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ierakstiju XP.H faila kurs atrodas C:\Program Files\Valve\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\war3ft

uzrakstiju witaa

// Holds the XP Multipliers per weapon

new Float:fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_WAR3_MAX+1] = {0,7200,14400,28800,57600,115200,230400,460800,921600,1843200,3686400};

// Amount of XP needed to gain a level

new iXPLevelShortTerm[11] = {0,7200,14400,28800,57600,115200,230400,460800,921600,1843200,3686400};

new iXPLevelSaved[11] = {0,7200,14400,28800,57600,115200,230400,460800,921600,1843200,3686400};

// Amount of XP awarded when killing a user of this level

new iXPGivenShortTerm[11] = {20,30,40,50,60,75,85,95,120,140,165};

new iXPGivenSaved[11] = {20,30,40,50,60,75,85,95,120,140,165};

bet nekas nemainas... :( serveris skatas no config/war3ft.cfg faila... tur tas XP 1.0 stavv.. un serveri rada 0/100 a kaa var izmainit?? lai peec taa skatas... un taa pat kaa lai es nomainu war3 skanas savas salikt gribu, nevis originalas

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Palidziet, rekur ir viss normali

// Item Setup Functions
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_ANKH]        = 1500;            // Ankh of Reincarnation
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_BOOTS]       = 2500;            // Boots of Speed
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_CLAWS]        = 1000;            // Claws of Attack
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_CLOAK]        = 800;            // Cloak of Shadows
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_MASK]        = 2000;            // Mask of Death
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_NECKLACE]    = 800;            // Necklace of Immunity
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_FROST]        = 2000;            // Orb of Frost
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_HEALTH]        = 1000;            // Periapt of Health
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_TOME]        = 4000;            // Tome of Experience
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_SCROLL]        = 6000;            // Scroll of Respawnin
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_PROTECTANT]  = 1500;            // Mole Protectant
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_HELM]        = 3000;            // Helm of Excellence
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_AMULET]        = 1500;            // Amulet of the Cat
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_SOCK]        = 1500;            // Sock of the Feather
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_GLOVES]        = 1750;            // Flaming Gloves of Warmth
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_RING]        = 1000;            // Ring of Regeneration + 1
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_CHAMELEON]   = 4500;            // Chameleon
    ITEM_COST[ITEM_MOLE]        = 16000;        // Mole

    // Item costs are a little different for DOD
    if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )
        ITEM_COST[ITEM_SCROLL]    = 800;

bet kad esu 0 lvl tad mole maksa 11400 bet kad 10lvls tad 16000, bet kaa uzlikt lai ir visu laiku vienadi, taka es esmu irakstijis te...

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