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Skatijos so pluginu ieprieksejos postos, bet ta ari nespeju ustadit šo pluģinu vai ari kas vins skaitās

#include <amxmodx>

new nightfrom,nightto
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin("Day/Night Mapcycle","0.7","Sh!nE*")

nightfrom = register_cvar("dnm_night_from","23") //23:00
nightto = register_cvar("dnm_night_to","10") //10:00


public load_mapcycle() {
new hours[6]
new hour = str_to_num(hours)

new from = get_pcvar_num(nightfrom)
new to = get_pcvar_num(nightto)

if(from > 24 || from < 0 || to < 0 || to > 24) set_fail_state("How many hours are in one day?")

if(from > to && (hour > from || hour < to))
server_cmd("mapcyclefile mapcycle/night.txt")
else if(hour < to && hour > from)
server_cmd("mapcyclefile mapcycle/day.txt")

Ja kads zin ka kur kas jaraksta un ka jaliek vins un kur jaliek. :ermm:

EDIT: Varbut ir kads cits plugins kas automatiski parslēdz dienas map ciklu uz nakts?

Edited by skrim
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Šis arī automātiski pārslēdz.

Nu kopilet maku a kas vins jakompile, vins ir ka plugins ja.

Un vel kas kur ir jaliek ties 2 izveidotais map cikli


Paldies ka pateici ka vins jakompile, man viss sanaca, cerams ka vins automatiski parslegs uz dienas mapem.

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Kaut kas tomer nestrada, vins neparlec automatiski uz dienas mapem. <_<

paskataties varbut kas nepareizi salikts

#include <amxmodx>

new nightfrom,nightto
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin("Day/Night Mapcycle","0.7","Sh!nE*")

nightfrom = register_cvar("dnm_night_from","24") //24:00
nightto = register_cvar("dnm_night_to","8") //08:00


public load_mapcycle() {
new hours[6]
new hour = str_to_num(hours)

new from = get_pcvar_num(nightfrom)
new to = get_pcvar_num(nightto)

if(from > 24 || from < 0 || to < 0 || to > 24) set_fail_state("How many hours are in one day?")

if(from > to && (24 > from || hour < 8))
server_cmd("mapcyclefile mapcycle/night.txt")
else if(8 < to && hour > 24)
server_cmd("mapcyclefile mapcycle/day.txt")

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Kapēc Tev pēdējās 4 rindās ir kaut kādas konstantes ? Tur Tev vispār nekas nebija jālabo, jo mainīgie jau ir definēti. Tev bija tikai jāizmaina register_cvar() - jāieliek savas stundas, jānokompilē un jāaizmirst.

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Šitā jābūt! Šādi izskatās skaists kods :)

#include <amxmodx>

new nightfrom,nightto

public plugin_init()
   register_plugin("Day/Night Mapcycle","0.7","Sh!nE*")
   nightfrom = register_cvar("dnm_night_from","24") 
   nightto = register_cvar("dnm_night_to","8")

public load_mapcycle() 
   new hours[6]
   new hour = str_to_num(hours)

   new from = get_pcvar_num(nightfrom)
   new to = get_pcvar_num(nightto)

   if(from > 24 || from < 0 || to < 0 || to > 24) 
      set_fail_state("How many hours are in one day?")

   if(from > to && (hour > from || hour < to))
      server_cmd("mapcyclefile mapcycle/night.txt")
   else if(hour < to && hour > from)
      server_cmd("mapcyclefile mapcycle/day.txt")

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EDIT: Vienkarshi sapratu savu kljuudu.. sorry:

#include <amxmodx>

new nightfrom,nightto

public plugin_init() {
    register_plugin("Day/Night Mapcycle","0.7","Sh!nE*")
    nightfrom = register_cvar("dnm_night_from","24")
    nightto = register_cvar("dnm_night_to","8")

public load_mapcycle() {
    new hours[6]
    new hour = str_to_num(hours)
    new from = get_pcvar_num(nightfrom)
    new to = get_pcvar_num(nightto)
    if(from > 24 || from < 0 || to < 0 || to > 24)
        set_fail_state("How many hours are in one day?")
    if((from > to && (hour > from || hour < to)) || (from < to && (hour < from || hour > to)))
        server_cmd("mapcyclefile mapcycle/night.txt")
    else server_cmd("mapcyclefile mapcycle/day.txt")

jauztaisa mapee cstrike mape ar nosaukumu mapcycle, tur jauztaisa 2 faili - night.txt un day.txt. Tur salieciet savas mapes..

Edited by shine
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nu pameginasim tagad lai gan es cstrike to mapi taisiju un night un day ieksa vina bij ielicis :)


Nu ko uzstadiju tagad tikai jagaida rits, cerams stradas.

Neko nemainiju taja coda pedeja kuru ieliki, un cstrike mape izveidoju mapcycle/night.tx un day.tx

Edited by skrim
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man kr4

es to mapcycle.sma


kr4 panjemu to mapcycle.amxx

un iemetu plugins mape un tad pierakstiju klat pie plugins.ini to mapcycle.amxx

Un man tgd kka visas mapes nextmapa ir ari tadas piem uzlikot fy_iceworld2k nextmap man atkal ir fy_iceworld2k

kadelj taa?

Kads var palidzet?

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