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Cash Transfer Vai /iedot

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Tā tad, forums ir pilns ar /iedot plugin postiem, bija nepieciešamība pēc pilna apraksta prikš sava weba, nācu šeit pameklēt info par viņu utt.. Un rezūltata dalīsos ar to ko uzrakstīju priekš sava weba lai turmāk cilvēkiem būtu vieglāk atras šo pluginu ar pilnu info! :) Atvainojos par to ka viss ir angliski, jo man websi ir anglu, un esmu par sliku lai visu tūlkotu! :)

Cash Transfer

  • Description

With this plugin player will be able to transfer money form his pool to any player on server, like saying in chat:

/give "name" "amount" and it'll take the amount from your cash pool and add it to the targets, say without ("")

  • Chat Commands

/give name amount

  • Cravs

mt_cashsteal (default: 1)

0 - Can't steel money

1 - Able to steel money

mt_cashdead (default: 1)

0 - Can't transfer money to dead players

1 - Able to transfer money to dead players

mt_cashteam (default: 1)

0 - Transfer works only to team players

1 - Can transfer money to any player in server

  • Requirements




  • How to install

1. Download plugin

2. Put file "cash.amxx" in this folder: cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins

3. Open file "plugins.ini" which is located here: cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini

4. Add this text at the end of the file: cash.amxx

5. Save and close file

6. Change map on your server or restart it

  • Changelog

v.1.0.0 - Released

v 1.0.1 - Added a little more restriction... Dead People can't handle money anymore

v 1.0.2 - Added Restrict for cash stealing

v 1.0.3 - Added Cvars - mt_cashsteal, mt_cashdead, mt_cashteam

v 1.0.4 - Checked Code - Found one error.. Fixed

v 1.0.5 - Removed 7 instances of "return PLUGIN_CONTINUE" that was not supposed to be there

v 1.0.6 - New Bug that i had to fix :@

v 1.0.7 - Found the bug that *** up plugin

Cash Transfer.zipFetching info...

Edited by Teflon
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Cik noprotu cilvekiem šeit nav humora izjūtras,

Plugins ir apdeitots:

* v 1.0.8 - Another Update...

* v 1.0.9 - Chat bug fix

* v 2.0.0 - Error fix

* v 2.0.1 - Money steel fix..

Ir noņemta/bloķēta money steel opcija no plugina! Izlabots chata bugs, piem kad veic komandu vairs neparādās chatā!

Cash Transfer (V 2.0.1).zipFetching info...

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