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Everything posted by samuray

  1. atsūti man PM vēlamo jauno paroli!
  2. opā, gludeklis jurko samācījis fotošopa jokus!
  3. samuray

    Cs Klans

    kas ir klans?
  4. par to skramble sūdu jau sen teicu wormam. tas tak ir diez gan nereāli nobalsot, jo uzvarošā komanda tak balsos pret. to sitamieroču padarīšanu gan nevajag. funs jau būs, bet pazudīs teamplejs un uzradīsies daudzie čīkstētāji, ka viņiem status sabojā.
  5. uzliku, un ne tāpēc, ka l1nk1ns tevi atbalsta
  6. teiksim tā, džeks nopelnīja unbanu par to, ka nodeva citus čīterus
  7. kur problēma pielikt vēl 8 ciparus klāt?
  8. samuray

    Jauns Sūds

    tak pubā katra 5. mape ir dust2
  9. pasaki, ka tev ir depresija. tagad pat slimības lapas par to dod
  10. uzinstalē atpakaļ jauno versiju
  11. samuray


    te nav nekāds "nobalso par mani!" saits!
  12. samuray

    Teikuma Locekļi

    apstākļa vārds ir vārdšķira, teikuma loceklis ir apstāklis.
  13. samuray


    jā, bet kas tai sirdij liek pulsēt un smadzenēm strādāt? ne jau dīzeļmotors! nu ja, viņi taču arī dzīvi.
  14. samuray


    viņam paveicās, ka toreiz nebija psihiatriskās slimnīcas.
  15. ai, nu labi, ceru, ka man vēlreiz nebūs jānožēlo...
  16. vispār jau viņš nebūtu pirmais admins, kas pirms tam čītojis. duhu taču arī nobanoja par čītošanu, bet pēc tam iecēla par adminu. nu nezinu, ko lai ar tevi dara...
  17. samuray


    vergi nebija cilvēki... aizvilkt ir viens, bet pacelt, kaut kas cits.
  18. samuray


    tas ir tad, ja viņi tev tur 10 gadus no vietas katrs strādā, bet jāņem vērā, ka vairākums pat nedēļu neizvilka.
  19. 1.Uzdevums. Write as many verbs as you can related to the theme "Health" take medicine recover from illness do sports attend training sleep well dress warm use umbrella drink vitamins 2.uzdevums If you add a preposition to the verb,the latter changes its meaning.Read the explanation of the verb ' pass+preposition' and fill if the correct letter in the sentence. A. pass around - to offer something to each person in a group. B. pass by - to move past a person,place etc. C. pass out - to give something to each one in a group. D. pass up - not to make use of a chance. E. pass through - travel from one place to another. F. pass on - to tell someone information which was told by someone else. 1.She said she would F the message on to the other students. 2.Why did you D the chance to got there? 3........ the cookies A,would you? 4.Something fell from the roof when we were B the house. 5.Their teacher C the dictionaries. 6.While sleeping,you ussually E four stages of sleep. 3.uzdevums. Form nouns.Use a dictionary if necessary. Tasty - taste sugary - sugar Salty - salt Juicy - juice Smoked - smoke Healthy - health Risky - risk Appetizing - appetite Spicy - spice Savoury - savour 4.uzdevums. The prefix ' dis-' shows an opposite or negative.Form Words. Order - disorder Ease - disease Agree - disagree Belief - disbelief Comfort - discomfort Advantage - disadvantage Appear - disappear Honest - dishonest 5.uzdevums. Write antonyms. Weakness - strenght. Relaxation - work Regular - irregular Healthy - sick, ill Fat meat - lean meat Common - uncommon Sweet - sour 6.uzdevums. Rewrite the sentences.Use the words in the box instead of 'got/get'. arrived,received,return,climbed,escaped,prepared. 1.After a long walk we got to the top of the hill. After a long walk we climbed to the top of the hill. 2.He got a letter yesterday. He received a letter yesterday. 3.Mother got ready for the party. Mother prepared for the party. 4.The prisoner got away from the prison. The prisoner escaped from the prison. 5.We got to school in time. We arrived to school in time. 6.We'll probably get back at 9. We'll probably return at 9. 7.uzdevums. Write about your favorite dish or your familys favorite dish.Words in the box will help you. Ingredients: make,add,slice,cut,pell,boil,fry,bake,grill,beat,grind. Instruction: Paņem kādu gatavu recepti!
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