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About Cirish1

  • Birthday 04/07/1988

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Kēkss (8/23)



  1. Servera mapē.. by default t.i. valve/ un jāmeklē fails ko sauc par server.cfg (to var atvērt ar notepad) un vnk pievieno klāt: sv_contact "tavs_epasts" Vai vieglāk ir izdarīt tā, ieraksti konsole sv_contact "tavs_epasts" (bet tad pie servera restarta sv_contact pazudīs!)
  2. kāda os?! Linux/win32? Ar to vajadzēja sākt un vai tu esi informēts, ka caur rūteri turēt serveri, nav prāta darbs.. labāk pievienojies kādai lielai komūnai un spēlē..
  3. Nevis pus pasaule, bet gan tiem, kas māk pakustināt smadzeni! GL. (vnk. smieklu parāva, visu gūgli izmeklējis)
  4. Video karte čammājas, viņai dzese ir pietiekama? (t.i. putekļi, ventilators griežas.. utt!)
  5. nokačā notepad2 vai jebkādu citu programmētāju programmu un uzliec encoding utf-8 savbādāk viņš nemaz i nerādīs.. ja nemāki veidot scriptus, tad neķeries labāk klāt! (Lai gan, neko nedarot neko neiemācīsies) GL.
  6. paņem mozgu, izārdi pluginu padomā kas ar viņu tur notiekas un saliec kopā, bet protam sja tu nejēdz pawn valodu tad jau nekas tev tur nesanāks! Bet cik man zināms, nekur tu neatradīsi gatavu dr modu ar pointu sistēmu.. liec lietā fantāziju un iztēli! GL.
  7. Cik es zinu, tad mopēda tiesības der līdz 49.9 cm3 .. Manuprāt tu kko jauc!
  8. Lol.. nokačā svaigu serveri caur hldsupdatetool un ieliec dproto! I būs tev 47/48p serveris..
  9. ieejot serverī.. ieraksti amx_reloadadmins servera konsulē.. Tavā gadījumā skatoties, tev acc ir uz niku, tad pēc tā amx_reloadadmins nomaini niku uz citu un pēc tam atpakaļ, tad viss ies! Tas viss ir tāpēc, ka ir 47/48 p. Bet ja tev ir tikai 47p/, tad es nezinu kas tev pa vainu!
  10. kačā te --> http://gign.lv/files/info/13 iemet valve/cstrike mapē.. ja nemaldos!
  11. jautājums tāds.. tu vārdnīcu esi izmantojis? Ja jau tu šito nevari sataisīt, tad nafig tev web vajag?! Vismaz izmanto googles priekšrocības un iztulko... --> http://translate.google.lv/#
  12. Atver www/bans/include/config.inc.php ar notepad vai wordpad.. un tur dabūsi zināt savu PW! :/
  13. Okēy, es sapratu kur gļuks! tur bikiņ nomisēts bij, bet tagad viss strādā perfekti un bez erroriem! Paldies Shine! Varat TL.
  14. Ieliku zem tā, to rindiņu, bet tad nevar nokompilēt sma failu un rodas šāds errors! Hmm.. :/ Edit: ak es lols, tā iet ka pārāk ilgi sēž pie pc, nepamanīju ka iztrūkst viens simbols --> ")" it kā nokompilējās, tūlīt pārbaudīšu vai nav erroru! Edit: Nu jā, un atkal kkas netā.. tagad ir tāda lieta, ka es rakstu tajā čatā, man rāda to vārdu ko es uzrakstu un to tekstu..., aptuveni šādi: "Sorry, player 'es rakstu čatā' could not be found or targetted!"
  15. Es gribēju pavaicāt Jums, vai Jūs nevarētu izlabot "/iedot" pluginam šo erroru! --> L 06/29/2009 - 17:58:45: [CSTRIKE] Player out of range (0) L 06/29/2009 - 17:58:45: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "iedot.amxx") L 06/29/2009 - 17:58:45: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "cs_get_user_money") L 06/29/2009 - 17:58:45: [AMXX] [0] amxmod.inc::get_user_money (line 44) L 06/29/2009 - 17:58:45: [AMXX] [1] iedot.sma::handle_say (line 67) Pats plugins! ---> /* AMX Mod script. * * (c) 2003, AssKicR * This file is provided as is (no warranties). * Thanx to Vud911 for the idea * * Example: /iedot "persononyourteam" "amount" and it'll deducte the amount from your cash pool and add it to the targets. * * Result Of Example * SuperNewbie: "Can someone send me some $$$ for awp???" * SuperElitePlayerWhoHasTooMuch$$$: "I'm Bill Gates!!! 