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Everything posted by SadiS^CCCP*
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SadiS^CCCP* replied to SadiS^CCCP*'s topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
OFF topic.. jus te puse off topicu ienesat! Origo berns... -
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SadiS^CCCP* replied to SadiS^CCCP*'s topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
Tev tika sacits nelien dirsaa!! Un atbildet tik cik tev gadinju!!! -
Rodas Intrese...! Par Tadu Lietu...!
SadiS^CCCP* replied to SadiS^CCCP*'s topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
16 gadu, tad jau tu esi ierobezots tomer, bet izturies te kaa ahue***s diskriminacija puis ) -
Rodas Intrese...! Par Tadu Lietu...!
SadiS^CCCP* replied to SadiS^CCCP*'s topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
"Punktinja Script XD" Man ari liekas recigs un stulbs , bet ja cilveks nesaprot ka to nosaukt? -
Rodas Intrese...! Par Tadu Lietu...!
SadiS^CCCP* replied to SadiS^CCCP*'s topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
Tads jaut. radas saistiba ar to ka lasot daudzas pamacibas,prasibas,problemas.. jo te viens otru apliek par katru sikumu ja kads kko nesaprot nerekinoties ar to ka paaudze ar katru dienu pieaug un atjaunojas....Rezultata ari noobi ta saucamie... )) -
Tapat nestrada nomainiju un uzliku vienam nikam b flag bet tapat ptb parmet pie ct
Tapat nestrada
Sory bet vai nevaretu man atsutit sma jeb pashu pluginu, to tavu reservation neatradu ;D
Luuk kods vai varetu kads pateikt ko tieshi te janomaina #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <cstrike> // Change admin protection flag here #define ADMIN_PROTECT_PTB ADMIN_IMMUNITY // admin flag b // Change admin access flag here #define ACCESS_PTB ADMIN_RCON // team ids #define UNASSIGNED 0 #define TS 1 #define CTS 2 #define AUTO_TEAM 5 new const PTB_VERSION[] = "1.7b9.2" // Uncomment to activate log debug messages. //#define PTB_DEBUG // team selection control new bool:PTB_LIMITJOIN = true // set limits on team joining new PTB_LIMITAFTER = 0 // number of rounds after which teams limiting begins new PTB_LIMITMIN = 0 // number of minimum players on map for team limiting new PTB_MAXSIZE = 10 // maximum team size per team new PTB_MAXDIFF = 2 // maximum team size difference new PTB_AUTOROUNDS = 3 // number of first rounds into match, which allow autojoin only new PTB_WTJAUTO = 3 // wtj tries needed to become autojoined new PTB_WTJKICK = 5 // wtj tries needed to become kicked new bool:PTB_KICK = true // kick for wtj counts new bool:PTB_SAVEWTJ = false // save wtjs to wtj.log // team balancing actions new bool:PTB_SWITCH = true // switch/transfer players new PTB_SWITCHAFTER = 0 // number of rounds after which switching begins new PTB_SWITCHMIN = 3 // number of minimum players on map for switching new PTB_SWITCHFREQ = 1 // relative next possible switch round new PTB_PLAYERFREQ = 3 // relative next possible switch round for player new PTB_FORCESWITCH = 3 // number of tries after which PTB switches alive, if neccessary new bool:PTB_DEADONLY = false // switch dead only // messages new bool:PTB_TELLWTJ = true // tell about wtj tries new bool:PTB_ANNOUNCE = true // announce team status at beginning of round new bool:PTB_SAYOK = true // announce team status, if teams are alright new bool:PTB_TYPESAY = true // use typesay // team strength limits new PTB_MAXSTREAK = 2 // max. allowed team win streak new PTB_MAXSCORE = 2 // max. allowed team score difference new Float:PTB_MINRATING = 1.5 // minimum critical team rating new Float:PTB_MAXRATING = 2.0 // maximum critical team rating new Float:PTB_SUPERRATING = 3.0 // super critical team rating new PTB_MAXINCIDENTS = 50 // maximum kills + deaths before the score is divided by PTB_SCALEDOWN new PTB_SCALEDOWN = 2 // divisor for kills and deaths, when PTB_MAXINCIDENTS is reached // sorted player indices are 0-based new sortedTeams[3][32] new sortedValidTargets[3][32] new validTargetCounts[3] new teamKills[3] new teamDeaths[3] new teamScores[3] new winStreaks[3] new wtConditions[3] new winnerTeam new loserTeam new Float:ctKD new Float:tKD new Float:ctStrength new Float:tStrength new Float:ctRating new Float:tRating // player arrays are 1-based, there is no player 0 new clientVGUIMenu[33][2] new bool:isBeingTransfered[33] new playerTeam[33] new lastRoundSwitched[33] new wtjCount[33] new teamCounts[3] new kills[33] new deaths[33] new roundCounter new lastSwitchRound new couldNotSwitchCounter new lastTeamBalanceCheck[32] public plugin_init(){ register_plugin("Team Balancer",PTB_VERSION,"Ptahhotep") register_cvar("amx_ptb_version",PTB_VERSION,FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_UNLOGGED|FCVAR_SPONLY) register_cvar("ptb_saychat", "1") register_cvar("ptb_transfer_type", "1") register_menucmd(register_menuid("Team_Select",1),(1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<4),"teamselect") register_event("ShowMenu","menuclass","b","4&CT_Select","4&Terrorist_Select") register_clcmd("jointeam","jointeam") register_clcmd("team_join","team_join") #if defined PTB_DEBUG register_clcmd("say /last","check_lasttransfer") #endif register_event("SendAudio","round_end","a","2=%!MRAD_terwin","2=%!MRAD_ctwin","2=%!MRAD_rounddraw") // Round End register_event("TeamScore","team_score","a") // Team Score register_event("RoundTime", "new_round", "bc") // Round Time register_event("DeathMsg","death_msg","a") // Kill register_event("TeamInfo","team_assign","a") // Team Assigment (also UNASSIGNED and SPECTATOR) register_event("TextMsg","team_join","a","1=1","2&Game_join_te","2&Game_join_ct") // Team Joining register_event("TextMsg","game_restart","a","1=4","2Game_C","2Game_w") // Game restart register_concmd("amx_ptb","admin_ptb",ACCESS_PTB,"- displays PTB options") new configsDir[64] get_configsdir(configsDir, 63) server_cmd("exec %s/ptb/ptb.cfg", configsDir) // Execute main configuration file // Init clients