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Man tagad pie stats.pl izleca shitaada hernja

[FATAL] Called from PS::Map::halflife::cstrike(50)->PS::Map(186)->PS:biggrin.gifB(628)->PS:biggrin.gifB(295)->PS:biggrin.gifB(512) >>>

> Error executing DB query:

> UPDATE ps_c_map_data SET `onlinetime`=`onlinetime` + 128, `lasttime`=IF(`lasttime` > '1171565097', `lasttime`, '1171565097'), lastdate='2007-02-15', `bombexplodedpct`=IFNULL(`bombexploded` / `bombplanted` * 100, 0.00), `bombplantedpct`=IFNULL(`bombplanted` / `rounds` * 100, 0.00), `terroristwonpct`=IFNULL(`terroristwon` / (`terroristwon` + `ctwon`) * 100, 0.00), `rescuedhostagespct`=IFNULL(`rescuedhostages` / `touchedhostages` * 100, 0.00), `ffkillspct`=IFNULL(`ffkills` / `kills` * 100, 0.00), `bombrunnerpct`=IFNULL(`bombrunner` / `rounds` * 100, 0.00), `bombdefusedpct`=IFNULL(`bombdefused` / `bombdefuseattempts` * 100, 0.00), `ctwonpct`=IFNULL(`ctwon` / (`ctwon` + `terroristwon`) * 100, 0.00) WHERE `mapid`='21'

> Can't find record in 'ps_c_map_data'

> --end of error--

Edited by ImMortl
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Man tagad pie stats.pl izleca shitaada hernja

[FATAL] Called from PS::Map::halflife::cstrike(50)->PS::Map(186)->PS:biggrin.gifB(628)->PS:biggrin.gifB(295)->PS:biggrin.gifB(512) >>>

> Error executing DB query:

> UPDATE ps_c_map_data SET `onlinetime`=`onlinetime` + 128, `lasttime`=IF(`lasttime` > '1171565097', `lasttime`, '1171565097'), lastdate='2007-02-15', `bombexplodedpct`=IFNULL(`bombexploded` / `bombplanted` * 100, 0.00), `bombplantedpct`=IFNULL(`bombplanted` / `rounds` * 100, 0.00), `terroristwonpct`=IFNULL(`terroristwon` / (`terroristwon` + `ctwon`) * 100, 0.00), `rescuedhostagespct`=IFNULL(`rescuedhostages` / `touchedhostages` * 100, 0.00), `ffkillspct`=IFNULL(`ffkills` / `kills` * 100, 0.00), `bombrunnerpct`=IFNULL(`bombrunner` / `rounds` * 100, 0.00), `bombdefusedpct`=IFNULL(`bombdefused` / `bombdefuseattempts` * 100, 0.00), `ctwonpct`=IFNULL(`ctwon` / (`ctwon` + `terroristwon`) * 100, 0.00) WHERE `mapid`='21'

> Can't find record in 'ps_c_map_data'

> --end of error--

Spriežot pēc error text, nepatīk tava DB .... paskaties, vai ar MySql viss kā nākas .... man kkas līdzīgs bija sākumā, bet nu es pamainīju settingus un viss aizgāja ....

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