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Majaslapas Galvenā Lapa


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Nomaini 532. rindiņas i burtu uz e - tā apgalvo mana kristāla bumba.

Pie viena moška tu zini kura podziņa man jānospiež, lai ieslēgtu televizoru?

Neesi iedomājies par to, ka pastāv tāda varbūtība, ka nevienam no šī foruma dalībniekiem nav ne mazākās nojausmas, kas tev tur tajos failos rakstīts?

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// Set flag that this is a p<arent file
define( '_VALID_MOS', 1 );

// checks for configuration file, if none found loads installation page
if (!file_exists( 'configuration.php' ) || filesize( 'configuration.php' ) < 10) {
$self = rtrim( dirname( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ), '/\\' ) . '/';
header("Location: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $self . "installation/index.php" );

require( 'globals.php' );
require( 'configuration.php' );

// SSL check - $http_host returns <live site url>:<port number if it is 443>
$http_host = explode(':', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );
if( (!empty( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) && strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) != 'off' || isset( $http_host[1] ) && $http_host[1] == 443) && substr( $mosConfig_live_site, 0, 8 ) != 'https://' ) {
$mosConfig_live_site = 'https://'.substr( $mosConfig_live_site, 7 );

require_once( 'includes/joomla.php' );

//Installation sub folder check, removed for work with SVN
if (file_exists( 'installation/index.php' ) && $_VERSION->SVN == 0) {
define( '_INSTALL_CHECK', 1 );
include ( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/offline.php');

// displays offline/maintanance page or bar
if ($mosConfig_offline == 1) {
require( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/offline.php' );

// load system bot group
$_MAMBOTS->loadBotGroup( 'system' );

// trigger the onStart events
$_MAMBOTS->trigger( 'onStart' );

if (file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/components/com_sef/sef.php' )) {
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/components/com_sef/sef.php' );
} else {
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/includes/sef.php' );
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/includes/frontend.php' );

// retrieve some expected url (or form) arguments
$option = strval( strtolower( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'option' ) ) );
$Itemid = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'Itemid', null ) );

if ($option == '') {
if ($Itemid) {
$query = "SELECT id, link"
. "\n FROM #__menu"
. "\n WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu'"
. "\n AND id = " . (int) $Itemid
. "\n AND published = 1"
$database->setQuery( $query );
} else {
$query = "SELECT id, link"
. "\n FROM #__menu"
. "\n WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu'"
. "\n AND published = 1"
. "\n ORDER BY parent, ordering"
$database->setQuery( $query, 0, 1 );
$menu = new mosMenu( $database );
if ($database->loadObject( $menu )) {
$Itemid = $menu->id;
$link = $menu->link;
if (($pos = strpos( $link, '?' )) !== false) {
$link = substr( $link, $pos+1 ). '&Itemid='.$Itemid;
parse_str( $link, $temp );
/** this is a patch, need to rework when globals are handled better */
foreach ($temp as $k=>$v) {
$GLOBALS[$k] = $v;
$_REQUEST[$k] = $v;
if ($k == 'option') {
$option = $v;
if ( !$Itemid ) {
// when no Itemid give a default value
$Itemid = 99999999;

// mainframe is an API workhorse, lots of 'core' interaction routines
$mainframe = new mosMainFrame( $database, $option, '.' );

// trigger the onAfterStart events
$_MAMBOTS->trigger( 'onAfterStart' );

// checking if we can find the Itemid thru the content
if ( $option == 'com_content' && $Itemid === 0 ) {
$id = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'id', 0 ) );
$Itemid = $mainframe->getItemid( $id );

/** do we have a valid Itemid yet?? */
if ( $Itemid === 0 ) {
/** Nope, just use the homepage then. */
$query = "SELECT id"
. "\n FROM #__menu"
. "\n WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu'"
. "\n AND published = 1"
. "\n ORDER BY parent, ordering"
$database->setQuery( $query, 0, 1 );
$Itemid = $database->loadResult();