VGUI-menu setting // Set terminating 0 to allow use of char processing instead of string // to improve performance. for (new i=0;i<33;i++){ clientVGUIMenu[0] = '0' clientVGUIMenu[1] = 0 } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } Float:fabs(Float:n) return ( n < 0.0 ) ? -n : n Float:fdivWorkaround(Float:nom, Float:denom){ if ( denom == 0.0) return nom return fabs(nom / denom) } doTypesay(string[], duration, r, g, { if (!PTB_TYPESAY) return set_hudmessage(r, g, b, 0.05, 0.25, 0, 6.0, float(duration) , 0.5, 0.15, 2) show_hudmessage(0, string ) } say(string[]){ if(get_cvar_num("ptb_saychat") == 1 || get_cvar_num("ptb_saychat") == 3){ client_print(0,print_chat,string) server_print(string) } } bool:check_param_bool(param[]) return (equali(param, "on") || equal(param, "1")) ? true : false Float:check_param_float(param[],Float:n){ new Float:a = floatstr(param) if (a < n) a = n return a } check_param_num(param[],n){ new a = str_to_num(param) if (a < n) a = n return a } transferPlayer(id){ if (isBeingTransfered[id]) return isBeingTransfered[id] = false new name[32] get_user_name(id,name,31) cs_set_user_team(id, (playerTeam[id]==TS) ? 2 : 1) cs_reset_user_model(id) // This must be done here or lastroundswithed will not be registered lastRoundSwitched[id] = roundCounter // This makes you able to see transfers with HLSW in the chat log_message("^"<><><>^" triggered ^"amx_chat^" (text ^"[PTB] Transfered %s to %s^")", name, (playerTeam[id]==TS) ? "CT" : "TERRORIST" ) #if defined PTB_DEBUG log_amx("Transfer player: %s lastRoundSwitched[id]: %i roundCounter:%i", name, lastRoundSwitched[id], roundCounter) client_print(0,print_chat,"Transfer player: %s lastRoundSwitched[id]: %i roundCounter:%i", name, lastRoundSwitched[id], roundCounter) #endif } #if defined PTB_DEBUG public check_lasttransfer(id) { new lasttransfer, text[255] lasttransfer = lastRoundSwitched[id] format(text,255,"LastRound transfered: %i", lasttransfer) say(text) } #endif actAtEndOfRound(){ if (!PTB_SWITCH) return // skip switching for the first few rounds if (roundCounter <= PTB_SWITCHAFTER) return // honor switch frequency setting if (roundCounter - lastSwitchRound < PTB_SWITCHFREQ) return // skip switching for a small number of players if (get_playersnum() < PTB_SWITCHMIN) return say("PTB: Round ended, checking teams.") checkTeamBalance() if (winnerTeam) { sortTeam(CTS) sortTeam(TS) // If they set the cvar(ptb_transfer_type) 1 or less than 2 or bigger than 3 // then standard transfers will be selected if(get_cvar_num("ptb_transfer_type") < 2 || get_cvar_num("ptb_agressive_transfer") > 3){ // This is the standard if it should be a swith of to players or just one transfer if (teamCounts[winnerTeam] <= teamCounts[loserTeam]) // Original formula doSwitch() else if (teamCounts[loserTeam] < teamCounts[winnerTeam]) // Original formula doTransfer() } if(get_cvar_num("ptb_transfer_type") == 2){ // This is more agressive but not so much as the one below if (teamCounts[winnerTeam] < teamCounts[loserTeam]) doSwitch() else if (teamCounts[loserTeam] <= teamCounts[winnerTeam]) doTransfer() } if(get_cvar_num("ptb_transfer_type") == 3){ // This is the most agressive transfertype if ((teamCounts[winnerTeam]+(PTB_MAXDIFF/2)) < teamCounts[loserTeam]) doSwitch() else if (teamCounts[loserTeam] <= (teamCounts[winnerTeam]+(PTB_MAXDIFF/2))) doTransfer() } } } createValidTargets(theTeam, bool:deadonly) { new n = 0 for (new i = 0; i < teamCounts[theTeam]; ++i) { // Protection for admins if (get_user_flags(sortedTeams[theTeam]) & ADMIN_PROTECT_PTB) continue // Dead only condition if ( deadonly && is_user_alive(sortedTeams[theTeam]) ) continue // Already switched or in PTB_PLAYERFREQ time condition if ((lastRoundSwitched[sortedTeams[theTeam]] == roundCounter) || (roundCounter - lastRoundSwitched[sortedTeams[theTeam]] < PTB_PLAYERFREQ)) continue sortedValidTargets[theTeam][n++] = sortedTeams[theTeam] } validTargetCounts[theTeam] = n } sortTeam(theTeam) { // create list of players new n = 0, a = get_maxplayers() for (new i = 1; i <= a; ++i) { // Get only members of specified team if (playerTeam != theTeam) continue sortedTeams[theTeam][n++] = i } // do a selection sort new swap, count = n for (new i = count-1; i > 0; --i){ for (new k = i-1; k >= 0; --k){ // compare players (kills better then other or if equal then with less deaths) if ( (kills[sortedTeams[theTeam][k]]<kills[sortedTeams[theTeam]]) || ( (kills[sortedTeams[theTeam][k]]==kills[sortedTeams[theTeam]]) && (deaths[sortedTeams[theTeam][k]]>deaths[sortedTeams[theTeam]]))) { // swap swap = sortedTeams[theTeam][k] sortedTeams[theTeam][k] = sortedTeams[theTeam] sortedTeams[theTeam] = swap } } } } Float:score(team, toBeAdded=0, toBeRemoved=0){ new Float:sumKD = 0.0 new a = get_maxplayers() for (new i = 1; i <= a; ++i) { if ( (playerTeam!=team&&i!=toBeAdded) || (i==toBeRemoved) ) continue sumKD += fdivWorkaround(float(kills), float(deaths)) } new Float:strength = float(teamCounts[team]) if (sumKD) strength *= sumKD return strength } doSwitch() { new text[256] //displayStatistics(0,true) // don't switch, if at least one team is empty if ( teamCounts[winnerTeam] == 0 || teamCounts[loserTeam] == 0 ) { copy(text,255, "PTB: Can't switch players, need players in each team.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) return } // don't switch, if winner is alone (RULER!!!) if (teamCounts[winnerTeam] == 1) { copy(text,255, "PTB: Won't switch players, best player makes the winning team.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) return } // don't switch, if both teams are full if (teamCounts[winnerTeam] >= PTB_MAXSIZE && teamCounts[loserTeam] >= PTB_MAXSIZE) { copy(text,255, "PTB: Can't switch players, both teams are full.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) return } if (!PTB_DEADONLY || couldNotSwitchCounter > PTB_FORCESWITCH) { // choose from random top or bottom x createValidTargets(winnerTeam, false) createValidTargets(loserTeam, false) if (validTargetCounts[winnerTeam] == 0 || validTargetCounts[loserTeam] == 0) { ++couldNotSwitchCounter copy(text,255, "PTB: Can't switch players, need valid target in each team.