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Everything posted by razery
[help] Sakaraa Ar Multikill/ultrakill Utt
razery replied to razery's topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
grr... tu vari luudzu pateikt kuraa rindinjaa taa vieta atrodas, jo es tieshaam neko tamliidziigi neatrodu, vai veel labaak..... samaini to vietu kaa vajag, pievieno to failu @ yy.lv un iedod link . buushu ljoti pateiciigs. -
[help] Sakaraa Ar Multikill/ultrakill Utt
razery replied to razery's topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
. paskaties pielikumaa... tas ir mans micstats... nekur neko tamliidziigu neatradu. :/ Paskaties luudzu un pasaki kuraaa rindinjaa man vajag samainit... ? Pielikums: http://yy.lv/upload/index.php?ACT=4&f=157046&ext=SMA -
[help] Sakaraa Ar Multikill/ultrakill Utt
razery replied to razery's topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
kura failaa tieshi man tas ir jaapamaina? es lietoju micstats .. bet @ micstats.sma nekur neko tamliidziigu neatradu... -
Sms Shop , Sms Unaban , Acc , Nick Reg Scripti!
razery replied to EDZ_Netgames's topic in Problēmas & ieteikumi
taas phpmyadmin maajas lapas ir daudz.. no kuras tieshi var novilkt pareizo? Un pasaki kursh tieshi man ir jaavelk ? -
Sms Shop , Sms Unaban , Acc , Nick Reg Scripti!
razery replied to EDZ_Netgames's topic in Problēmas & ieteikumi
kaa lai es tajaa phpmyadmin panelii ieeju? es lietoju easyphp(appache + mySQL) un http://localhost/phpmyadmin nestradaa :/ -
kaa es varu zinaat kura ir iistaa tabula? kuraa failaa taa tabula atrodas?
izdzeest visus failus, kas atrodas @ amxbans datubaazee? tieshaam pareizi sapratu ?
Sms Shop , Sms Unaban , Acc , Nick Reg Scripti!
razery replied to EDZ_Netgames's topic in Problēmas & ieteikumi
moshka es esmu galiigs idiots... bet es nesapratu 2 lietas: 7:Amxbans datubâzee izveidojam jaunu tabulu codes ar vienu Field. 8:Field vardu liekam codes , type text , unicode utf8 un burtu daudzumu liekam 10 luudzu paskaidrojiet kas man iisti ir jaadara? Kaa lai izveido to tabulu?!!??! -
tu vareetu pateikt kuru tieshi ?
haallo. nerunaashu aplinkus: kaa var nonjemt visus banus no amxbans ? tas ir iespeejams bez pasha amxbans parinsteleeshanas? lietoju amxbans 4.3 luudzu paliidziet!
pag, es nesaprotu... un kaads prikols?
Sveiki. Probleema ir sakaraa ar psychostats statu atjaunoshanu (stats.pl) .. vinjsh ik pa laikam nopishaas un ieejot stats.pl met araa daudzus errorus. Jau esmu parinstaleejis psychostats kaadas 7 reizes un vinjsh tik un taa apmeeram peec kaadaam 2-3 nedeeljaam nopishaas. Man vnk log failu apjoms ir ljoti liels, tapeec ir stulbi gaidiit cik tur taas diennaktis lai tikai stati updejtotos jeb atjaunotos. Luuk skriins uz tiem erroriem @ stats.pls:
help ;(
itkaa staav pareizi viss. viss uz amx_banip Luuk mans action fails: //====================================================// // Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat // // Àâòîð: DJ_WEST // // Copyright (C) Reallite Labs, 2002-2007 // // Âеðñèÿ: 2.4 // // Ñàйò: http://reallite.cs2.ru // //====================================================// //====================================================// // Дðуãîе дейñòâèе // //====================================================// // v - ñîîáùеíèе â èãðе, çàïèñь â ëîãè è удàëеíèе èãðîêà ñ ñеðâеðà hlg_action "v:found" "hlg_writefile %L/rhlg_other.txt;hlg_write \'%d %h [Reallite HLGuard 2.4] -> %n<%w><%i> <%y> on %m\'" hlg_action "v:found" "hlg_writefile %L/rhlg_other.htm;hlg_write \'%d %h [Reallite HLGuard 2.4] -> <b>%n</b>(<b>%w</b>)(<b>%i</b>) <b>%y</b> on <b>%m</b><br>\'" hlg_action "v:found" "hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> triggered <%y>\'" hlg_action "v:found" "hlg_say \'[RHLG] Violation by %n(%w)\';hlg_say \'[RHLG] Violation: %y\';hlg_say \'[RHLG] Punishment: Kick\'" hlg_action "v:found:3" "kick #%u [RHLG] You have been kicked. Reason: %y" //====================================================// // Дейñòâèÿ ïðè îáíàðуїеíèè чèòеðñêîãî íèêà // //====================================================// // z - ñîîáùеíèе â èãðе, çàïèñь â ëîãè è áàí íà 2 чàñà hlg_action "z:found" "hlg_writefile %L/rhlg_namebanlist.txt;hlg_write \'%d %h [Reallite HLGuard 2.4] -> %n<%w><%i> <%y> on %m <2 hours ban>\'" hlg_action "z:found" "hlg_writefile %L/rhlg_namebanlist.htm;hlg_write \'%d %h [Reallite HLGuard 2.4] -> <b>%n</b>(<b>%w</b>)(<b>%i</b>) <b>%y</b> on <b>%m</b> <2 hours ban>\'" hlg_action "z:found" "hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> triggered <%y>\'" hlg_action "z:found" "hlg_say \'[RHLG] Violation by %n(%i)\';hlg_say \'[RHLG] Violation: %y\';hlg_say \'[RHLG] Punishment: 2 hours ban\'" hlg_action "z:found:3" "amx_banip 120 %i [Reallite HLGuard] %y" //====================================================// // Ïîддеðїêà AMXBans // // Удàëèòе êîììеíòàðèй ïеðед ñòðîêîй íèїе, чòîáû // // âêëþчèòь ïîддеðїêу. À òàêїе уñòàíîâèòе êîììеíòàðèй // // ïеðед ñòðîêîй âûёе. // //====================================================// // hlg_action "z:found:3" "amx_banip 120 %i [Reallite HLGuard] %y" //====================================================// // Дейñòâèÿ ïðè îáíàðуїеíèè ñêðèïòà // //====================================================// // i - ñîîáùеíèе â èãðе, çàïèñь â ëîãè è áàí íà 7 ñуòîê hlg_action "i:found" "hlg_writefile %L/rhlg_detectionlist.txt;hlg_write \'%d %h [Reallite HLGuard 2.4] -> %n<%w><%i> <%y> on %m <7 days ban>\'" hlg_action "i:found" "hlg_writefile %L/rhlg_detectionlist.htm;hlg_write \'%d %h [Reallite HLGuard 2.4] -> <b>%n</b>(<b>%w</b>)(<b>%i</b>) <b>%y</b> on <b>%m</b> (7 days ban)<br>\'" hlg_action "i:found" "hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> triggered <%y>\'" hlg_action "i:found" "hlg_say \'[RHLG] Violation by %n(%i)\';hlg_say \'[RHLG] Violation: %y\';hlg_say \'[RHLG] Punishment: 7 days ban\'" hlg_action "i:found:3" "amx_banip 10080 %i [Reallite HLGuard] %y" //====================================================// // Ïîддеðїêà AMXBans // // Удàëèòе êîììеíòàðèй ïеðед ñòðîêîй íèїе, чòîáû // // âêëþчèòь ïîддеðїêу. À òàêїе уñòàíîâèòе êîììеíòàðèй // // ïеðед ñòðîêîй âûёе. // //====================================================// // hlg_action "i:found:3" "amx_banip 10080 %i [Reallite HLGuard] %y" //====================================================// // Дейñòâèÿ ïðè èñïîëьçîâàíèè çàïðеùеííîãî çíàчеíèÿ // //====================================================// // u - ñîîáùеíèе â èãðе, удàëеíèе èãðîêà ñ ñеðâеðà è çàïèñь â ëîãè hlg_action "u:found" "hlg_writefile %L/rhlg_cvarviolations.txt;hlg_write \'%d %h [Reallite HLGuard 2.4] -> %n<%w><%i> <%y> on %m\'" hlg_action "u:found" "hlg_writefile %L/rhlg_cvarviolations.htm;hlg_write \'%d %h [Reallite HLGuard 2.4] -> <b>%n</b>(<b>%w</b>)(<b>%i</b>) <b>%y</b> on <b>%m</b><br>\'" hlg_action "u:found" "hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> triggered <%y>\'" hlg_action "u:found" "hlg_say \'[RHLG] Violation by %n(%w)\';hlg_say \'[RHLG] Violation: %y\';hlg_say \'[RHLG] Punishment: Kick\'" hlg_action "u:found:3" "kick #%u [RHLG] You have been kicked. Reason: %y" //====================================================// // Дейñòâèÿ ïðè îáíàðуїеíèè çàïðеùеííîй ïðîãðàììû // //====================================================// // o - ñîîáùеíèе â èãðе, çàïèñь â ëîãè è ïеðíàìеíòíûй áàí hlg_action "o:found" "hlg_writefile %L/rhlg_detectionlist.txt;hlg_write \'%d %h [Reallite HLGuard 2.4] -> %n<%w><%i> <%y> on %m <permanent ban>\'" hlg_action "o:found" "hlg_writefile %L/rhlg_detectionlist.htm;hlg_write \'%d %h [Reallite HLGuard 2.4] -> <b>%n</b>(<b>%w</b>)(<b>%i</b>) <b>%y</b> on <b>%m</b> (permanent ban)<br>\'" hlg_action "o:found" "hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> triggered <%y>\'" hlg_action "o:found" "hlg_say \'[RHLG] Violation by %n(%i)\';hlg_say \'[RHLG] Violation: %y\';hlg_say \'[RHLG] Punishment: Permanent ban\'" hlg_action "o:found:1" "rhlg_screen %n" hlg_action "o:found:3" "amx_banip 0 %i [Reallite HLGuard] %y" //====================================================// // Ïîддеðїêà AMXBans // // Удàëèòе êîììеíòàðèй ïеðед ñòðîêîй íèїе, чòîáû // // âêëþчèòь ïîддеðїêу. À òàêїе уñòàíîâèòе êîììеíòàðèй // // ïеðед ñòðîêîй âûёе. // //====================================================// // hlg_action "o:found:3" "amx_banip 0 %i [Reallite HLGuard] %y" P.S. man staav arii amxbans.
neviens tieshaam nevar paliidzeet? es labpraat uzklausiitu slavenaa hlguardista lazda2 padomu/viedokli... ;(
pagaidaam nekaadu erroru nav bijushi. Failus itkaa rhlg skenee, bet nenokjer cdhackerus.. vinjsh blokjee dduck skriptu, kad kaads nospiezh pogu "END,DEL... utt" taa uzreiz kiko.... bet kapeec vinjsh nebano cdhackerus ?
Ok.. itkaa updejtot amx izdevaas. uraa. paldies shine Bet tavas galvasaapes veel nebeidzaas (sorry). Probleema tagad ar hlguard Uzliku es to 2.4 hlguard kuru tu man raadiiji, saliku visu pareizi... bet tad kad iesledzu serverii consulee man raada luuk sho: http://img147.imageshack.us/my.php?image=jajayh3.png taa tam vajadzeetu buut? + ieejot serverii raada "This server is using HL guard 2.4" bet kad ieeju serverii ar cdhack vinjsh itkaa izskenee visus failus, bet banu taa arii neuzliek... P.S. tikko pamaniiju ka ieejot serverii (man nicks lala) peec kaada laika es sava servera consulee ieraugu "CDHACK detected to lala" <-- apm. taa.... bet bans taa arii neuzliekas.. Ienakot serverii consulee uzraada luuk sho: ***[Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheats] - Start checking...*** couldn't exec admin.cfg couldn't exec hack.cfg couldn't exec hook.cfg couldn't exec aim.cfg couldn't exec wh.cfg couldn't exec wallhack.cfg couldn't exec recoil.cfg couldn't exec omg.cfg couldn't exec bug.cfg couldn't exec scripts.cfg couldn't exec cool.cfg couldn't exec cheat.cfg couldn't exec cheats.cfg couldn't exec burstfire.cfg couldn't exec multihack.cfg couldn't exec wtf.cfg couldn't exec god.cfg couldn't exec cheater.cfg couldn't exec fastturn.cfg couldn't exec affenhop.cfg couldn't exec script/affenhop.cfg couldn't exec aliase.cfg couldn't exec script/aliase.cfg couldn't exec burstfire.cfg couldn't exec burstfirev1.cfg couldn't exec burstfirev2.cfg couldn't exec script/burstfirev1.cfg couldn't exec script/burstfirev2.cfg couldn't exec Chaos.cfg couldn't exec Crouchshoot.cfg couldn't exec script/Chaos.cfg couldn't exec script/Crouchshoot.cfg couldn't exec Burst.cfg couldn't exec akm413/akm4_13.rc couldn't exec akm413/$lot$no.rc couldn't exec akm413/truerc$.rc couldn't exec akm413/cl_down.rc couldn't exec headshot/vec_loader.rc couldn't