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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive update 5/1/14

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Ieroči jaunajā keisā:


Tā skaitā arī "Rare huntsman Knife", respektīvi jauni knife skini.


Galerija ar jaunajām uzlīmēm:


VISI SKINI APSKATĀMI ŠEIT: http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2014/05/9466/


ugliest knife ever.



  • Added the Huntsman Case.
  • Added the Bank Collection to the drop list.
  • Added Community Sticker Capsule One.


  • The bomb inventory icon in the UI now shows an arrow when you pick it up in a addition to the sound and center screen message.
  • Fixed some relative positioning of elements to the radar to work consistently with hud scaling and resolution.
  • Players now have the option to adjust HUD elements. This includes:
    • Place the Player Count element at the top of the screen or bottom (cl_hud_playercount_pos).
    • Show all avatars in the Player Count element or just the player count number (cl_hud_playercount_showcount).
    • Size the Radar element (cl_hud_radar_scale).
    • Choose a color to display the main parts of the HUD (health, ammo, money, etc) (cl_hud_color).
    • Adjust the HUD background alpha for the colored elements. (cl_hud_background_alpha).
    • Select to show the bomb position under the radar or in the default inventory position (cl_hud_bomb_under_radar).
    • Display the health and ammo with or without bars/bullets (cl_hud_healthammo_style).

    [*]Updated the look of the options menu.

    [*]Removed the pop-up confirmation dialogue in the video options menu with tooltips.

    [*]Added some tooltips to various options menu widgets.

    [*]Dropdown panels now don't go away and reappear when you click on them.

    [*]Drop panels will now hide if you click on the header when they are open.

    [*]The health number in the health panel now supports displaying numbers greater than 100.

    [*]Fixed the health bar not scaling properly with health greater than 100.

    [*]When a player opens a sticker capsule on the game server it will now correctly print in chat the rarity and actual sticker found.


  • UPS, M4A1-S, & CZ75a are now available in Community Arms Race and Demolition games. To use them, add them to your server's gamemodes config file.
  • Increased default downloadable file size from servers to 150MB, added client launch option -maxdownloadfilesizemb N if clients needs to download even larger files from community servers.
  • Added a convar weapon_reticle_knife_show, when enabled will show knife reticle on clients to be used for game modes requiring target id display when holding a knife.


  • Starting the game with a different anti-virus or in different paged pool memory configuration will no longer reset all video settings.
  • Fixed matchframework shutdown order during dedicated server shutdown process.



  • Added bomb teleport trigger, to prevent bomb getting stuck in water


  • Removed one-way dropdown near entrance to bombsite B, making the site easier to defend
  • Reduced volume of environment sounds
  • Removed ramp at back of truck in Bombsite A
  • Updated radar
    • Added cover in T side of canal
    • Made upper park divider wider
    • Improved visibility in park


  • More accurate collision model on blue truck

Edited by JEYRAZZ
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Ieročus var apskatīt

šeit - http://csgostash.com/


šeit - http://blog.counter-strike.net/



★ Huntsman Knife | Safari Mesh (Field-Tested) http://i.imgur.com/HzvwpQF.png

★ Huntsman Knife | Safari Mesh (Minimal Wear) http://i.imgur.com/lLxOW2R.png

★ Huntsman Knife | Fade (Factory New) http://i.imgur.com/bThNdvk.jpg

★ Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web (Field-Tested) http://prntscr.com/3fckmn

Edited by JEYRAZZ
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nazis patiesham ir dikti negliits, jaunais ak izskatas labi

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Kurš jau attaisijis kādu no šiem brīnumiem? Pats tiku pie iespēja atvērt vienu. Diemžēl nepaveicās, un pagāj garām USP par teiksim 5 centimetriem. ieguvu savā īpašumā Tec9 skinu.

Draugam paveicās uz visiem 100. Ieguva savā īpašumā M4A4 Howl ( Factory New )


Edited by burgerzz
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