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Nu man ir serverim uzlikts plugins serverredirect.amxx, un viтam kad serveris ir pilns vajadzзtu pвrmest spзlзtвju uz citu serveri, bet viтр to nedara.. :/

Kapзc ?

man serverim ir 17 publiskie sloti un 1 rezervзtais slots...

varbыt kaut kas man nav pilnоbв pareizi sakonfigurзts ?

Plugina konfiguєвcija:

redirect_active 1

redirect_auto 1

redirect_manual 1

redirect_follow 1

redirect_external_address zm.mitclub.net:27015

redirect_external_address war3.mitclub.net:27015

redirect_external_address csdm.mitclub.net:27015

redirect_check_method 2

redirect_announce_mode 3

redirect_announce_alivepos_x -1.0

redirect_announce_alivepos_y 0.01

redirect_announce_deadpos_x -1.0

redirect_announce_deadpos_y 0.35

redirect_show 1

redirect_adminslots 1

redirect_maxadmins 0

redirect_retry 1

Kas varзtu bыt par vainu ?

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redirect_active - 1/0 activate/deactivate redirect plugin - when this is set to 0 all other CVAR's are ignored, default 0

redirect_auto - 0 = disable automatic redirecting when server is full/down, 1 = redirect to random server from list, 2 = redirect to next server in list, default 0

redirect_manual - 1/0 enable/disable manual redirecting with /server, default 0

redirect_follow - 1/0 enable/disable following players with /follow to a server they were redirected to - people can still use /server to follow a player though, default 0

redirect_external_address - own external server address - only needed when you use DNS names instead of IPs in SERVERFILE - this must match the name in SERVERFILE - include the port!

redirect_check_method - check the servers in the list - 0 = no checks, 1 = ping only(to check whether a server is down), 2 = check active players and max. players as well, default 0

redirect_announce - announce server list with stats (depends on redirect_check_method) in center every redirect_announce seconds - set to 0 for off, default 60

redirect_announce_mode - control who announcements are displayed for: 1 = alive players , 2 = dead players, 3 = both

redirect_announce_alivepos_x - the vertical position of the announcements displayed to living people, default -1.0

redirect_announce_alivepos_y - the horizontal position of the announcements displayed to living people, default 0.01

redirect_announce_deadpos_x - the vertical position of the announcements displayed to living people, default -1.0

redirect_announce_deadpos_y - the horizontal position of the announcements displayed to living people, default 0.35

redirect_show - 1/0 enable/disable redirection information in chat area, default 1

redirect_adminslots - 1/0 enable/disable adminslots - when set to 1 people are redirected off the server when someone with a reserved slot connects, default 0

redirect_retry - 1/0 enable/disable retry queue feature - when set to 1 players can say /retry

Nu kas tad man tanī manā konfigā būtu jāmaina?

Edited by exe
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