4000$ coming your way!!! * SuperElitePlayerWhohasTooMuch$$$: "/transfer newbie 4000" * [AMX] SuperElitePlayerWhohasTooMuch$$$ has transferred 4000$ to SuperNewbie. Give him a thanks * SuperNewbie: "Thank You SuperElitePlayerWhohasTooMuch$$$" * * Changelog * v.1.0.0 - Released * v 1.0.1 - Added a little more restriction... Dead People can't handle money anymore * v 1.0.2 - Added Restrict for cash stealing * v 1.0.3 - Added Cvars - mt_cashsteal, mt_cashdead, mt_cashteam * v 1.0.4 - Checked Code - Found one error.. Fixed * v 1.0.5 - Removed 7 instances of "return PLUGIN_CONTINUE" that was not supposed to be there * v 1.0.6 - New Bug that i had to fix :@ * v 1.0.7 - Found the bug that *** up plugin * v 1.0.8 - Another Update... */ #include <amxmod> #include <amxmisc> #include <fun> public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Cash Transfer","1.0.8","AssKicR") register_concmd("say","handle_say",ADMIN_USER) register_concmd("say_team","handle_say",ADMIN_USER) register_cvar("mt_cashsteal","1",0) register_cvar("mt_cashdead","1",0) register_cvar("mt_cashteam","1",0) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public handle_say(id) { //Show me the money new said[31] new cmd[10] new target[9] new amount[7] new rest[5] read_args(said, 30) replace(said, 30, "^"", "") parse(said, cmd,9, target,8, amount,6, rest,4) new player = cmd_target(id,target,8) new name[33] new name2[33] get_user_name(id,name,32) get_user_name(player,name2,32) new team[32] new team2[32] get_user_team(id,team,32) get_user_team(player,team2,32) if (equal(cmd, "/iedot", 9)) { new money = get_user_money(id) new money2 = get_user_money(player) new cash = str_to_num(amount) new bool:NoCantDo NoCantDo=false if (!is_user_alive(id)) { if (get_cvar_num("mt_cashdead")==0) { client_print(id,print_center,"You can't give away money while dead") NoCantDo=true } } if (!is_user_alive(player)) { if (get_cvar_num("mt_cashdead")==0) { client_print(id,print_center,"You can't give money to dead people") NoCantDo=true } } if (equal(name, name2)) { client_print(id,print_center,"You can't give money to yourself") NoCantDo=true } if (!equal(team, team2)) { if (get_cvar_num("mt_cashteam")==0) { client_print(id,print_center,"You can't give money to the enemy team") NoCantDo=true } } if ((money2 + cash) > 16000) { client_print(id,print_center,"%s can't carry that much money") NoCantDo=true } if (money < cash) { client_print(id,print_center,"You don't have that much money") NoCantDo=true } if (cash < 0) { if (get_cvar_num("mt_cashsteal")==0) { client_print(id,print_center,"You can't steal %s's money",name2) NoCantDo=true } } if (!NoCantDo) { set_user_money(id, money - cash,1) set_user_money(player, money2 + cash,1) client_print(0,print_chat,"[Netwar-info] %s iedeva %i $ %s. Pasaki paldies :)",name,cash,name2) engclient_cmd(id,"say Thank you %s",name) } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } Protams, tā nav spiesta lieta, tas ir mazs lūgums, jo cik man zināms, tad Jūs no tā saprotat vairāk! Paldies jau iepriekš!Kaut vai par to ka izlasījāt!
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