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Tātad reģistrējos ar cerību šajā forumā ka kāds sniegs atbildi saistībā ar televizoriem: LCD,Plasma.

Kāds saviem vārdiem var īsti paskaidrot ar ko atšķirās visi un kuru ieteiktu labāk?, jo esmu nolēmis ņemt Plazmas.

Noskatīju vienu LCD televizoru ar 32 collam un viņam parametros rakstīts 1920 x 1080p rezolūcija, bet plazmas televizoram ar 42 collam rakstīts 1024 x 768 rezolūcija, kāpēc tā un ko tas šajā gadijumā izmaina?

Un vēl jautājums cik ilgi apmēram kalpotu plazmas televizors?

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Plasma display advantages and disadvantages


* Slim profile

* Can be wall mounted

* Less bulky than rear-projection televisions

* Achieves better and more accurate color reproduction than LCDs (68 billion/236 versus 16.7 million/224)

* Produces deep, true blacks allowing for superior contrast ratios (up to 1:2,000,000)[6][3][7]

* Far wider viewing angles than those of LCD (up to 178?); images do not suffer from degradation at high angles unlike LCDs

* Virtually no motion blur, thanks in large part to very high refresh rates and a faster response time, contributing to superior performance when displaying content with significant amounts of rapid motion


* Earlier models are susceptible to screen burn-in and image retention (however, newer models have green phosphors and built-in technologies to eliminate this, such as pixel shifting)[7][10]

* Phosphors in older[clarification needed] models lose luminosity over time, resulting in gradual decline of absolute image brightness (newer models are less susceptible to this, having lifespans exceeding 60,000 hours, far longer than older CRT technology)

* Susceptible to "large area flicker"

* Generally do not come in smaller sizes than 37 inches

* Susceptible to reflection glare in bright rooms

* Heavier than LCD due to the requirement of a glass screen to hold the gases

* Use more electricity, on average, than an LCD TV

* Do not work as well at high altitudes due to pressure differential between the gases inside the screen and the air pressure at altitude. It may cause a buzzing noise. Manufacturers rate their screens to indicate the altitude parameters.

* For those who wish to listen to AM radio, or are Amateur Radio operators (Hams) or Shortwave Listeners (SWL) , the Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) from these devices can be irritating or disabling.


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Plazma ir way to go televizoriem ar izmēru virs 42". Tur plazma ir lētāka un kvalitatīvāka. Abas tehnoloģijas ir daudz attīstījušās. Man ir 52" plazma. Krietni vecs modelis, bet krāsas ir ļoti dzīvas un performance totāli apmierina, kaut arī televīzoram jau ir 3 gadi (laikam).

Par izšķirtspējām - 1024x768 ir sūds. Tādu ņemt nevajag. 1328x720p jau ir ok un principā pilnībā pietiek pat uz 50" ekrāna skatoties filmas. Nejūt dižu atšķirību un pikseļus nevar saskatīt. Arī tas, ka 720p filmas sver 4GB, bet 1080p jau 8GB.

Ja pirksi TV līdz 42", tad vienozīmīgi LCD.


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