// patch to lessen the impact on templates
if ($option == 'search') {
$option = 'com_search';

// loads english language file by default
if ($mosConfig_lang=='') {
$mosConfig_lang = 'english';
include_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/language/' . $mosConfig_lang . '.php' );

// frontend login & logout controls
$return = strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'return', NULL ) );
$message = intval( mosGetParam( $_POST, 'message', 0 ) );

// Get the information about the current user from the sessions table
$my = $mainframe->getUser();

if ($option == 'login') {

// JS Popup message
if ( $message ) {
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
alert( "<?php echo addslashes( _LOGIN_SUCCESS ); ?>" );

if ( $return && !( strpos( $return, 'com_registration' ) || strpos( $return, 'com_login' ) ) ) {
// checks for the presence of a return url
// and ensures that this url is not the registration or login pages
// If a sessioncookie exists, redirect to the given page. Otherwise, take an extra round for a cookiecheck
if (isset( $_COOKIE[mosMainFrame::sessionCookieName()] )) {
mosRedirect( $return );
} else {
mosRedirect( $mosConfig_live_site .'/index.php?option=cookiecheck&return=' . urlencode( $return ) );
} else {
// If a sessioncookie exists, redirect to the start page. Otherwise, take an extra round for a cookiecheck
if (isset( $_COOKIE[mosMainFrame::sessionCookieName()] )) {
mosRedirect( $mosConfig_live_site .'/index.php' );
} else {
mosRedirect( $mosConfig_live_site .'/index.php?option=cookiecheck&return=' . urlencode( $mosConfig_live_site .'/index.php' ) );

} else if ($option == 'logout') {

// JS Popup message
if ( $message ) {
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
alert( "<?php echo addslashes( _LOGOUT_SUCCESS ); ?>" );

if ( $return && !( strpos( $return, 'com_registration' ) || strpos( $return, 'com_login' ) ) ) {
// checks for the presence of a return url
// and ensures that this url is not the registration or logout pages
mosRedirect( $return );
} else {
mosRedirect( $mosConfig_live_site.'/index.php' );
} else if ($option == 'cookiecheck') {
// No cookie was set upon login. If it is set now, redirect to the given page. Otherwise, show error message.
if (isset( $_COOKIE[mosMainFrame::sessionCookieName()] )) {
mosRedirect( $return );
} else {
mosErrorAlert( _ALERT_ENABLED );

// detect first visit

// set for overlib check
$mainframe->set( 'loadOverlib', false );

$gid = intval( $my->gid );

// gets template for page
$cur_template = $mainframe->getTemplate();
/** temp fix - this feature is currently disabled */

/** @global A places to store information from processing of the component */
$_MOS_OPTION = array();

// precapture the output of the component
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/editor/editor.php' );


if ($path = $mainframe->getPath( 'front' )) {
$task = strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'task', '' ) );
$ret = mosMenuCheck( $Itemid, $option, $task, $gid );

if ($ret) {
require_once( $path );
} else {
} else {
header( 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found' );
echo _NOT_EXIST;

$_MOS_OPTION['buffer'] = ob_get_contents();



header( 'Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT' );
header( 'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT' );
header( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' );
header( 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false );
header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );

// display the offline alert if an admin is logged in
if (defined( '_ADMIN_OFFLINE' )) {
include( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/offlinebar.php' );

// loads template file
if ( !file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/templates/'. $cur_template .'/index.php' ) ) {
echo _TEMPLATE_WARN . $cur_template;
} else {
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/templates/'. $cur_template .'/index.php' );
echo '<!-- '. time() .' -->';

// displays queries performed for page
if ($mosConfig_debug) {
echo $database->_ticker . ' queries executed';
echo '<pre>';
foreach ($database->_log as $k=>$sql) {
echo $k+1 . "\n" . $sql . '<hr />';
echo '</pre>';


Index.php fails.

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