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Psychostats 3.03b Palidzi Lil_nety

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man rada sito kautvia visu izdariju agrak sanaca tagad par jaunu taisju un nejiet :@


FATAL] Called from main(91)->PS::DB(89)->PS::DB::mysql(22) >>>

> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=psychostats3;host=localhost;port=":

> Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

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FATAL] Called from main(91)->PS::DB(89)->PS::DB::mysql(22) >>>

> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=psychostats3;host=localhost;port=":

> Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

ko lai daru

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mulkiibas, Peerle visu ljoti labi atbalsta! nokachaa http://xampp.org XAMPP peec tam novelc ActivePerl for windows x86 5.8.8 peec tam pieliec DBI-mysql moduli. Uzkonfiguree main config, izdomaa logu direktoriju (Piem. E:/logs, tikai "/" vajag otraadi). Players settings visur ieraksti 0, nokonfiguree stats.cfg un spied uz stats.pl vai psychostats.bat un visam ir jaaiet!

Edited by juris22
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http://xampp.org XAMPP peec tam novelc ActivePerl for windows x86 5.8.8 peec tam pieliec DBI-mysql moduli. Uzkonfiguree main config, izdomaa logu direktoriju (Piem. E:/logs, tikai "/" vajag otraadi). Players settings visur ieraksti 0, nokonfiguree stats.cfg un spied uz stats.pl vai psychostats.bat un visam ir jaaiet!

tad kas man jadara?

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FATAL] Called from main(91)->PS::DB(89)->PS::DB::mysql(22) >>>

> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=psychostats3;host=localhost;port=":

> Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

nav uzlikta parole prieksh root usera.

vispirms: mysql -u root (caur command promt vai arii ja *nix tad protams shellaa)

kad esi iegaajis mysql consolee:

SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = OLD_PASSWORD('tava_parole'); 

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