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Ka Lai Uztaisa

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1) Ieej server root folderī (tur, kur hlds.exe).

2) Izveido teksta failu server.txt

3) atver vaļā un raksti

hlds - Tava servera parametri


hlds -console +sv_lan 0 -insecure -game cstrike -nomaster -pingboost 3 +maxplayers 32 +map aim_map +port 27015 +noip +exec listip.cfg

4) Saglabā

5) Nomaini nosaukumu server.txt > server.bat vai server.cmd

P.S. Var palaist arī uzreiz realtime:

start /wait /realtime hlds.exe -console +sv_lan 0 -insecure -game cstrike -nomaster -pingboost 3 +maxplayers 32 +map aim_map +port 27015 +noip +exec listip.cfg

P.S.S. Moderi var uzlikt šo pinned!

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1) Izveido teksta failu server.txt mapē root (pie hlds.exe)

2) Ieraksti:

@echo off
echo Protecting HLDS from crashes...
title HLDS CrashGuard
echo (%time%) HLDS started...
hlds -console +sv_lan 0 -insecure -game cstrike -nomaster -pingboost 3 +maxplayers 32 +map aim_map +port 27015 +noip +exec listip.cfg
echo (%time%) WARNING: HLDS closed or crashed! Restaring...
goto hlds

3) Saglabā un pārdēvē par server.bat vai server.cmd

P.S. Nezinu no kurienes ir tas kods :D

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