disable] zp_zombie_infect_health 100 // How much health a zombie gets with every infection zp_zombie_fov 110 // Field of view [0-dont change] zp_zombie_silent 1 // Enable silent footsteps zp_zombie_painfree 2 // Zombies are pain shock free [0-disabled // 1-everyone // 2-only last zombie] zp_zombie_bleeding 1 // Zombies leave footprints/bloodstains on the floor zp_zombie_infect_reward 1 // Ammo packs given to zombies for infecting/killing a human zp_zombie_frags_for_infect 1 // How many frags zombies get for infecting a human // Nemesis // ------- zp_nem_enabled 1 // Enable nemesis mode zp_nem_chance 20 // Chance (1 in X) zp_nem_min_players 0 // Minimum players required zp_nem_health 0 // Health [0 - human count*zombie's hp] zp_nem_speed 250 // Speed zp_nem_gravity 0.5 // Gravity (0.5 = half) zp_nem_damage 250 // Damage per hit zp_nem_glow 1 // Glow effect zp_nem_aura 1 // Halo effect zp_nem_painfree 0 // Pain shock free zp_nem_ignore_frags 1 // Nemesis doesn't get frags zp_nem_ignore_rewards 1 // Nemesis doesn't get ammo packs // Survivor // ------- zp_surv_enabled 1 // Enable survivor mode zp_surv_chance 20 // Chance (1 in X) zp_surv_min_players 0 // Minimum players required zp_surv_health 0 // Health [0 - zombie count*human's hp] zp_surv_speed 230 // Speed zp_surv_gravity 1.25 // Gravity (0.5 = half) zp_surv_glow 1 // Glow effect zp_surv_aura 1 // Halo effect zp_surv_painfree 1 // Pain shock free zp_surv_ignore_frags 1 // Survivor doesn't get frags zp_surv_ignore_rewards 1 // Survivor doesn't get ammo packs // Swarm Mode // ---------- zp_swarm_enabled 1 // Enable swarm mode zp_swarm_chance 20 // Chance (1 in X) zp_swarm_min_players 0 // Minimum players required // Multiple Infection // ------------------ zp_multi_enabled 1 // Enable multiple infection mode zp_multi_chance 20 // Chance (1 in X) zp_multi_min_players 0 // Minimum players required zp_multi_ratio 0.15 // Infect ratio (zombie count = ratio*human count) // Plague Mode // ----------- zp_plague_enabled 1 // Enable plague mode zp_plague_chance 30 // Chance (1 in X) zp_plague_min_players 0 // Minimum players required zp_plague_ratio 0.5 // Infect ratio (zombie count = ratio*human count) // Logging // ------- zp_logcommands 1 // Log admin commands to "zombieplague.log" // Additional settings // ------------------- mp_flashlight 1 // Enables flashlight mp_footsteps 1 // Enables footsteps mp_playerid 1 // Prevents seeing enemies in the dark exploit sv_maxspeed 9999 // Prevents CS from limiting your human/zombie speeds at 320
  11. A vienkārši palaižot caur to pašu: StartServer.cmd viss iet kā smērēts, bet kad pc startējoties met erroru piem. Es kautvai daru tā un nejiet, vienkārši: Start-Run-cmd- ierakstu: C:/hlds_zb/StartServer.cmd Un viņš atkal to pašu erroru met A kad es to StartServer.cmd palaižu vienkārši tad viņš iet! StartServer.cmd start /wait /realtime C:/hlds_zb/hlds.exe -console +sv_lan 0 -nomaster -insecure -game cstrike +maxplayers 12 +map de_dust2 +port 27015 +exec listip.cfg server.cfg
  12. Nu ja tev iet tā skaņa kad uzliek bumbu utml Bet nav tās laika atskaites tad vari ielikt to .sma pluginu ko uzmeikoji yy.lv un nomest linku!
  13. nja,, ja tik būtu tajā: amxmodmenu - 9 - Stats - Un tur spiežot vēl 9 nekur vsp neredzu laika atskaiti Izmeklēju tur visus konfigos kad spiež 9 nekā nav
  14. Tas plugins vecīt ir galīgi sa*ists Viens no viņiem abiem skaita nepareizu laika atskaiti Drīzāk ja kāds varētu palabot .sma failu viņam
  15. nja,, Es arī to pluginu uzliku, tiešām, Skaņa dubultojas un skaita 10 9 a otrs skaita 3 2 Sviestiņš!
  16. Jāaa,, uzlieku, bet kad startējas dators uzreiz arī startējoties serverim izmetās errors A vienkārši palaižot caur to pašu: StartServer.cmd viss iet kā smērēts, bet kad pc startējoties met erroru
  17. :lolza: Tiešām smadzenes izvelc no d*rsas Acu priekšā: spec_banner_ads
  18. Skaidrāk vari izskaidrot? Lai serveris startējas kad dators? :unsure:
  19. A kā var uzlikt, kad no sākuma kad lādē rāda: " ielādē... lūdzu uzgaidiet "
  20. ATAC failos nāca līdzi... Caur to pašu dc var paņemt visus trūkstošos s*dus
  21. Ārprāc varbūt ne tā izskaidroju ka neviens nepalīdz TIMELEFT iET uZ BEIGĀM! SĀKĀS VOTE! VOTE IZVĒLĒTA PIEM. DE_DUST2 Pēctam parāda nextmapu, un Timelimit nomainās UZ 7:20 !!!!!
  22. Beidzās parastā balsošana Nu kad uz beigām iet Timeleft/Timelimit laiks Tad notiek balsošana, parādās nākošā mape kas ir nobalsota un viņš nemaina, bet rakstot: timeleft rāda 7:00 kautkur tā
  23. hmm... Kr4 lieta tāda, serverī pēc laiciņa notiek votemap, tad kad notiek ir mapes, kautkādas orģinālās! Licis savas esmu bet nejiet, liku iekš: mapcycle.txt tad vel iekš: amxmodx-configs/map_manage- " mapchoice.cfg vel standardmaps.cfg un viss Ko darīt?? Viņš vienmēr kad vote rāda orģinālas mapes: as_oilrig de_cheatau vnk pssc sviests
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