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Ja ir laiks, palasiet http://www.1fort.com/blog/

tas ir tas pats Kristofers Livingstons, kas taisīja hlcomicu - www.hlcomic.com

Viņam ir forša humora izjūta.

Šeit viens ieraksts, par kuru tikko parēcu :)

Here are some of my personal TF2 stats that aren?t ?offically? tracked, but that I keep a tally of in my head. And heart.

Time spent running the wrong way on Warpath: 01:16:42

Time spent playing while mistakenly thinking I?m on BLU when I?m on RED or vice-versa: 11:42:33

Time it takes me to burn someone to death as a pyro: 04:22

Time it takes enemy pyros to burn me to death: :03

Number of times I?ve popped my uber too early because last time I got killed by waiting too long: 1,737

Number of times I?ve gotten killed for waiting too long to pop my uber because last time I popped it too early: 1,736

Number of times I?ve pretended to help an engineer build something by hitting it with my melee weapon while playing a class other than engineer: 501

Number of times it was funny: 2.7

Number of times I switched to spy to capture a point behind enemy lines: 41

Number of times I switched to spy for purely personal revenge reasons that did not benefit the team in any way: 2,168

Number of times killed because I was too busy trying to make my Heavy say something amusing: 43

Fucking train: 144

Number of times I suggested a dispenser was needed at a specific location: 7,894

Number of times I meant it: 0

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Skaits, cik reizes es stāvot spawnā tikko ielādējoties kartei esmu smējies kā inženieris par visiem kas dzimst: 300

Skaits, cik reizes es smejos par nūbiem kurus dominēju ar inženieri, bet tad kāds nūbs novāc manu sentriju, kamēr es bezpalīdzīgi noskatos uz rēcošo sevi: 2

Cik reizes mani kā mediķi ir novācis ne pa tēmu lidojošs krits: 1043

Cik reizes es par to esmu lamājies: 3129

Fucking train: 10

Cik reizes mani kā snaiperi ir novācis pretinieku snaiperis tikai tāpēc, ka man bremzē kompis: 112

Cik reizes man esot spiegam pretinieki, kas ir stāvējuši uz vietas visu laiku kamēr skrienu pie viņiem, izdomā pakustēties TIEŠI TAD kad es viņus backstabboju un mans backstabs neizdodas un es paskrienu viņiem garām, viņi mani ievēro un nošauj: 27

lielākā daļa fana tomēr ir spēlējot ar kādu kopā nevis vienam :)

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Number of times I joined the losing team in the last second: 293

Number of times our team lost and I ran to hide: 731

Number of times it worked - I survived: 26

Number of times I rushed into enemies, in order to get killed before we lose: 1349

Number of times I did decent damage that way: 15

Number of times I killed enemy in the last second preventing him from free-fragging, and survived: 3

Number of cloaked spies I killed because they used teleport: 134

Number of sentries destroyed with pyro flaming around corner: 684

Number of times I was burning and died one step from medkit: 48

Number of times I killed someone in the same way: 693 :devil:

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