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Man ir ieslēgti i Win i Skype apdeiti. Aizverot nekas nepaliek (ja unpinoju no taskabara).

Ko tu, Asij, domāji ar 'aizverot'? Minimizē/aizver logu/aizver Skype?

EDIT: Kur var redzēt Skype versiju un kā var manuāli apdeitot Skype? Man ir ieslēgts autoupdate, bet pie 'Programs and Features' rāda Skype 4.1.

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Ko tu, Asij, domāji ar 'aizverot'? Minimizē/aizver logu/aizver Skype?

EDIT: Kur var redzēt Skype versiju un kā var manuāli apdeitot Skype? Man ir ieslēgts autoupdate, bet pie 'Programs and Features' rāda Skype 4.1.

Es domāju tā, ka es nospiežu to kurstiņu un apakšā viņš pazūd. ;)

Cash, Palīdzība ---> Pārbaudīt atjauninājumu

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Hmm, izskatās, ka auto update nestrādā. Tikko apdeitojos manuāli.

Tagad arī man taskbar'ā paliek. Tā kā viņš pirms tam bija piepinots, tad netraucē.

Ja kāds nelasīja vincister linku, tad:

1. First close Skype by right-clicking on the System tray icon of Skype and selecting Quit (It is in the notification area, beside the clock).

2. Open the folder "C:\Program Files\Skype\" (This is the installation directory of Skype and may differ on your computer).

3. Now open the folder named "Phone".

4. There you can find the executable file of Skype named "Skype.exe", right-click on it and select Properties.

5. Then switch to the tab, Compatibility.

6. There tick the check box, Run this program in compatibility mode for: and select Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)!

7. Then click on OK to finish.

8. Now start Skype 4.2 (Beta) from the start menu and it should minimize to the system tray perfectly.

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