exec headshot/alias/nax_wwcl.rc couldn't exec headshot/vecs/vec_head.rc couldn't exec headshot/vecs/vec_chest.rc couldn't exec headshot/vecs/vec_testicle.rc couldn't exec opengl32.cfg couldn't exec v-start.cfg couldn't exec cvar.cfg couldn't exec cstrike.cfg couldn't exec Orgia.cfg couldn't exec Limpid FX.cfg couldn't exec UnStarter.cfg couldn't exec starto.cfg couldn't exec coca.cfg couldn't exec nobob.cfg couldn't exec zoomscript.cfg couldn't exec Superman.cfg couldn't exec myg0t.cfg couldn't exec headshot.cfg couldn't exec filename.cfg couldn't exec BoB.cfg couldn't exec xtreme.cfg couldn't exec xtreme/aliases.rc couldn't exec xtreme/binds.cfg couldn't exec xtreme/cvars.cfg couldn't exec sk0r/aliases.cfg couldn't exec sk0r/Binds.cfg couldn't exec sk0r/Settings.cfg couldn't exec Script.cfg couldn't exec crash.cfg couldn't exec cdhack.cfg couldn't exec cdhack_.cfg couldn't exec colors.cfg couldn't exec bind.cfg couldn't exec inv_made.cfg couldn't exec vecs.cfg couldn't exec aimbot.cfg couldn't exec fczscripts.cfg couldn't exec init.cfg couldn't exec bones.cfg couldn't exec cvarblock.cfg couldn't exec customize.cfg couldn't exec inverse/45.cfg couldn't exec inverse/endvac.cfg couldn't exec inverse/hateinc.cfg couldn't exec inverse/Pokomon.cfg couldn't exec inverse/rap.cfg couldn't exec FighterFX.cfg couldn't exec panic.cfg couldn't exec balarina.cfg couldn't exec teleport.cfg couldn't exec hk/autogun.cfg couldn't exec hk/hop.cfg couldn't exec hk/rec.cfg couldn't exec hk/silence.cfg couldn't exec ultimatecrashscript.cfg couldn't exec Limpid.cfg couldn't exec Limpid_2.cfg couldn't exec binds/binds_cstrike.cfg couldn't exec hybrid.cfg couldn't exec inv.cfg couldn't exec inv2.cfg couldn't exec mehvecs.cfg couldn't exec nonspeed.cfg couldn't exec Yayo.cfg couldn't exec startup.cfg couldn't exec fx-main.cfg couldn't exec fx-data/fx-bind.cfg couldn't exec fx-data/fx-init.cfg couldn't exec spin_spin.cfg couldn't exec xek.cfg couldn't exec AntiRecoil.cfg couldn't exec Bhop.cfg couldn't exec RABBD.cfg couldn't exec NoSpreadFDH.cfg couldn't exec Cvars.cfg couldn't exec nsp.cfg couldn't exec EstGamers/load.rc couldn't exec Scripts/Christ.cfg couldn't exec awp.cfg couldn't exec BoB NR.cfg couldn't exec BoB Binds.cfg couldn't exec GoD/GoD5.cfg couldn't exec GoD/GoD6.cfg couldn't exec BaDBoYv5.cfg couldn't exec rates.cfg couldn't exec sharingan.cfg couldn't exec speed.cfg couldn't exec settings.cfg couldn't exec main.cfg couldn't exec inverse.cfg couldn't exec binds.cfg couldn't exec Extra Vecs.cfg couldn't exec hitbox.cfg couldn't exec name.cfg couldn't exec redbull105.cfg couldn't exec ak.cfg couldn't exec awwp.cfg couldn't exec hs.cfg couldn't exec usp.cfg couldn't exec VAC2proofWH4ever.cfg couldn't exec HEADZOTS.cfg couldn't exec Immunity.cfg couldn't exec Rage.cfg ***[Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheats] - Finished checking...*** cik es saprotu taa tam vajadzeetu buut, ja ? paliidzi luudzu :/
2. a tas advertiser plugins paraada to [info] tikai tiem speletajiem kuri ir mirushi vai arii dziivajiem ?
ehh ceru ka shis buus pedeejais jautaajums. juutos kaa stulbenis no saaakuma jaasamaina vecie faili ar base.. ar shiem un at ar shiem ?
tad tas bija jaasaprot ka SHIE faili ir iistie? (grr) kas iisti ir base?
pofig... es tomeer veelos pameegjinaat to v1.80 .. vai ŠIE ir iistie faili kuri ir jaasamaina ar vecajiem?
sakārto mapcycle.txt, kas atrodas @ serveris/cstrike mapē.
šis der ?
bljin bet es nevaru atrast tos amx 1.80 upgrate failus =[[