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Problēma Ar /iedot Pluginu.

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Hay, radusies atkal problēma ar /iedot pluginu, ganjau visi zin ko tas plugs dara, kr4, kas šaja zemāk redzamajā kodā jaizlabo lai nevar atņemt naudu, respektīvi es rakstu /iedot Player -1 un man pieskaitas +1. :/ Tas nav diezko kruti..

/* AMX Mod script.
* (c) 2003, AssKicR
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
* Thanx to Vud911 for the idea
* Example: /iedot "persononyourteam" "amount" and it'll deducte the amount from your cash pool and add it to the targets.
* Result Of Example
* SuperNewbie: "Can someone send me some $$$ for awp???"
* SuperElitePlayerWhoHasTooMuch$$$: "I'm Bill Gates!!! 4000$ coming your way!!!
* SuperElitePlayerWhohasTooMuch$$$: "/transfer newbie 4000"
* [AMX] SuperElitePlayerWhohasTooMuch$$$ has transferred 4000$ to SuperNewbie. Give him a thanks  
* SuperNewbie: "Thank You SuperElitePlayerWhohasTooMuch$$$"
* Changelog
* v.1.0.0 - Released
* v 1.0.1 - Added a little more restriction... Dead People can't handle money anymore
* v 1.0.2 - Added Restrict for cash stealing
* v 1.0.3 - Added Cvars - mt_cashsteal, mt_cashdead, mt_cashteam
* v 1.0.4 - Checked Code - Found one error.. Fixed
* v 1.0.5 - Removed 7 instances of "return PLUGIN_CONTINUE" that was not supposed to be there
* v 1.0.6 - New Bug that i had to fix :@
* v 1.0.7 - Found the bug that *** up plugin
* v 1.0.8 - Another Update...

#include <amxmod>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fun>

public plugin_init() {  
    register_plugin("Cash Transfer","1.0.8","AssKicR")  
    return PLUGIN_CONTINUE  

public handle_say(id) {
//Show me the money

new said[31]
new cmd[10]
new target[9]
new amount[7]
new rest[5]
read_args(said, 30)
replace(said, 30, "^"", "")
parse(said, cmd,9, target,8, amount,6, rest,4)

new player = cmd_target(id,target,8)
new name[33]
new name2[33]
new team[32]
new team2[32]

if (equal(cmd, "/iedot", 9)) {
    new money = get_user_money(id)
    new money2 = get_user_money(player)
    new cash = str_to_num(amount)
    new bool:NoCantDo

    if (!is_user_alive(id)) {
        if (get_cvar_num("mt_cashdead")==0) {
            client_print(id,print_center,"You can't give away money while dead")
    if (!is_user_alive(player)) {
        if (get_cvar_num("mt_cashdead")==0) {
                client_print(id,print_center,"You can't give money to dead people")
    if (equal(name, name2)) {
                client_print(id,print_center,"You can't give money to yourself")
    if (!equal(team, team2)) {
        if (get_cvar_num("mt_cashteam")==0) {
                client_print(id,print_center,"You can't give money to the enemy team")
    if ((money2 + cash) > 16000) {
                client_print(id,print_center,"%s can't carry that much money")
    if (money < cash) {
                client_print(id,print_center,"You don't have that much money")
    if (cash < 0) {
        if (get_cvar_num("mt_cashsteal")==0) {
                client_print(id,print_center,"You can't steal %s's money",name2)
    if (!NoCantDo) {
        set_user_money(id, money - cash,1)
        set_user_money(player, money2 + cash,1)
        client_print(0,print_chat,"[Retry] %s iedeva %i $ %s. Pasaki paldies :)",name,cash,name2)
        engclient_cmd(id,"say Thank you %s",name)

Reku ir tads pats variants, tik neredzu tur atbildi

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Plugins labs tikai nav līdz galam izstrādāts - piemēram ja cilvēkam ir 15000 $ un tu dod viņam 2000 $ tad servera konsole metas plugina error, nu neko neparada ka nevar iedot naudu kr4 cerams sapratāt :)

L 09/10/2010 - 16:03:08: String formatted incorrectly - parameter 4 (total 3)
L 09/10/2010 - 16:03:08: [AMXX] Run time error 25 (plugin "give.amxx") - debug not enabled!
L 09/10/2010 - 16:03:08: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).

L 09/10/2010 - 15:22:22: [CSTRIKE] Player out of range (0)
L 09/10/2010 - 15:22:22: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "give.amxx") (native "cs_get_user_money") - debug not enabled!
L 09/10/2010 - 15:22:22: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).

Edited by Opium_doctor
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Omg, ja būtu galva uz pleciem un ieietu māte google tad sen būtu atradis nevis šeit raudātu un prasītu, lai mazulim ieliek mute knupiti! Domāju ka jums un jūsu krutajais administrācijai būtu tas jāprot!! Vizmas zinu 1 no jusu komunas cilvēku Za4uku ja viņš vispar tur kas ir!

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