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atradu googlee skaties un saac monnteet laugh.gif

Download SDK and refresh content, only way to fix it. It appears when I use the Worldcraft 4.0 World Editor after I used ctrl + alt + delete to terminate the application when it got stuck.

You download SDK by hitting the Download Game button in Steam.

If not, I dont know how you can fix it, sorry.

!!!!!!!!!!!! if you have this problem ""' load c:\program files\steam\steamapps \counter-strike source\bin\filesystem_steam.dll ""you need service pack 2 to run css and hl2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the REAL fix for this problem, please ignore other suggestions.

--- FIX ---

Search your system for Steam.dll files. You should only have one, in the main Steam folder (next to Steam.exe).

This worked for CS:S, HL2 and HL2DM


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