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Hack Hunter (Ultimate Anti-Cheat)

Authors:Alka, SAMURAI


-This plugin,like title says,is a ultimate anti-cheat.

-Can be considered better than "HlGuard", and other anti-cheats, and is maded only with AmxModX.

-Plugin had his own config, log file.

-Detected players can be punished by: Announce, Kick, Ban. (with log)

-Can ignore detected admins, with specified flags.

-Own advertising.

-Secure detection.

-Plugin detects:



*SpeedHack(SpeedHack secure for KZ servers)

*Aim Shake

*Low Recoil


*Double Attack


*FastName change

*Name Symbols(Detect specified symbols from name)

*Bhop (Detect and block)

*Left/Right keys(Detect and block)

*Flash Bug(Detect and remove flashes from specified map zones)

*Check IPs (Detect and block, specified IPs from file(hackhunter/hackhunter_ips.ini))


-Check hackhunter_settings.cfg for settings.


v1.0 - Stable release, rewrited.


-Fixed some bugs.

-Added multiple Ban types. IP, SteamID, Amxbans.

-Added possibility to not punish admins, with specified flags.

-Added possibility to restrict specified IPs, useful for CsDos attacks.

-Added Multy Lingual system.


! "hackhunter" folder from archive must be copyed to amxmodx/ dir.

! "fakemeta_util.inc" file must be copyed to amxmodx/scripting/include dir. (Only if you need to edit the plugin.)

! "hack_hunter.txt" file must be copyed in amxmodx/data/lang, is the language file of plugin.

! "hackhunter" folder from sound/ dir. from archive must be copyed to sound/ dir. from you'r server.

! Do not modify this plugin, if you want to work perfectly.

! Check hackhunter_settings.cfg for more details and settings.

Nu ko meiginam,komemtejam


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***nemāku atrast "add reply" pogu un un tapēc taisu bezjēdzīgu quote iepriekšējam postam***

Tas jau bija likts + smuka pamācība LV kā uzlikt... Nezinu vai tā pati versija....

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  • 3 months later...

Ja tu ieiesi serveri un stavesi uz vietas viens pats protams vins nekers!omg tas nav hl guards! Tas plugins ,wh ker ja tu nosauj 3 chubarus caur sienu!aimu ja tu trapi biezi viena un taja pasa vieta u tt.

Edited by Predis
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Bano visus pēc kārtas :D vinš der speed hack un spin hack ķersanai...Vēl aim , panem p90 notupies ber viena punkta dabusi banu laikam par rapid fire ,vai low recoil :o isti nezinu jo vins izbano ar reason found cheats p.s. Vienu no šitiem viņš ķera pēc principa ja ekrans nepakustās(screen) tad bans. Hl guards bano pareizi un ar iemeslu šis nē!

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Iisteniiba... WH never uzkjert... nu protams hakus var.. piemeram cd hack bija noteikti client cvari, ko vinjhs kjer."cdversion" vai kas taads.. visiem cdhakiem vinjsh ir(ja tas nav tad bija veel 2, kurus nepateikshu no galvas).. un pec taa vinjsh vadaas. Shis vadas pec killiem caur sienam XD lol. Labi aim mape viens aizskrien aiz kastes.. protams japashauj.. un taa panjem paris heda un ban... :o. Labi.. veelviens piemers: ar WH neshauj cuar kasteem.. tikai velk liidz... :o.. par to jau banu nedos..(neesmu skatiijies source code.. bet nu man liekas ka vinjsh pec taa kjer.. Noteikti, ka kjer..).

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