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) return } } else { //say("switch dead") createValidTargets(winnerTeam, true) createValidTargets(loserTeam, true) if (validTargetCounts[winnerTeam] == 0 || validTargetCounts[loserTeam] == 0) { if (++couldNotSwitchCounter > PTB_FORCESWITCH) { say("PTB: Couldn't switch dead, switching alive.") doSwitch() return } copy(text, 255,"PTB: Can't switch players, need valid target in each team.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) return } } // Now search through the possible 1 to 1 swaps to equalize the strength as much as possible new Float:closestScore = fabs(score(winnerTeam) - score(loserTeam)) new Float:myScore, toLoser, toWinner new winner = 0 new loser = 0 for (new w = 0; w < validTargetCounts[winnerTeam]; ++w) { toLoser = sortedValidTargets[winnerTeam][w] for (new l = 0; l < validTargetCounts[loserTeam]; ++l) { toWinner = sortedValidTargets[loserTeam][l] myScore = fabs(score(winnerTeam, toWinner, toLoser) - score(loserTeam, toLoser, toWinner)) if (myScore < closestScore) { closestScore = myScore winner = toLoser loser = toWinner } } } if (winner == 0 && loser == 0) { copy(text, 255,"PTB: No switch would improve team balancing.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) return } couldNotSwitchCounter = 0 lastSwitchRound = roundCounter new winnerName[32], loserName[32] get_user_name(winner,winnerName,31) get_user_name(loser,loserName,31) // if one team is full, first move the the player from the full team ... if (teamCounts[winnerTeam] >= PTB_MAXSIZE){ transferPlayer(winner) transferPlayer(loser) } else { transferPlayer(loser) transferPlayer(winner) } format(text,255,"PTB: Switching %s with %s.",winnerName,loserName) if(get_cvar_num("ptb_saychat") == 2 || get_cvar_num("ptb_saychat") == 3){ //say(text) set_hudmessage(0, 255, 0, 0.05, 0.25, 0, 6.0, 5.0 , 0.5, 0.15, 2) show_hudmessage(0, text ) client_print(0,print_chat,"PTB: Switching %s with %s.",winnerName,loserName) }else{ doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) } } doTransfer() { //displayStatistics(0,true) new text[256] if (teamCounts[winnerTeam] == 0) { copy(text,255, "PTB: Can't switch players, need players in each team.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) return } if (teamCounts[loserTeam] >= PTB_MAXSIZE) { copy(text,255, "PTB: Can't transfer player, losing team is full.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) return } if (!PTB_DEADONLY || couldNotSwitchCounter > PTB_FORCESWITCH) { createValidTargets(winnerTeam, false) if (validTargetCounts[winnerTeam] == 0) { copy(text,255, "PTB: Can't transfer player, no valid target in winning team.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) ++couldNotSwitchCounter return } } else { //say("switch dead") createValidTargets(winnerTeam, true) if (validTargetCounts[winnerTeam] == 0) { if (++couldNotSwitchCounter > PTB_FORCESWITCH) { say("PTB: Couldn't transfer dead, transferring alive.") doTransfer() return } copy(text,255, "PTB: Can't transfer player, no valid target in winning team.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) return } } new Float:closestScore = fabs(score(winnerTeam) - score(loserTeam)) new Float:myScore, toLoser new winner = 0 for (new w = 0; w < validTargetCounts[winnerTeam]; ++w) { toLoser = sortedValidTargets[winnerTeam][w] myScore = fabs(score(winnerTeam, 0, toLoser) - score(loserTeam, toLoser, 0)) if (myScore < closestScore) { closestScore = myScore winner = toLoser } } if (winner == 0) { copy(text, 255,"PTB: No transfer would improve team balancing.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) return } couldNotSwitchCounter = 0 new winnerName[32] get_user_name(winner,winnerName,31) transferPlayer(winner) format(text,255,"PTB: Transfering %s to the %s",winnerName, (winnerTeam == CTS) ? "Ts" : "CTs") if(get_cvar_num("ptb_saychat") == 2 || get_cvar_num("ptb_saychat") == 3){ //say(text) set_hudmessage(0, 255, 0, 0.05, 0.25, 0, 6.0, 5.0 , 0.5, 0.15, 2) show_hudmessage(0, text ) client_print(0,print_chat,"PTB: Transfering %s to the %s",winnerName, (winnerTeam == CTS) ? "Ts" : "CTs") }else{ doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) } } checkTeamBalance() { get_time("%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S",lastTeamBalanceCheck,31 ) calcTeamScores() ctStrength = score(CTS) tStrength = score(TS) ctRating = fdivWorkaround(ctStrength, tStrength) tRating = fdivWorkaround(tStrength, ctStrength) wtConditions[TS] = 0 wtConditions[CTS] = 0 // compare scores for unequal rating scores if (teamScores[TS] - teamScores[CTS] > PTB_MAXSCORE && tRating >= PTB_MINRATING) wtConditions[TS]++ if (teamScores[CTS] - teamScores[TS] > PTB_MAXSCORE && ctRating >= PTB_MINRATING) wtConditions[CTS]++ // check streaks for unequal rating scores if (winStreaks[TS] > PTB_MAXSTREAK && tRating >= PTB_MINRATING) wtConditions[TS]++ if (winStreaks[CTS] > PTB_MAXSTREAK && ctRating >= PTB_MINRATING) wtConditions[CTS]++ // check ratings if (tRating >= PTB_MAXRATING) wtConditions[TS]++ if (ctRating >= PTB_MAXRATING) wtConditions[CTS]++ // check ratings if (tRating >= PTB_SUPERRATING) wtConditions[TS]++ if (ctRating >= PTB_SUPERRATING) wtConditions[CTS]++ // check team sizes for unequal ratings if (teamCounts[TS] > teamCounts[CTS] && tRating >= PTB_MINRATING) wtConditions[TS]++ if (teamCounts[CTS] > teamCounts[TS] && ctRating >= PTB_MINRATING) wtConditions[CTS]++ // check conditions if (wtConditions[TS] >= 2) { winnerTeam = TS loserTeam = CTS } else if (wtConditions[CTS] >= 2) { winnerTeam = CTS loserTeam = TS } else { winnerTeam = 0 loserTeam = 0 } } manageWtjFile(id) { if (!PTB_SAVEWTJ) return //say("Trying to write wtj.log ....") //if (wtjCount[id] < 4) return //say("wtj.log should be written to now ....") new