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Everything posted by l33tkr3wz00r

  1. Tas ir apmeram taa tavs stiims pievieno klat tf2 pie stima bet tas tf2 ir non steam
  2. Paskaties GIGN serveri ka citi speele atri iemacisies
  3. aizsuutiju uz to ii meilu jaagaida ko atrakstiis
  4. jaa to es saprotu , bet kas pa viirusu un ko dariit ?
  5. Tātad šitāds šits man jau stāv ilgi nezinu ko dariit domaaju gigna varbuut kaads paliidzes, un ir saskaaries ar taadu probleemu -irc.lv- *** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead - -irc.lv- *** Received identd response - -irc.lv- *** You are permanently banned from irc.lv (remove your virus and welcome back.[bh]) Email [email protected] for more information. - Closing Link: leetkrewzoor[] (User is permanently banned (remove your virus and welcome back.[bh])) - * Disconnected - * Connect cancelled
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