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Izmanto sho .bat skriptu:

@echo off
echo Protecting HLDS from crashes...
title HLDS CrashGuard
echo (%time%) HLDS started...
start /wait /realtime hlds.exe -console -game cstrike -insecure -nomaster +sv_lan 1 +port 27015 +maxplayers 15 +map de_aztec -pingboost 2
echo (%time%) WARNING: HLDS closed or crashed! Restaring...
goto hlds

Rinda aiz hlds.exe ir parametri, tos vari mainiit kaa vajag! paareejam jaapaliek! Liels + ir tas, ka shis skripts arii ruupeejas par to, ja nu serveris nokaras, tad vinjsh automaatiski vinju startee pa jaunu!

Lai skripts ietu, uztaisa jaunu failu piem. server.bat, uzliek edit un tajaa iekopee shito kodu! Lai palaistu, vinjsh obligati jaaienes servera mapee, turpat, kur atrodas hlds.exe un swds.dll u.c.! Tad vnk spiezham atveert failu un djeela dariita!

P.S. Pie attachments pieliku .bat failu prieksh tiem asoba gudrajiem, kas te forumaa nav retums!


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Izmanto sho .bat skriptu:

@echo off
echo Protecting HLDS from crashes...
title HLDS CrashGuard
echo (%time%) HLDS started...
start /wait /realtime hlds.exe -console -game cstrike -insecure -nomaster +sv_lan 1 +port 27015 +maxplayers 15 +map de_aztec -pingboost 2
echo (%time%) WARNING: HLDS closed or crashed! Restaring...
goto hlds

Rinda aiz hlds.exe ir parametri, tos vari mainiit kaa vajag! paareejam jaapaliek! Liels + ir tas, ka shis skripts arii ruupeejas par to, ja nu serveris nokaras, tad vinjsh automaatiski vinju startee pa jaunu!

Lai skripts ietu, uztaisa jaunu failu piem. server.bat, uzliek edit un tajaa iekopee shito kodu! Lai palaistu, vinjsh obligati jaaienes servera mapee, turpat, kur atrodas hlds.exe un swds.dll u.c.! Tad vnk spiezham atveert failu un djeela dariita!

P.S. Pie attachments pieliku .bat failu prieksh tiem asoba gudrajiem, kas te forumaa nav retums!

tnx eu bet man ir uzlikt shortcut pie start up kad iesledzu kompi automatiski palaizhas to es varu njemt nost? bet es gribu lai automatiski palaizhas

Edited by Miedzinjsh[War3-Pro-Player]
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