text[256], stime[32], mapname[32], name[32], authid[32] get_time("%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S",stime,31 ) get_mapname(mapname,31) get_user_name(id,name,31) get_user_authid(id,authid,31) format(text, 255, "%s %s <%s> %s", stime, name, authid, mapname) new basedir[64] get_basedir(basedir, 63) format(basedir, 63, "%s/logs/custom/wtj.log", basedir) write_file(basedir, text) } public menuclass(id) { if (!isBeingTransfered[id]) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE client_cmd(id,"slot1") isBeingTransfered[id] = false return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public jointeam(id) { new arg[2] read_argv(1,arg,1) if (isBeingTransfered[id]) return PLUGIN_HANDLED return checkTeamSwitch(id,str_to_num(arg)) // team is key pressed + 1 } public teamselect(id,key) { return checkTeamSwitch(id,key+1) // team is key pressed + 1 } checkTeamSwitch(id,iNewTeam) { // don't care where player joins if (!PTB_LIMITJOIN) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE // Protection for admins if (get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_PROTECT_PTB) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE // players is transfered so don't care with rest if (isBeingTransfered[id]) { //say("TRANSFER") isBeingTransfered[id] = false return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } //say("NO TRANSFER") // skip limiting for a few rounds into the map if (PTB_LIMITAFTER && roundCounter <= PTB_LIMITAFTER) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE // skip limiting for a small number of players if (get_playersnum() < PTB_LIMITMIN) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE new iOldTeam = playerTeam[id] // disallow free team choices in the first rounds of a map if (PTB_AUTOROUNDS&&(iOldTeam==UNASSIGNED)&&roundCounter<=PTB_AUTOROUNDS) iNewTeam = AUTO_TEAM // prevent unwanted rejoining of the same team ... if (iNewTeam == iOldTeam) { //say("Preventing rejoining of the same team.") client_print(id,print_chat,"PTB: Joining to the same team is not allowed...") #if !defined MANUAL_SWITCH engclient_cmd(id,"chooseteam") // display menu again #endif return PLUGIN_HANDLED } checkTeamBalance() //displayStatistics(0,true) // Player for sure was in CT or T team and now is joining to the opposite team if ((iNewTeam==CTS&&iOldTeam==TS)||(iNewTeam==TS&&iOldTeam==CTS)){ // If someone is in new team and old team weren't full // and the winning team is a destination team or in // new team is more players than in old then treat it as wtj if ( teamCounts[iNewTeam]&&(teamCounts[iOldTeam]<PTB_MAXSIZE)&& ((iNewTeam==winnerTeam)||(teamCounts[iNewTeam]>=teamCounts[iOldTeam])) ) { // player is wtjing new text[256],name[32] get_user_name(id,name,31) // Kick wtj player if reached set limit if (++wtjCount[id] >= PTB_WTJKICK && PTB_KICK) { format(text, 255, "PTB: Kicking %s for a WTJ count %d of %d.", name, wtjCount[id],PTB_WTJKICK ) doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) server_cmd("kick #%d",get_user_userid(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } // Announce about WTJ if (PTB_TELLWTJ) { if (iNewTeam == CTS) { format(text, 255, "PTB: The CTs are strong enough, %s (WTJ: %d/%d).", name, wtjCount[id],PTB_WTJKICK) doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 50, 255) } else { format(text, 255, "PTB: The Ts are strong enough, %s (WTJ: %d/%d).", name, wtjCount[id],PTB_WTJKICK) doTypesay(text, 5, 255, 50, 0) } say(text) } #if !defined MANUAL_SWITCH engclient_cmd(id,"chooseteam") // display menu again #endif return PLUGIN_HANDLED } // check for maximum team size if (teamCounts[iNewTeam] >= PTB_MAXSIZE) { client_print(id,print_chat,"PTB: Maximum team size prohibits team change.") #if !defined MANUAL_SWITCH engclient_cmd(id,"chooseteam") // display menu again #endif return PLUGIN_HANDLED } // check team size difference limits if ( teamCounts[iNewTeam]+1-teamCounts[iOldTeam] >= PTB_MAXDIFF ) { client_print(id,print_chat,"PTB: Maximum team size difference prohibits team change.") #if !defined MANUAL_SWITCH engclient_cmd(id,"chooseteam") // display menu again #endif return PLUGIN_HANDLED } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE // OK! He can join to the oppsoite team!!! } // Player is choosing his team for the first time! if (iNewTeam==CTS||iNewTeam==TS){ // Get opposite team new opposingTeam = (iNewTeam==CTS)? TS : CTS // Players is joining to one team but the opposite is not full // and his team is bettter then opposite or has more players if (teamCounts[iNewTeam] && teamCounts[opposingTeam]<PTB_MAXSIZE && (iNewTeam==winnerTeam||(!winnerTeam&&teamCounts[iNewTeam]>teamCounts[opposingTeam]))) { new text[256],name[32] get_user_name(id,name,31) if (++wtjCount[id] >= PTB_WTJKICK && PTB_KICK) { format(text, 255, "PTB: Kicking %s for a WTJ count %d of %d.", name, wtjCount[id],PTB_WTJKICK) doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 255, 0) say(text) server_cmd("kick #%d", get_user_userid(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if (iNewTeam==CTS) { if (wtjCount[id]>=PTB_WTJAUTO && is_user_connected(id)) { manageWtjFile(id) format(text, 255, "PTB: Forcing %s to the Ts (WTJ: %d/%d).", name, wtjCount[id],PTB_WTJKICK) engclient_cmd(id,"jointeam","1") doTypesay(text, 5, 255, 50, 0) say(text) } else if (PTB_TELLWTJ) { format(text, 255, "PTB: The CTs are strong enough, %s (WTJ: %d/%d).", name, wtjCount[id],PTB_WTJKICK) doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 50, 255) say(text) #if !defined MANUAL_SWITCH engclient_cmd(id,"chooseteam") // display menu again #endif } } else { if (wtjCount[id]>=PTB_WTJAUTO) { manageWtjFile(id) format(text, 255, "PTB: Forcing %s to the CTs (WTJ: %d/%d).", name, wtjCount[id],PTB_WTJKICK) engclient_cmd(id,"jointeam","2") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 50, 255) say(text) } else if (PTB_TELLWTJ) { format(text, 255, "PTB: The Ts are strong enough, %s (WTJ: %d/%d).", name, wtjCount[id],PTB_WTJKICK) doTypesay(text, 5, 255, 50, 0) say(text) #if !defined MANUAL_SWITCH engclient_cmd(id,"chooseteam") // display menu again #endif } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } // check for maximum team size if (teamCounts[iNewTeam] >= PTB_MAXSIZE) { client_print(id,print_chat,"PTB: Maximum team size prohibits team join.") #if !defined MANUAL_SWITCH engclient_cmd(id,"chooseteam") // display menu again #endif return PLUGIN_HANDLED } // check team size difference limits if ( teamCounts[iNewTeam]-teamCounts[opposingTeam] >= PTB_MAXDIFF) { client_print(id,print_chat,"PTB: Maximum team size difference prohibits team join.") #if !defined MANUAL_SWITCH engclient_cmd(id,"chooseteam") // display menu again #endif return PLUGIN_HANDLED } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE // OK! He can join to the oppsoite team!!! } // He is choosing the AUTO-SELECT but he was already in game (He wants to play fair!) if (iNewTeam==AUTO_TEAM&&(iOldTeam==CTS||iOldTeam==TS)) { //say("Changing team automatically.") new opposingTeam = (iOldTeam==CTS) ? TS : CTS if (teamCounts[opposingTeam] && ( (teamCounts[opposingTeam]>=PTB_MAXSIZE) || (iOldTeam==loserTeam) || (!loserTeam&&teamCounts[iOldTeam]<=teamCounts[opposingTeam]) || (teamCounts[opposingTeam]+1-teamCounts[iOldTeam]>=PTB_MAXDIFF)) ) { client_print(id,print_chat,"PTB: You have better stay in your current team...") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } client_print(id,print_chat,"PTB: You have been auto-assigned...") engclient_cmd(id,"jointeam",(opposingTeam==CTS)?"2":"1") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } // He is choosing the team for the first time with AUTO-SELECT (What a nice kid!) if (iNewTeam==AUTO_TEAM) { /* this is the "always smaller team" version if (teamCounts[CTS] < teamCounts[TS] || teamCounts[TS] >= PTB_MAXSIZE) iNewTeam = CTS else if (teamCounts[TS] < teamCounts[CTS] || teamCounts[CTS] >= PTB_MAXSIZE) iNewTeam = TS // both teams have same size ... else if (winnerTeam && teamCounts[loserTeam]<PTB_MAXSIZE) iNewTeam = loserTeam else if (teamCounts[TS] >= PTB_MAXSIZE) iNewTeam = CTS else if (teamCounts[CTS] >= PTB_MAXSIZE) iNewTeam = TS else iNewTeam = (random_num(0,100) < 50) ? CTS : TS */ // this version prefers the losing team (but still honors PTB_MAXDIFF) if (teamCounts[CTS] >= PTB_MAXSIZE) iNewTeam = TS else if (teamCounts[TS] >= PTB_MAXSIZE) iNewTeam = CTS else if (teamCounts[CTS]-teamCounts[TS] >= PTB_MAXDIFF) iNewTeam = TS else if (teamCounts[TS]-teamCounts[CTS] >= PTB_MAXDIFF) iNewTeam = CTS else if (winnerTeam) iNewTeam = loserTeam else if (teamCounts[CTS]<teamCounts[TS]) iNewTeam = CTS else if (teamCounts[TS]<teamCounts[CTS]) iNewTeam = TS // both teams have same size ... else iNewTeam = (random_num(0,100) < 50) ? CTS : TS // check for maximum team size if (teamCounts[iNewTeam]>=PTB_MAXSIZE) { client_print(id,print_chat,"PTB: Maximum team size prohibits team join.") // ??? - only a spectator??? #if !defined MANUAL_SWITCH engclient_cmd(id,"chooseteam") // display menu again #endif return PLUGIN_HANDLED } client_print(id,print_chat,"PTB: You have been auto-assigned...") engclient_cmd(id,"jointeam",(iNewTeam==CTS)?"2":"1") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public team_score(){ new arg[2] read_data(1,arg,1) teamScores[ ( arg[0] == 'T' ) ? TS : CTS ] = read_data(2) } public win_streaks(param[]){ new winner = param[0] new looser = param[1] if (winStreaks[winner] < 0) { winStreaks[winner] = 1 winStreaks[looser] = -1 } else { winStreaks[winner]++ winStreaks[looser]-- } actAtEndOfRound() } public round_end(){ new param[12] read_data(2,param,8) if (param[7]=='c') {//%!MRAD_ctwin param[0] = CTS param[1] = TS } else if (param[7]=='t') {//%!MRAD_terwin param[0] = TS param[1] = CTS } else return // %!MRAD_rounddraw (both teams have left the game) set_task(4.0,"win_streaks",0,param,2) } public new_round() { if ( floatround(get_cvar_float("mp_roundtime") * 60.0) != read_data(1) ) return ++roundCounter announceStatus() } // Happen only at team select (also auto-join) public team_join() { new arg[32] read_data(3,arg,31) lastRoundSwitched[ get_user_index(arg) ] = roundCounter } // Can happen at begin of round or team select public team_assign() { new arg[2], team new i = read_data(1) read_data(2,arg,1) if ( arg[0] == 'C' ) team = CTS else if ( arg[0] == 'T' ) team = TS else team = UNASSIGNED teamCounts[playerTeam]-- // Unregister from old team teamCounts[team]++ // Increase ammount in new team playerTeam = team // Assign to new } public game_restart(){ roundCounter = 0 lastSwitchRound = 0 couldNotSwitchCounter = 0 teamKills[0] = teamKills[1] = teamKills[2] = 0 teamDeaths[0] = teamDeaths[1] = teamDeaths[2] = 0 teamScores[0] = teamScores[1] = teamScores[2] = 0 winStreaks[0] = winStreaks[1] = winStreaks[2] = 0 wtConditions[0] = wtConditions[1] = wtConditions[2] = 0 validTargetCounts[0] = validTargetCounts[1] = validTargetCounts[2] = 0 new a = get_maxplayers() for (new i = 1; i <= a; ++i){ kills = 0 deaths = 0 wtjCount = 0 lastRoundSwitched = -999 } } public death_msg(){ new iWinner = read_data(1) new iLoser = read_data(2) if ( iWinner < 1 || iWinner > 32 || iLoser < 1 || iLoser > 32 ) return if ( playerTeam[iWinner] == playerTeam[iLoser] ) return // no TKS!!! kills[iWinner]++ deaths[iLoser]++ if (PTB_SCALEDOWN <= 1) return if (kills[iWinner] + deaths[iWinner] >= PTB_MAXINCIDENTS) { kills[iWinner] /= PTB_SCALEDOWN deaths[iWinner] /= PTB_SCALEDOWN } if (kills[iLoser] + deaths[iLoser] >= PTB_MAXINCIDENTS) { kills[iLoser] /= PTB_SCALEDOWN deaths[iLoser] /= PTB_SCALEDOWN } } calcTeamScores() { teamDeaths[uNASSIGNED] = 0 teamDeaths[CTS] = 0 teamDeaths[TS] = 0 teamKills[uNASSIGNED] = 0 teamKills[CTS] = 0 teamKills[TS] = 0 new team, a = get_maxplayers() for (new i = 1; i <= a; ++i) { team = playerTeam teamKills[team] += kills teamDeaths[team] += deaths } ctKD = fdivWorkaround(float(teamKills[CTS]), float(teamDeaths[CTS])) tKD = fdivWorkaround(float(teamKills[TS]), float(teamDeaths[TS])) } announceStatus() { if (!PTB_ANNOUNCE) return checkTeamBalance() new text[256] if (winnerTeam == TS) { format(text, 255, "PTB: The COUNTER-TERRORIST team could use some support.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 50, 255) say("PTB: The COUNTER-TERRORIST team could use some support.") } else if (winnerTeam == CTS) { format(text, 255, "PTB: The TERRORIST team could use some support.") doTypesay(text, 5, 255, 50, 0) say("PTB: The TERRORIST team could use some support.") } else if (wtConditions[TS] > wtConditions[CTS]) { format(text, 255, "PTB: Observing TERRORIST team advantage.") doTypesay(text, 5, 255, 50, 0) say("PTB: Observing TERRORIST team advantage.") } else if (wtConditions[CTS] > wtConditions[TS]) { format(text, 255, "PTB: Observing COUNTER-TERRORIST team advantage.") doTypesay(text, 5, 0, 50, 255) say("PTB: Observing COUNTER-TERRORIST team advantage.") } else if (PTB_SAYOK) { format(text, 255, "PTB: Teams look fine, no action required.") doTypesay(text, 5, 200, 100, 0) say("PTB: Teams look fine, no action required.") } } public admin_ptb(id,level,cid) { if (!cmd_access(id,level,cid,1)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new cmd[32], arg[32], lastcmd if ( read_argv(1,cmd,31) == 0 ) { // no command - plain amx_ptb //console_print(id,"PTB: Ptahhotep's Team Balancer %s", PTB_VERSION) //console_print(id,"PTB: ([email protected])") checkTeamBalance() displayStatistics(id) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if (equali(cmd, "on") || equal(cmd, "1")) { PTB_LIMITJOIN = true PTB_SWITCH = true PTB_ANNOUNCE = true console_print(id,"PTB: Enabled all PTB actions.") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if (equali(cmd, "off") || equal(cmd, "0")) { PTB_SWITCH = false PTB_ANNOUNCE = false PTB_LIMITJOIN = false console_print(id,"PTB: Disabled all PTB actions.") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if (equal(cmd, "list") || equal(cmd, "help")) { console_print(id,"PTB: Available Commands:") console_print(id,"PTB: Team Join Control: ^"limitjoin^", ^"limitafter^", ^"limitmin^", ^"maxsize^", ^"autorounds^",") console_print(id,"PTB: ^"maxdiff^", ^"wtjauto^", ^"wtjkick^", ^"kick^", ^"savewtj^"") console_print(id,"PTB: Team Balancing Actions: ^"switch^", ^"switchafter^", ^"switchmin^", ^"switchfreq^", ^"playerfreq^",") console_print(id,"PTB: ^"forceswitch^", ^"deadonly^"") console_print(id,"PTB: Team Strength Limits: ^"maxstreak^", ^"maxscore^", ^"minrating^", ^"maxrating^", ^"superrating^"") console_print(id,"PTB: Messages: ^"tellwtj^", ^"announce^", ^"sayok^", ^"typesay^"") console_print(id,"PTB: Misc: ^"^", ^"status^", ^"list^", ^"help^", ^"on^", ^"off^", ^"save^", ^"load^"") console_print(id,"PTB: To view all PTB settings, type ^"amx_ptb status^".") console_print(id,"PTB: To view or change a single PTB setting, type ^"amx_ptb <setting> <on|off|value>^".") console_print(id,"PTB: For PTB statistics, simply type ^"amx_ptb^".") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new arglen = read_argv(2,arg,31) new status = equal(cmd, "status") // team selection control if ( status ) console_print(id,"PTB: ---------- Team Selection Control ----------") // PTB_LIMITJOIN if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "limitjoin")) && arglen ) PTB_LIMITJOIN = check_param_bool(arg) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (limitjoin) WTJ prevention is %s.", PTB_LIMITJOIN ? "ON" : "OFF") // PTB_LIMITAFTER if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "limitafter")) && arglen ) PTB_LIMITAFTER = check_param_num(arg,0) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (limitafter) Team limiting starts after %d round(s).", PTB_LIMITAFTER) // PTB_LIMITMIN if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "limitmin")) && arglen ) PTB_LIMITMIN = check_param_num(arg,0) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (limitmin) Team limiting needs at least %d player(s).", PTB_LIMITMIN) // PTB_MAXSIZE if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "maxsize")) && arglen ) PTB_MAXSIZE = check_param_num(arg,0) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (maxsize) Maximum team size is %d player(s).", PTB_MAXSIZE) // PTB_MAXDIFF if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "maxdiff")) && arglen ) PTB_MAXDIFF = check_param_num(arg,1) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (maxdiff) Maximum team size difference is %d.", PTB_MAXDIFF) // PTB_AUTOROUNDS if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "autorounds")) && arglen ) PTB_AUTOROUNDS = check_param_num(arg,0) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id, "PTB: (autorounds) First %d rounds no free team choice.", PTB_AUTOROUNDS) // PTB_WTJAUTO if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "wtjauto")) && arglen ) PTB_WTJAUTO = check_param_num(arg,0) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (wtjauto) Auto-joining WTJ after %d tr(y/ies).", PTB_WTJAUTO) // PTB_WTJKICK if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "wtjkick")) && arglen ) PTB_WTJKICK = check_param_num(arg,1) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (wtjauto) Auto-kicking WTJ after %d tr(y/ies).", PTB_WTJKICK) // PTB_KICK if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "kick")) && arglen ) PTB_KICK = check_param_bool(arg) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (kick) WTJ kicking is %s.", PTB_KICK ? "ON" : "OFF" ) // PTB_SAVEWTJ if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "savewtj")) && arglen ) PTB_SAVEWTJ = check_param_bool(arg) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (savewtj) Saving to wtj.log is %s.", PTB_SAVEWTJ ? "ON" : "OFF"); // team balancing actions if ( status ) console_print(id,"PTB: ---------- Team Balancing Actions ----------") // PTB_SWITCH if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "switch")) && arglen ) PTB_SWITCH = check_param_bool(arg) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (switch) Team switching is %s.", PTB_SWITCH ? "ON" : "OFF") // PTB_SWITCHAFTER if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "switchafter")) && arglen ) PTB_SWITCHAFTER = check_param_num(arg,0) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (switchafter) Switching starts after %d round(s).", PTB_SWITCHAFTER) // PTB_SWITCHMIN if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "switchmin")) && arglen ) PTB_SWITCHMIN = check_param_num(arg,0) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (switchmin) Switching needs at least %d player(s).", PTB_SWITCHMIN) // PTB_PLAYERFREQ if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "playerfreq")) && arglen ) PTB_PLAYERFREQ = check_param_num(arg,0) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (playerfreq) Individual players are switched every %d round(s) at maximum.", PTB_PLAYERFREQ) // PTB_SWITCHFREQ if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "switchfreq")) && arglen ) PTB_SWITCHFREQ = check_param_num(arg,1) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (switchfreq) Switch occurs every %d round(s) at maximum.", PTB_SWITCHFREQ) // PTB_FORCESWITCH if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "forceswitch")) && arglen ) PTB_FORCESWITCH = check_param_num(arg,0) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (forceswitch) Forcing switch after %d unsuccessful switch(es).", PTB_FORCESWITCH) // PTB_DEADONLY if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "deadonly")) && arglen ) PTB_DEADONLY = check_param_bool(arg) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (deadonly) Switching dead only is %s.",PTB_DEADONLY ? "ON" : "OFF" ) // messages if ( status ) console_print(id,"PTB: ---------- Messages ----------") // PTB_TELLWTJ if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "tellwtj")) && arglen ) PTB_TELLWTJ = check_param_bool(arg) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (tellwtj) Telling about WTJ tries is %s.",PTB_TELLWTJ ? "ON" : "OFF") // PTB_ANNOUNCE if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "announce")) && arglen ) PTB_ANNOUNCE = check_param_bool(arg) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (announce) Announcements are %s.",PTB_ANNOUNCE ? "ON" : "OFF") // PTB_SAYOK if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "sayok")) && arglen ) PTB_SAYOK = check_param_bool(arg) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (sayok) ^"OK^" announcements are %s.",PTB_SAYOK ? "ON" : "OFF") // PTB_TYPESAY if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "typesay")) && arglen ) PTB_TYPESAY = check_param_bool(arg) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (typesay) typesay usage is %s.",PTB_TYPESAY ? "ON" : "OFF") // team strength limits if ( status ) console_print(id,"PTB: ---------- Team Strength Limits ----------") // PTB_MAXSTREAK if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "maxstreak")) && arglen ) PTB_MAXSTREAK = check_param_num(arg,1) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (maxstreak) Maximum accepted win streak is %d.", PTB_MAXSTREAK) // PTB_MAXSCORE if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "maxscore")) && arglen ) PTB_MAXSCORE = check_param_num(arg,1) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (maxscore) Maximum accepted team score difference is %d.", PTB_MAXSCORE) // PTB_MINRATING if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "minrating")) && arglen ) PTB_MINRATING = check_param_float(arg,1.0) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (minrating) Minimum critical strength rating is %.2f.",PTB_MINRATING) // PTB_MAXRATING if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "maxrating")) && arglen ) PTB_MAXRATING = check_param_float(arg,1.0) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (maxrating) Maximum critical strength rating is %.2f.",PTB_MAXRATING) // PTB_SUPERRATING if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "superrating")) && arglen ) PTB_SUPERRATING = check_param_float(arg,1.0) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (superrating) Super critical strength rating is %.2f.",PTB_SUPERRATING) // PTB_MAXINCIDENTS if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "maxincidents")) && arglen ) PTB_MAXINCIDENTS = check_param_num(arg,1) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (maxincidents) Maximum incidents before internal player score scale down is %d.", PTB_MAXINCIDENTS) // PTB_SCALEDOWN if ( (lastcmd = equal(cmd, "scaledown")) && arglen ) PTB_SCALEDOWN = check_param_num(arg,1) if ( status || lastcmd ) console_print(id,"PTB: (scaledown) Integer scale down factor for player scores is %d.", PTB_SCALEDOWN) // misc if ( status ) { console_print(id,"PTB: ---------- Misc ----------") console_print(id,"PTB: To enable or disable PTB, type ^"admin_ptb <on|1|off|0>^".") console_print(id,"PTB: To view or change a single PTB setting, type ^"amx_ptb <setting> <on|off|value>^".") console_print(id,"PTB: To view a brief overview of PTB commands, type ^"amx_ptb help^" or ^"amx_ptb list^".") console_print(id,"PTB: For PTB statistics, simply type ^"amx_ptb^".") } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } stock displayStatistics(id,bool:toLog = false) { //say("displayStatistics") new text[256] // time /*format(text, 255, "PTB: Statistics generated at: %s", lastTeamBalanceCheck) if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text)*/ // connected players format(text, 255, "PTB: Connected players: %d", get_playersnum()) if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text) // team sizes format(text, 255, "PTB: Team sizes: CTs %d, Ts %d", teamCounts[CTS], teamCounts[TS]) if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text) // team scores format(text, 255, "PTB: Team scores: CTs %d, Ts %d", teamScores[CTS], teamScores[TS]) if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text) // Kills:Deaths format(text, 255, "PTB: Team kills:deaths: CTs %d:%d, Ts %d:%d", teamKills[CTS], teamDeaths[CTS], teamKills[TS], teamDeaths[TS]) if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text) // Kills/Deaths format(text, 255, "PTB: Team kills/deaths: CTs %.2f, Ts %.2f", ctKD , tKD ) if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text) // strength format(text, 255, "PTB: Team strengths: CTs %.2f, Ts %.2f",ctStrength , tStrength ) if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text) // rating format(text, 255, "PTB: Team ratings: CTs %.2f, Ts %.2f",ctRating,tRating ) if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text) // won rounds if (winStreaks[CTS] > 0) { format(text, 255, "PTB: Last %d round(s) won by CTs.", winStreaks[CTS]) if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text) } else if (winStreaks[TS] > 0) { format(text, 255, "PTB: Last %d round(s) won by Ts.", winStreaks[TS]) if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text) } // winning team switch(winnerTeam){ case CTS: format(text, 255, "PTB: The CTs are the winning team.") case TS: format(text, 255, "PTB: The Ts are the winning team.") default: format(text, 255, "PTB: Teams are balanced.") } if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text) /*format(text, 255, "PTB: These statistics might be already outdated.") if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text) format(text, 255, "PTB: To view a brief overview of PTB commands, type ^"amx_ptb help^" or ^"amx_ptb list^".") if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text) format(text, 255, "PTB: To view all PTB settings, type ^"amx_ptb status^".") if (toLog) log_amx(text) console_print(id,text)*/ } public client_connect(id){ kills[id] = 0 deaths[id] = 0 isBeingTransfered[id] = false playerTeam[id] = UNASSIGNED lastRoundSwitched[id] = -999 wtjCount[id] = 0 get_user_info(id,"_vgui_menus",clientVGUIMenu[id],1) clientVGUIMenu[id][0] = '0' return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public client_disconnect(id) { kills[id] = 0 deaths[id] = 0 isBeingTransfered[id] = false playerTeam[id] = UNASSIGNED lastRoundSwitched[id] = -999 wtjCount[id] = 0 // redundant team size check teamCounts[uNASSIGNED] = 0 teamCounts[CTS] = 0 teamCounts[TS] = 0 new a = get_maxplayers() for (new i = 1; i <= a; ++i) ++teamCounts[playerTeam] if (clientVGUIMenu[id][0] != '0') { set_user_info( id, "_vgui_menus", clientVGUIMenu[id] ) clientVGUIMenu[id][0] = '0' } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE }
// Change admin protection flag here #define ADMIN_PROTECT_PTB ADMIN_IMMUNITY // admin flag b sheit janomaina uz a jeb ka?
nu ja bet man vaig vnk lai ir say /admin ja ir kadam savadaks kods plz ielieciet to sheit
aaa nu thx pastisimies nedudomalsa...
Ar b nepietiek... hmm...
Da ne ka redzi viss ir bumbaas!!! #include <amxmodx> /*---------------EDIT ME------------------*/ #define ADMIN_CHECK ADMIN_KICK static const COLOR[] = "^x04" //green static const CONTACT[] = "/admin" /*----------------------------------------*/ new maxplayers new gmsgSayText public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Admin Check", "1.51", "OneEyed") maxplayers = get_maxplayers() gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText") register_clcmd("say", "handle_say") register_cvar("amx_contactinfo", CONTACT, FCVAR_SERVER) } public handle_say(id) { new said[192] read_args(said,192) if( ( containi(said, "who") != -1 && containi(said, "admin") != -1 ) || contain(said, "/admin") != -1 ) set_task(0.1,"print_adminlist",id) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public print_adminlist(user) { new adminnames[33][32] new message[256] new contactinfo[256], contact[112] new id, count, x, len for(id = 1 ; id <= maxplayers ; id++) if(is_user_connected(id)) if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_CHECK) get_user_name(id, adminnames[count++], 31) len = format(message, 255, "%s ADMINS ONLINE: ",COLOR) if(count > 0) { for(x = 0 ; x < count ; x++) { len += format(message[len], 255-len, "%s%s ", adminnames[x], x < (count-1) ? ", ":"") if(len > 96 ) { print_message(user, message) len = format(message, 255, "%s ",COLOR) } } print_message(user, message) } else { len += format(message[len], 255-len, "No admins online.") print_message(user, message) } get_cvar_string("amx_contactinfo", contact, 63) if(contact[0]) { format(contactinfo, 111, "%s Contact Server Admin -- %s", COLOR, contact) print_message(user, contactinfo) } } print_message(id, msg[]) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, {0,0,0}, id) write_byte(id) write_string(msg) message_end() }
4e za hrenj?! man admin check strada tik tad ja raksta say "./admin" "./admins" ka izlabot? lai vnk say "/admin" amxmodx foruma ari citiem tada problema ta4 tur her ko sapratisi no nigu valodas
Plugins Lai Change /server
SadiS^CCCP* replied to melidas's topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
;DDD psceec jusos paklausaas ganci ahuetj var ;DDD -
Ka aizsist lietotajam slotu un lai PTB nemetatu vinju vienkarshi pieliekot b burtu?
Kur tadu derounju dabuji? cs_serverstatus_menu jeb lielo serveru monitoru mekle...
Kuru pakalpojumu janem, tavam skriptam? Pamata, tad Informācijas ziņa? lai tavs skripts stradatu... Ka lai apvieno ar cs serveri sakara ar slotu aizsishanu, automatiska veida neko neesi dzirdejis?
sadis_007 skype
Ja ir radmins kursh ir jedzigs un saprotams jo jaunie ir kkadi jancigi, atsuti man tev sa4inishu un paradishu Es kad pirmo reiz meginaju no latvieshu pamacibam neko nepanacu, Iemeginaju russian pamacibu viss aizgajis, bet iespejams tomer palaidi garam kko.... Perlu iepisi?
Latvian Language
SadiS^CCCP* replied to SadiS^CCCP*'s topic in Servera konfigurācija, plugini, etc...
Padpozdiwiem lugums, uzvilkt sev uz galvas lielu vafeli un lieki nepurkstet -
Vai tiesham pa visu sho laiku bij tik gruti partulkot pilniba visu latviski un uz russ val? ;D jeb tiec valja no antoniem? Bik cita tema, bet ja gadiena kads zin tad pasakat plz.. ka iepist Logo ieksh servera, kad speletajam ekrana augseja dalja ir servera logo?